Albert Einstein at School Class 11 Question and answers

Albert Einstein at School Summary Class 11 Question and answers

Chapter 4 of Snapshots is ‘Albert Einstein at School’ by Patrick Pringle. It describes how Albert Einstein was expelled from school. From his writing, we know how the greatest physicist of all time used to suffocate in the traditional education system. The chapter also highlights Einstein’s thoughts regarding education when he was a student. One must practise answer writing from this chapter to score better in exams.

About Patrick Pringle

About Patrick Pringle

Patrick Pringle was born in Rochester, New York in 1935.He is a wildlife biologist, wildlife photographer, and freelance writer.He has published numerous books about animals as well as fiction.He is a wildlife enthusiast who enjoys nature.’Dinosaurs and Their World’ was Patrick Pringle’s debut book.Patrick’s works have been international best-sellers in a variety of genres.Patrick Pringle has won numerous honors for his work.He went to Cornell and the University of Massachusetts.

Albert Einstein at School Summary

The extract is from a book called “Albert Einstein at School ”  by Patrick Pringle. We learn about the problems Albert faced in school and how he didn’t enjoy it. He questioned traditional teaching methods and didn’t feel like he belonged. Teachers didn’t like him because he challenged them and raised valid points. This sheds light on a lesser-known aspect of the genius physicist’s childhood and how even great minds face struggles with their intelligence.

Young Albert was in his History class when the teacher asked him about a date. He didn’t believe in memorizing dates and preferred to look them up when needed. He dislikes traditional teaching methods and teachers don’t like him. The History teacher got mad and kicked him out of class. Einstein was also unhappy at home and didn’t want to pass his school exams. He only wanted to study Science and didn’t understand why he needed to learn other subjects.

Albert was sent to Munich, but he didn’t take any interest and was wasting his father’s money. He had an epiphany and asked his friend, Yuri, to arrange for a doctor to write him off as a lunatic. But when he confessed his love for mathematics to the doctor, the headmaster called him and asked him to leave school due to his behavior. Albert was surprised as he was going to present the medical report, but he left the school without looking back and only met Yuri who wished him luck for his future.

In conclusion, the story of Albert Einstein at school shows that even the most genius minds face struggles, but it is these struggles that shape us.

Albert Einstein at School Summary in Hindi

Albert Einstein at School Summary in Hindi

यह अंश पैट्रिक प्रिंगल की पुस्तक “अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन एट स्कूल” से लिया गया है। हम सीखते हैं कि अल्बर्ट को स्कूल में किन  समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा और कैसे उसने इसका आनंद नहीं लिया। उन्होंने पारंपरिक शिक्षण विधियों पर सवाल उठाए और ऐसा महसूस नहीं किया कि वे उनसे संबंधित हैं। शिक्षक उसे पसंद नहीं करते थे क्योंकि वह उन्हें चुनौती देता था और वैध मुद्दे उठाता था।

 यह प्रतिभाशाली भौतिक विज्ञानी के बचपन के एक कम-ज्ञात पहलू पर प्रकाश डालता है और कैसे महान दिमागों को भी अपनी बुद्धि के साथ संघर्ष का सामना करना पड़ता है। युवा अल्बर्ट अपनी इतिहास की कक्षा में थे जब शिक्षक ने उनसे डेट के बारे में पूछा। वह तारीखें याद रखने में विश्वास नहीं करते थे और जरूरत पड़ने पर उन्हें देखना पसंद करते थे। उसे पारंपरिक शिक्षण पद्धतियाँ नापसंद हैं और शिक्षक भी उसे पसंद नहीं करते।

 इतिहास के शिक्षक क्रोधित हो गए और उसे कक्षा से बाहर निकाल दिया। आइंस्टीन  घर से भी नाखुश थे और अपनी स्कूल परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण नहीं करना चाहते थे। वह केवल विज्ञान पढ़ना चाहता था और उसे समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि उसे अन्य विषय सीखने की आवश्यकता क्यों है। अल्बर्ट को म्यूनिख भेजा गया, लेकिन उसने कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं ली और अपने पिता के पैसे बर्बाद कर रहा था। 

