In a remote village, plagued by an unrelenting drought, resides a farmer named Lencho. His life takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself in dire straits, compelled to reach out to the divine for help .
The Desperate Plea
One fateful day, Lencho decides to pen a heartfelt letter to God, seeking 100 pesos, the local currency, to safeguard his family through these trying times. He seals his earnest words in an envelope and entrusts it to the post office, an act of unwavering faith.
The Postmaster’s Discovery
The postmaster, a pragmatic soul, receives Lencho’s letter, initially amused by its contents. However, a spark of kindness ignites within him. Rather than dismissing the plea, he takes it upon himself to respond to Lencho, masquerading as God. In a gesture of goodwill, he places 10 pesos in the envelope before sending it back to Lencho.
Lencho’s Mixed Emotions
When Lencho receives the response, his gratitude mingles with disappointment; the money falls short of what he had asked for. Suspicion clouds his mind, believing that the postal workers might have taken a share of his requested amount.
Unwavering Faith
Undeterred by this setback, Lencho decides to write a second letter to God, beseeching the remaining 90 pesos. The postmaster, deeply moved by Lencho’s unwavering faith, decides to rally his colleagues, urging them to contribute to this noble cause. Touched by Lencho’s sincerity and generosity, they manage to gather the money he needs.
A Divine Miracle
Upon receiving the second letter, complete with the full amount, Lencho is overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. He perceives this as a divine miracle and offers thanks for the incredible intervention he believes God has orchestrated in his favor.
Valuable Life Lessons
This undying tale imparts treasured lessons. It highlights the amazing strength of faith, demonstrating how it could beef up one’s spirit in the face of adversity. It additionally underscores the significance of empathy and kindness. The postmaster and his colleagues, regardless of being strangers to Lencho, pick to make a difference in his lifestyle via their altruistic actions.
The Characters
The significant character in this heartwarming narrative is Lencho, a modest, hardworking farmer who strives to provide for his circle of relatives, and whose devout religion in God sustains him through tough times. On the other hand, the postmaster, to begin with, a practical man or woman, transforms, moving from amusement to proper empathy, all the way to Lencho’s unshakeable faith.
In the coronary heart of this touching tale, we discover the embodiment of religion, resilience, and the extremely good impact of an unmarried act of kindness. Lencho’s letters to God remind us that even in the face of adversity, unwavering faith and the kindness of strangers can lead to miracles.
Lencho’s tale is a testament to the human spirit’s potential to bear and the transformative electricity of empathy. In instances of complication, we can draw power from our faith and make a distinction in the lives of others via small acts of kindness.
I hope this explanation helps you understand the story better. Let me know in the comment section ,if you have any further questions!
Here i am providing 21 questions based on the CBSE/SEBA Class 10 English Chapter “A Letter to God” and attempting to answer it in my own words:
Table of Contents
ToggleWords and their meanings:
- Crops – The produce of cultivated plants, especially those grown for food.
- Hailstorm – A storm with small balls of ice that falls like rain.
- Torrential – Relating to or having the character of a torrent; pouring in abundance.
- Reverently – With deep and solemn respect.
- Parishioner – A member or inhabitant of a particular parish.
- Postmaster – The person who is in charge of a post office.
- Addressed – Direct a spoken or written remark, greeting, or question to (someone).
- Stamped – Mark (a letter, envelope, or package) with a stamp, especially an official mark.
- Miraculous – Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, or manifesting such power.
- Envelope – A flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.
I hope this helps you! Let me know if you have any other questions.

