Poem – Reunion: Echoes of Time

This poem describes a reunion by the Brahmaputra River, where the speaker reflects on the connection they share with former students, the warmth of their bond, and the lasting impact of  mentorship on the students' lives. It also emphasizes the nostalgia and the significance of revisiting old bonds in a natural and serene setting beside the mighty river. 

What is iambic pentameter?

Iambic pentameter is a rhythm structure, used most commonly in poetry, that combines unstressed syllables and stressed syllables in groups of five. Pentameter is the most famous meter for iambic poetry, but it’s not the only one — there’s dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, etc. William Shakespeare loved using this iambic meter in his plays and poetry for the flow it created.

" It has almost consumed more than a month for me to write this poem. Hope my readers can savor its aroma."

Reunion: Echoes of Time


Journeying beside the Brahmaputra’s serene shore,

 In nature’s embrace, memories of yore we explore,

Under the sun’s warm glow, a bond we can’t ignore,

 Moments shared with Jiumon, Udipta, and Nabadeep, we adore,

 Old students, now grown, their stories we implore,

Nurtured minds and spirits, like a river’s evermore.

Under the sun’s gentle arc, time’s passing showed its face,

Discovering the essence of youth, in their embrace,

 In their eyes, lessons learned, like a timeless space,

Physical changes, yet within, our shared grace,

Tender hands from the past, in this reunion’s place,

 Amidst the Brahmaputra’s whispers, old bonds we retrace.

Now, as the sun sets in a golden blaze,

 Age-old stories unfold in nostalgic haze,

Blessed reunion, as time’s river calmly sways,

Against the backdrop of the Brahmaputra’s grace,

Days of teaching and friendship we now rephrase,

Each moment shared, in our hearts, finds its place.

Each chapter revisited, in the river’s gentle song,

Part of each other’s tales, where we all belong.

Well if you could not demystify the real essence,Dont panic! Certainly, I’ll also paraphrase each line of the poem for my readers better comprehension:

  1. “Journeying beside the Brahmaputra’s serene shore”:
    • This line sets the scene by describing the speaker’s location, which is alongside the Brahmaputra River. The use of “serene shore” conveys a peaceful and calm environment.
  2. “In nature’s embrace, memories of yore we explore”:
    • Here, the speaker highlights their connection with nature, suggesting that the natural surroundings trigger memories of the past (“memories of yore”). The word “explore” implies a sense of nostalgia and reflection.
  3. “Under the sun’s warm glow, a bond we can’t ignore”:
    • This line describes the warmth of the sun, symbolizing the positive and heartfelt emotions experienced during the reunion. The “bond” mentioned refers to the connection between the speaker and their former students, which is so strong that it cannot be overlooked or dismissed.
  4. “Moments shared with Jiumon, Udipta, and Nabadeep, we adore”:
    • This line mentions the names of the students (Jiumon, Udipta, and Nabadeep) and expresses affection for the moments they have shared together. The word “adore” emphasizes the deep appreciation and fondness for these memories.
  5. “Old students, now grown, their stories we implore”:
    • The line acknowledges that the students have grown older since the speaker last saw them. “Implore” indicates a strong desire to hear and learn from the experiences and stories of these former students.
  6. “Nurtured minds and spirits, like a river’s evermore”:
    • This concluding line reflects on the impact of the speaker’s teaching and mentorship. It suggests that the speaker has played a role in nurturing the intellectual and emotional development of their students. The phrase “like a river’s evermore” implies that the influence and guidance provided by the speaker endure over time, much like a river that flows continuously.


Lets’s break down each line of the 2nd Stanza :
  1. “Under the sun’s gentle arc, time’s passing showed its face”:
    • This line describes the setting under the sun’s gentle arc, suggesting a peaceful and sunny atmosphere. The phrase “time’s passing showed its face” conveys the idea that the passage of time becomes evident or visible in such moments, perhaps in the appearance of the individuals involved.
  2. “Discovering the essence of youth, in their embrace”:
    • Here, the speaker reflects on the youthfulness of the people they are meeting, indicating that being in their presence allows the speaker to reconnect with the vibrancy and vitality of youth. The word “embrace” suggests a warm and welcoming interaction.
  3. “In their eyes, lessons learned, like a timeless space”:
    • This line focuses on the eyes of the individuals, emphasizing that their eyes hold the wisdom and experiences they have gained over time. The phrase “like a timeless space” suggests that these lessons are enduring and have a lasting impact.
  4. “Physical changes, yet within, our shared grace”:
    • This part acknowledges that there have been physical changes in the individuals over time, such as aging or maturing. However, the phrase “our shared grace” highlights the enduring quality of the connection between the speaker and these individuals, suggesting that despite external changes, their inner qualities remain graceful and unchanged.
  5. “Tender hands from the past, in this reunion’s place”:
    • The line refers to the hands of the individuals as “tender,” indicating a sense of nostalgia and familiarity from the past. “Reunion’s place” underscores that this meeting is a special gathering where they come together again.
  6. “Amidst the Brahmaputra’s whispers, old bonds we retrace”:
    • The final line evokes the natural surroundings by mentioning the Brahmaputra River’s “whispers.” “Old bonds we retrace” conveys the act of revisiting and reminiscing about the connections and relationships that have endured over time. It symbolizes the rekindling of old friendships and the nostalgia associated with these bonds.

Now let me demystify  each line of the poem from the 3rd stanza:

  1. “Now, as the sun sets in a golden blaze”:
    • This line sets the stage by describing the current moment when the sun is setting with a brilliant and golden display. It symbolizes the end of a day or a phase and the transition to something new.
  2. “Age-old stories unfold in nostalgic haze”:
    • Here, the poem suggests that with the sunset and the gathering of old friends, stories from the past are being recounted. The “nostalgic haze” indicates a sense of longing and fond remembrance associated with these stories.
  3. “Blessed reunion, as time’s river calmly sways”:
    • This line describes the gathering as a “blessed reunion,” signifying the appreciation of being together again. “Time’s river calmly sways” likens the passage of time to a flowing river, suggesting that despite the changes, there’s a sense of peace and continuity in the reunion.
  4. “Against the backdrop of the Brahmaputra’s grace”:
    • This phrase places the reunion within the context of the Brahmaputra River, emphasizing the river’s grace and natural beauty as a backdrop for their gathering. It adds a sense of serenity and tranquility to the scene.
  5. “Days of teaching and friendship we now rephrase”:
    • The line acknowledges the shared history of teaching and friendship. “Rephrase” suggests that they are revisiting and reinterpreting their past experiences, perhaps finding new meaning or perspective in them.
  6. “Each moment shared, in our hearts, finds its place”:
    • This part of the poem underscores the significance of the moments they are sharing during the reunion. It implies that these moments are being cherished and remembered, finding a special place in their hearts.
  7. “Each chapter revisited, in the river’s gentle song”:
    • This line metaphorically likens the stories and experiences of their lives to chapters in a book. “The river’s gentle song” signifies the soothing and continuous flow of time, where each chapter of their lives is revisited.
  8. “Part of each other’s tales, where we all belong”:
    • The final line emphasizes the interconnectedness of their lives. They are all part of each other’s stories and belong to one another’s narratives, symbolizing the enduring bond of friendship and shared experiences.

In summary, this poem portrays a heartfelt and reflective reunion where old stories are recounted, and the significance of their shared history is celebrated against the backdrop of the beautiful Brahmaputra River. It emphasizes the lasting impact of their experiences and connections on their hearts and lives.

Founder of Englishfry.com, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website Studyfunnel.com, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.

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