उसे एक आत्मज्ञान हुआ और उसने अपने मित्र यूरी से कहा कि वह एक डॉक्टर की व्यवस्था करे ताकि वह उसे पागल करार दे दे। लेकिन जब उन्होंने डॉक्टर के सामने गणित के प्रति अपने प्यार का इज़हार किया तो हेडमास्टर ने उन्हें बुलाया और उनके व्यवहार के कारण उन्हें स्कूल छोड़ने के लिए कहा। 

अल्बर्ट आश्चर्यचकित था क्योंकि वह मेडिकल रिपोर्ट पेश करने जा रहा था, लेकिन उसने बिना पीछे देखे स्कूल छोड़ दिया और केवल यूरी से मिला जिसने उसे उसके भविष्य के लिए शुभकामनाएं दीं। अंत में, स्कूल में अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन की कहानी से पता चलता है कि सबसे प्रतिभाशाली दिमागों को भी संघर्षों का सामना करना पड़ता है, लेकिन ये संघर्ष ही हमें आकार देते हैं।

Albert Einstein at School Summary in Assamese

Albert Einstein at School Summary in Assamese

এই উদ্ধৃতিটো পেট্ৰিক প্ৰিংগলৰ “Albert Einstein at School ” নামৰ কিতাপ এখনৰ পৰা লোৱা হৈছে। আমি জানিব পাৰোঁ যে এলবাৰ্টে স্কুলত সন্মুখীন হোৱা সমস্যাবোৰৰ বিষয়ে আৰু তেওঁ কেনেকৈ ভাল নাপালে। পৰম্পৰাগত পাঠদান পদ্ধতিক লৈ প্ৰশ্ন উত্থাপন কৰিছিল আৰু নিজৰ বুলি অনুভৱ কৰা নাছিল। শিক্ষকসকলে তেওঁক ভাল নাপালে কাৰণ তেওঁ তেওঁলোকক প্ৰত্যাহ্বান জনাই বৈধ কথা উত্থাপন কৰিছিল। ইয়াৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰতিভাশালী পদাৰ্থবিজ্ঞানীজনৰ শৈশৱৰ এটা কম পৰিচিত দিশৰ ওপৰত পোহৰ পৰে আৰু মহান মনবোৰেও কেনেকৈ নিজৰ বুদ্ধিমত্তাৰ সৈতে সংগ্ৰামৰ সন্মুখীন হয়।

ডেকা এলবাৰ্ট তেওঁৰ ইতিহাসৰ ক্লাছত থাকোঁতে শিক্ষকে তেওঁক ডেটৰ কথা সুধিলে। তেওঁ তাৰিখ মুখস্থ কৰাত বিশ্বাস কৰা নাছিল আৰু প্ৰয়োজনত সেইবোৰ বিচাৰি উলিয়াবলৈ পছন্দ কৰিছিল। তেওঁ পৰম্পৰাগত পাঠদান পদ্ধতি অপছন্দ কৰে আৰু শিক্ষকসকলেও তেওঁক ভাল নাপায়। ইতিহাসৰ শিক্ষকজনে উন্মাদ হৈ ক্লাছৰ পৰা বাহিৰ কৰি দিলে। আইনষ্টাইনও ঘৰত অসুখী আছিল আৰু স্কুলৰ পৰীক্ষাত উত্তীৰ্ণ হ’ব বিচৰা নাছিল। তেওঁ কেৱল বিজ্ঞান পঢ়িব বিচাৰিছিল আৰু আন বিষয় শিকিব লাগিব বুলি বুজি পোৱা নাছিল।