एक दूरदराज के गांव में, जो लगातार सूखे से पीड़ित था, लेंचो नाम का एक किसान रहता है। उसके जीवन में एक अप्रत्याशित मोड़ आता है जब वह खुद को बेहद मुश्किल में पाता है और मदद के लिए परमात्मा के पास पहुंचने के लिए मजबूर हो जाता है। हताश दलील एक दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण दिन, लेन्चो ने इस कठिन समय में अपने परिवार की सुरक्षा के लिए, स्थानीय मुद्रा, 100 पेसोस की मांग करते हुए, भगवान को एक हार्दिक पत्र लिखने का फैसला किया। वह अपने सच्चे शब्दों को एक लिफाफे में बंद करके डाकघर को सौंप देता है, जो कि अटूट विश्वास का कार्य है।
पोस्टमास्टर की खोज पोस्टमास्टर, एक व्यावहारिक आत्मा, लेन्चो का पत्र प्राप्त करता है, शुरू में इसकी सामग्री से चकित होता है। हालाँकि, उसके भीतर दयालुता की चिंगारी जलती है। याचिका को खारिज करने के बजाय, वह भगवान के भेष में लेनचो को जवाब देने की जिम्मेदारी लेता है। सद्भावना के संकेत में, उसने लिफाफे को लेन्चो को वापस भेजने से पहले उसमें 10 पेसोस रखे। लेंचो की मिश्रित भावनाएँ जब लेंचो को प्रतिक्रिया मिलती है, तो उसकी कृतज्ञता निराशा के साथ मिल जाती है; उसने जो माँगा था उससे पैसा कम पड़ जाता है।
उसके मन में संदेह के बादल छा गए, यह विश्वास करते हुए कि डाक कर्मचारियों ने उसकी अनुरोधित राशि का हिस्सा ले लिया होगा। अटूट विश्वास इस झटके से विचलित हुए बिना, लेंचो ने शेष 90 पेसोस की याचना करते हुए, भगवान को दूसरा पत्र लिखने का फैसला किया। पोस्टमास्टर, लेन्चो के अटूट विश्वास से बहुत प्रभावित हुआ, उसने अपने सहयोगियों को एकजुट करने का फैसला किया, और उनसे इस नेक काम में योगदान देने का आग्रह किया। लेंचो की ईमानदारी और उदारता से प्रभावित होकर, वे उसकी ज़रूरत के हिसाब से पैसे जुटाने में कामयाब हो जाते हैं।
एक दिव्य चमत्कार पूरी राशि सहित दूसरा पत्र प्राप्त करने पर, लेंचो खुशी और कृतज्ञता से अभिभूत हो जाता है। वह इसे एक दैवीय चमत्कार मानता है और उस अविश्वसनीय हस्तक्षेप के लिए धन्यवाद देता है, जिसके बारे में उसका मानना है कि भगवान ने उसके पक्ष में यह व्यवस्था की है। मूल्यवान जीवन पाठ यह अमर कहानी अनमोल शिक्षा प्रदान करती है। यह विश्वास की अद्भुत ताकत को उजागर करता है, यह दर्शाता है कि यह प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों में किसी की भावना को कैसे मजबूत कर सकता है।
यह सहानुभूति और दयालुता के महत्व को भी रेखांकित करता है। पोस्टमास्टर और उनके सहकर्मी, लेंचो के लिए अजनबी होने के बावजूद, अपने परोपकारी कार्यों के माध्यम से उसकी जीवनशैली में बदलाव लाना चुनते हैं। पात्र इस हृदयस्पर्शी कथा में महत्वपूर्ण पात्र लेन्चो है, जो एक विनम्र, मेहनती किसान है जो अपने रिश्तेदारों के लिए भरण-पोषण करने का प्रयास करता है, और ईश्वर में उसकी आस्था उसे कठिन समय में सहारा देती है। दूसरी ओर, पोस्टमास्टर, सबसे पहले, एक व्यावहारिक पुरुष या महिला, रूपांतरित होता है, मनोरंजन से उचित सहानुभूति की ओर बढ़ते हुए, लेन्चो के अटल विश्वास की ओर।