এলবাৰ্টক মিউনিখলৈ পঠিওৱা হ’ল যদিও তেওঁ কোনো সুত লোৱা নাছিল আৰু দেউতাকৰ ধন অপচয় কৰি আছিল। তেওঁৰ এপিফেনি হৈছিল আৰু বন্ধু ইউৰীক ডাক্তৰে তেওঁক পাগল বুলি লিখি পেলোৱাৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিবলৈ ক’লে। কিন্তু যেতিয়া তেওঁ ডাক্তৰৰ আগত গণিতৰ প্ৰতি থকা প্ৰেমৰ কথা স্বীকাৰ কৰে তেতিয়া প্ৰধান শিক্ষকে ফোন কৰি তেওঁৰ আচৰণৰ বাবে স্কুল এৰিবলৈ ক’লে। এলবাৰ্ট আচৰিত হৈছিল কাৰণ তেওঁ মেডিকেল ৰিপৰ্টটো দাখিল কৰিবলৈ ওলাইছিল যদিও তেওঁ পিছলৈ ঘূৰি নোচোৱাকৈয়ে স্কুল এৰি থৈ গৈছিল আৰু কেৱল ইউৰীক লগ পাইছিল যিয়ে তেওঁৰ ভৱিষ্যতৰ বাবে ভাগ্য কামনা কৰিছিল।

সামৰণিত স্কুলৰ এলবাৰ্ট আইনষ্টাইনৰ কাহিনীয়ে দেখুৱাইছে যে অতি প্ৰতিভাশালী মনবোৰেও সংগ্ৰামৰ সন্মুখীন হয়, কিন্তু এই সংগ্ৰামবোৰেহে আমাক গঢ় দিয়ে।

Gists of Albert Einstein at School

Albert Einstein, a smart student who struggles with his school’s strict and discouraged environment, is eventually expelled. He seeks the assistance of a doctor in order to obtain a medical certificate alleging a psychological breakdown in order to leave the institution and complete his education elsewhere. He obtains a wonderful recommendation from his math instructor and leaves school with no regrets, looking forward to a new beginning in Italy.

Key points:

  • Einstein dislikes the school’s strict and rote-learning approach.
  • He clashes with teachers and questions their methods.
  • He gets expelled for his poor performance and rebellious attitude.
  • He fakes a nervous breakdown to escape the school and pursue further education.
  • He receives a positive reference from his math teacher.
  • He leaves the school without looking back and is eager for a fresh start.
  • The passage mentions Einstein’s intellectual curiosity and independent thinking.
  • It highlights the contrast between Einstein’s genius and the school’s limitations.
  • It shows the compassion of Dr. Weil and Yuri, who support Einstein’s decision.
  • It ends with a sense of optimism and hope for Einstein’s future.

MCQ Questions with Correct Answers:

MCQ Questions with Correct Answers
  1. What does Albert Einstein struggle with at school?
  1. a) Making friends
  2. b) Rigid and uninspiring environment
  3. c) Understanding difficult concepts
  4. d) Following school rules

Ans:Rigid and uninspiring environment (Correct)

  1. How does Albert often clash with his teachers?
  1. a) By being disruptive in class
  2. b) By being late for class
  3. c) By questioning their methods and challenging the curriculum
  4. d) By not doing his homework

Ans: By questioning their methods and challenging the curriculum (Correct)  

  1. What does Mr. Braun, the history teacher, do when Albert questions the relevance of learning dates?
  1. a) He encourages Albert to think critically
  2. b) He reprimands him for disrespect
  3. c) He explains the importance of historical knowledge
  4. d) He ignores Albert’s question

Ans:He reprimands him for disrespect (Correct)

  1. Why does Albert eventually get expelled from school?
  1. a) For failing to meet academic standards and being disruptive
  2. b) For cheating on a test
  3. c) For missing too many classes
  4. d) For fighting with another student

Ans: For failing to meet academic standards and being disruptive (Correct)

  1. Who helps Albert get a medical certificate to leave the school?
  1. a) His parents
  2. b) His cousin Yuri
  3. c) His math teacher
  4. d) Dr. Weil

An:His cousin Yuri (Correct)

  1. What does the medical certificate claim about Albert’s condition?
  1. a) A nervous breakdown
  2. b) Chronic fatigue syndrome
  3. c) Depression
  4. d) Learning disability

Ans: A nervous breakdown (Correct)

  1. What does Mr. Koch, the math teacher, write in Albert’s reference letter?
  1. a) That Albert is ready for advanced math studies
  2. b) That Albert needs additional support in math
  3. c) That Albert is a disruptive student
  4. d) That Albert is not fit for further education

Ans:That Albert is ready for advanced math studies (Correct)

  1. How does the headmaster react when Albert requests an interview?
  1. a) He offers Albert support and guidance
  2. b) He asks Albert to explain his reasons for leaving
  3. c) He summons Albert to his office and expels him
  4. d) He ignores Albert’s request

Ans: He summons Albert to his office and expels him (Correct)  

  1. What reason does the headmaster give for expelling Albert?
  1. a) He claims Albert’s presence disrupts the learning environment
  2. b) He accuses Albert of cheating on exams
  3. c) He says Albert is not capable of succeeding academically
  4. d) He blames Albert for causing trouble in the school

Ans:He claims Albert’s presence disrupts the learning environment (Correct)

  1. How does Albert react to being expelled?
  1. a) He begs the headmaster to reconsider
  2. b) He argues with the headmaster
  3. c) He leaves the school without looking back
  4. d) He feels devastated and defeated

Ans: He leaves the school without looking back (Correct)  

  1. What does the passage suggest about Einstein’s intelligence and learning style?
  1. a) He struggles to learn and lacks curiosity
  2. b) He is highly intelligent but thrives on independent learning
  3. c) He is a good student who follows instructions
  4. d) He is easily distracted and lacks focus

Ans: He is highly intelligent but thrives on independent learning (Correct)

  1. What does Yuri believe is the main reason for Albert’s unhappiness at school?
  1. a) The strict and uninspiring learning environment
  2. b) The pressure to perform academically
  3. c) The lack of extracurricular activities
  4. d) The bullying he experiences from other students

Ans: The strict and uninspiring learning environment (Correct)

  1. Why does Einstein decide to go to Italy?
  1. a) To visit family
  2. b) To pursue further education in a different environment
  3. c) To escape from the authorities
  4. d) To start a new life

Ans:To pursue further education in a different environment (Correct)

  1. What does the passage imply about Einstein’s future?
  1. a) It suggests he will struggle to succeed in any academic setting
  2. b) It hints at his potential for future greatness
  3. c) It predicts he will become a rebellious and disruptive individual
  4. d) It leaves his future uncertain and open to interpretation

Ans: It hints at his potential for future greatness (Correct)

  1. What is the main theme of the passage?
  1. a) The importance of following rules and respecting authority
  2. b) The challenges of overcoming learning difficulties
  3. c) The clash between independent thinking and conventional education
  4. d) The negative impact of bullying on students

Ans:The clash between independent thinking and conventional education (Correct)

  1. What is the tone of the passage?
  1. a) Humorous and lighthearted
  2. b) Critical and thought-provoking
  3. c) Inspirational and hopeful
  4. d) Sarcastic and cynical

Ans:Critical and thought-provoking (Correct)

  1. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
  1. a) To criticize Einstein’s rebellious behavior
  2. b) To highlight the limitations of traditional education
  3. c) To entertain readers with a humorous story
  4. d) To provide a detailed biography of Albert Einstein

Ans: To highlight the limitations of traditional education (Correct)

  1. What message does the story ultimately convey about the importance of education?
  1. a) Education should be standardized and uniform for all students.
  2. b) Education should focus on rote learning and memorization of facts.
  3. c) Education should prioritize knowledge acquisition over critical thinking skills.
  4. d) Education should be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of individual students.

Ans: Education should be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of individual students. (Correct)

  1. What does Albert’s expulsion ultimately represent in the context of the story?
  1. a) A victory for the school’s strict and traditional approach to education.
  2. b) A confirmation of Albert’s intelligence and potential for greatness.
  3. c) A failure of the education system to nurture and encourage independent thought.
  4. d) A tragic consequence of Albert’s rebellious and disrespectful nature.