इस मर्मस्पर्शी कहानी के केंद्र में, हम विश्वास, लचीलेपन और दयालुता के एक एकल कार्य के अत्यंत सकारात्मक प्रभाव का प्रतीक पाते हैं। लेन्चो के ईश्वर को लिखे पत्र हमें याद दिलाते हैं कि प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों में भी, अटूट विश्वास और अजनबियों की दयालुता चमत्कार का कारण बन सकती है। निष्कर्ष लेंचो की कहानी मानव आत्मा की स्थायी क्षमता और सहानुभूति की परिवर्तनकारी बिजली का एक प्रमाण है। जटिलता के मामलों में, हम अपने विश्वास से शक्ति प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और दयालुता के छोटे कार्यों के माध्यम से दूसरों के जीवन में बदलाव ला सकते हैं।

অদম্য খৰাঙে জুৰুলা কৰা এখন দুৰ্গম গাঁৱত লেঞ্চো নামৰ এজন কৃষক বাস কৰে। তেওঁৰ জীৱনটোৱে অভাৱনীয় ৰূপ লয় যেতিয়া তেওঁ নিজকে ভয়াৱহ সংকটত পৰে, সহায়ৰ বাবে ঈশ্বৰৰ ওচৰলৈ হাত আগবঢ়াবলৈ বাধ্য হয়। দ্য ডেস্পেৰেট প্লি এদিন ভাগ্যৰ দিনত লেঞ্চোৱে ভগৱানলৈ এখন আন্তৰিক চিঠি লিখিবলৈ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়, এই কঠিন সময়বোৰৰ মাজেৰে নিজৰ পৰিয়ালক সুৰক্ষিত কৰিবলৈ ১০০ পেছ’, স্থানীয় মুদ্ৰা বিচাৰি।
তেওঁ নিজৰ আন্তৰিক কথাবোৰ খাম এটাত ছীল কৰি ডাকঘৰত অৰ্পণ কৰে, অদম্য বিশ্বাসৰ কাম। পোষ্টমাষ্টাৰৰ আৱিষ্কাৰ ডাকঘৰৰ মাষ্টৰ, এজন প্ৰাগমেটিক আত্মাই লেঞ্চোৰ চিঠিখন লাভ কৰে, প্ৰথমতে ইয়াৰ বিষয়বস্তুৱে আমোদ দিয়ে। অৱশ্যে তেওঁৰ ভিতৰত দয়াৰ স্ফুলিংগ জ্বলি উঠে। অনুৰোধটো খাৰিজ কৰাতকৈ তেওঁ লেঞ্চোৰ উত্তৰ দিয়াৰ দায়িত্ব লয়, ঈশ্বৰৰ বেশত। সদিচ্ছাৰ ইংগিতত তেওঁ খামটোত ১০ পেছ’ থৈ লেঞ্চোলৈ ঘূৰাই পঠিয়াই দিয়ে।
লেঞ্চোৰ মিক্সড ইমোচনছ যেতিয়া লেঞ্চোৱে সঁহাৰি পায়, তেতিয়া তেওঁৰ কৃতজ্ঞতা হতাশাৰ সৈতে মিলি যায়; টকাখিনি তেওঁ বিচৰাতকৈ কম হৈ পৰে। সন্দেহে তেওঁৰ মনটো ডাৱৰীয়া কৰি পেলায়, বিশ্বাস কৰে যে ডাকঘৰৰ কৰ্মচাৰীয়ে হয়তো তেওঁৰ অনুৰোধ কৰা ধনৰ অংশ ল’লেহেঁতেন। অটল বিশ্বাস এই বিপৰ্যয়ৰ পৰা নিৰুৎসাহিত নহৈ লেঞ্চোৱে বাকী ৯০ পেছ’ৰ বাবে অনুৰোধ কৰি ঈশ্বৰলৈ দ্বিতীয়খন চিঠি লিখাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়।
লেঞ্চোৰ অটল বিশ্বাসত গভীৰভাৱে আপ্লুত হৈ ডাকঘৰৰ মাষ্টৰে তেওঁৰ সহকৰ্মীসকলক একত্ৰিত কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়, তেওঁলোকক এই উচ্চ কাৰ্য্যত অৰিহণা যোগাবলৈ আহ্বান জনায়। লেঞ্চোৰ আন্তৰিকতা আৰু উদাৰতাই স্পৰ্শ কৰি তেওঁলোকে তেওঁৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয় ধন সংগ্ৰহ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হয়।
এটা ঐশ্বৰিক অলৌকিকতা সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰিমাণৰ সৈতে সম্পূৰ্ণ দ্বিতীয়খন চিঠি পোৱাৰ লগে লগে লেঞ্চো আনন্দ আৰু কৃতজ্ঞতাৰে আপ্লুত হৈ পৰে। তেওঁ এইটোক এক ঐশ্বৰিক অলৌকিকতা হিচাপে গ্ৰহণ কৰে আৰু ঈশ্বৰে তেওঁৰ পক্ষত আয়োজন কৰা বুলি বিশ্বাস কৰা অবিশ্বাস্য হস্তক্ষেপৰ বাবে ধন্যবাদ জনায়। মূল্যৱান জীৱনৰ পাঠ এই অমৰ কাহিনীয়ে বহুমূলীয়া শিক্ষা প্ৰদান কৰে।