Ans: A failure of the education system to nurture and encourage independent thought.(correct)

  1. Throughout the passage, Albert’s actions demonstrate which of the following qualities most prominently?
  1. a) A strong sense of self-belief and confidence in his own abilities.
  2. b) A submissive and compliant attitude towards authority figures.
  3. c) A lack of interest in learning and academic pursuits.
  4. d) A manipulative and deceptive nature in order to get what he wants.

Ans: A strong sense of self-belief and confidence in his own abilities.(correct)

Albert Einstein at School Question and answers

Albert Einstein at School Question and answers
Question 1. Why did the History teacher call Einstein a disgrace?

Einstein claimed that he couldn’t remember the dates from history books. That irritated the teacher. Einstein continued that true education was about grabbing concepts rather than memorizing facts. His traditional teacher did not accept his viewpoint and declared him a disgrace for failing to obey the texts.

Question 2. Describe the place where Einstein lived during his school days.

Answer : Einstein resided in one of Munich’s poorest neighborhoods, in a slum area. He was poor on food and comfort. The slum’s violence worried him much. There used to be a lot of noise in the house because the landlady used to beat her children and her husband would come home drunk every Saturday and beat her.

Question 3. What was Einstein’s plan to escape school?

Answer : Einstein decided to see a doctor and ask for a medical certificate .He told the doctor that he was suffering from a nervous breakdown. His plan was to show the certificate to the head teacher and get six months’ break from his boring school. Within that time, he would return to his parents and get admission to a college. Thus, he would leave school.

Question 4. How did Yuri help him to get a medical certificate?

Answer : Yuri knew a number of medical students. He stated that he would assist in finding a doctor. He also found a newly graduated doctor who was a friend. He explained to the doctor why Einstein wanted a certificate. As a result, the doctor decided to assist Einstein without paying any costs because Yuri was a close friend of theirs.

Question 5. Why did the doctor help Einstein?

Answer : The doctor was a medical student who had just graduated a week earlier. He was aware of how suffocating the school system was and sympathized with Einstein’s condition. He knew from Yuri how badly Einstein wanted to drop out of school. He recognized Einstein was on the verge of a psychological breakdown and required the school leaving certificate. So he decided to help Einstein by giving him a medical certificate.

Question 6. Why was Einstein expelled from school?

Answer : According to the principal, Einstein was expelled from school because he disturbed the class. Teachers couldn’t teach during  Einstein’s presence. According to them he was interfering in the teaching and learning processes.

Question 7. What do you understand of Einstein’s nature from his conversations with his History teacher, his Mathematics teacher and the head teacher?

Answer : Einstein was one of the best scientists of all time. We can learn about his personality from the text. The chapter begins with Einstein debating with his history teacher. We can see from the reasoning that Einstein was being truthful. Despite his teacher’s rage, he maintained his argument. That expresses his character’s basic honesty.

We can see how the teacher praised his skill in his quick communication with the Mathematics teacher. He also said that if he did not teach, Einstein would teach him. But Einstein remained calm. It shows how humble and down-to-earth he was.

We can see Einstein’s pride in the interactions he has with the head teacher. He knew he had committed no crime, so he walked out of the office with his head held high, ignoring the head teacher’s command to close the door. At the same time, he resisted the want to voice his feelings about the school and its teachers. It displays his self-control. Einstein remained polite to his professors throughout the story, explaining that he was a genuine guy.

Question 8. Why did Einstein not want to complete his diploma?

Answer : Einstein was bored of going to school. The old educational system suffocated him. His opinions on schooling can be found at the beginning of the chapter. He was tired of remembering dates and years . However, the teacher did not accept any of his ideas and simply criticized him. He was interested in science, but it wasn’t encouraged in his school. We can see that he like Geology but did not have the opportunity to study it in school. The only time he did not suffer was during the Mathematics period. As a result, he thought he was wasting his time in school because he was studying subjects he didn’t care about. At the same time, his teachers did not value his originality.Instead, he was considered as a nuisance in the classroom. Each passing day at school became uncomfortable for him. He was afraid of having a nervous breakdown if he stayed there. So, he desired to leave the college and not complete his diploma.

Founder of Englishfry.com, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website Studyfunnel.com, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-Asst.Professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.

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