ই বিশ্বাসৰ আচৰিত শক্তিক উজ্জ্বল কৰি তোলে, প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰে যে ই কেনেকৈ প্ৰতিকূলতাৰ সন্মুখীন হৈ মানুহৰ আত্মাক শক্তিশালী কৰিব পাৰে। ইয়াৰ উপৰিও ই সহানুভূতি আৰু দয়াৰ তাৎপৰ্য্যৰ ওপৰত আলোকপাত কৰে। ডাকঘৰৰ মাষ্টৰ আৰু তেওঁৰ সহকৰ্মীসকলে লেঞ্চোৰ বাবে অচিনাকি যিয়েই নহওক কিয়, তেওঁলোকৰ পৰমপৰা কামৰ জৰিয়তে তেওঁৰ জীৱনশৈলীত পৰিৱৰ্তন আনিবলৈ বাছি লয়।
চৰিত্ৰবোৰ এই হৃদয়স্পৰ্শী আখ্যানৰ উল্লেখযোগ্য চৰিত্ৰটো হৈছে লেঞ্চো, এজন বিনয়ী, কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমী কৃষক যিয়ে নিজৰ আত্মীয়ৰ মহলৰ যোগান ধৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰে আৰু যাৰ ঈশ্বৰৰ প্ৰতি থকা ভক্তিপূৰ্ণ ধৰ্মই তেওঁক কঠিন সময়ৰ মাজেৰে টিকিয়াই ৰাখে। আনহাতে, ডাকঘৰৰ মাষ্টাৰজনে আৰম্ভণিতে এজন ব্যৱহাৰিক পুৰুষ বা মহিলাই ৰূপান্তৰিত হয়, আমোদৰ পৰা সঠিক সহানুভূতিলৈ গতি কৰে, লেঞ্চোৰ অটল বিশ্বাসলৈকে।
এই মৰ্মস্পৰ্শী কাহিনীটোৰ ক’ৰ’নাৰী হৃদয়ত আমি ধৰ্ম, স্থিতিস্থাপকতা আৰু অবিবাহিত দয়াৰ কাৰ্য্যৰ অত্যন্ত ভাল প্ৰভাৱৰ মূৰ্ত ৰূপ আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰোঁ। লেঞ্চোৰ ঈশ্বৰলৈ লিখা পত্ৰবোৰে আমাক সোঁৱৰাই দিয়ে যে প্ৰতিকূলতাৰ সন্মুখীন হ’লেও অদম্য বিশ্বাস আৰু অচিনাকি মানুহৰ দয়াই অলৌকিক কাৰ্য্যৰ সূচনা কৰিব পাৰে।
উপসংহাৰ লেঞ্চোৰ কাহিনীটোৱেই হৈছে মানৱ আত্মাৰ সহ্য কৰাৰ ক্ষমতা আৰু সহানুভূতিৰ পৰিৱৰ্তনশীল বিদ্যুৎৰ প্ৰমাণ। জটিলতাৰ দৃষ্টান্তত আমি আমাৰ বিশ্বাসৰ পৰা শক্তি আহৰণ কৰিব পাৰো আৰু সৰু সৰু দয়াৰ কাৰ্য্যৰ জৰিয়তে আনৰ জীৱনত পাৰ্থক্য স্থাপন কৰিব পাৰো।

Textual & Extra Question and Answers
1.What motivated Lencho to write a letter to God?
Answer: Lencho was motivated to write a letter to God because his region was going through a drought, and his crops were destroyed. As a farmer, he was unable to provide for his family, and he felt helpless. He believed that God could help him and his family in this difficult time, and he decided to write a letter asking for assistance.
2. What does the story suggest about human nature?
Answer: The story suggests that humans have the capacity for both goodness and greed. Lencho is a simple and honest farmer who is struggling to make ends meet, but he still has faith in God and believes in the kindness of others. The postmaster and his colleagues also demonstrate kindness and empathy towards Lencho by contributing money to help him. However, the story also shows that humans can be greedy and dishonest. Lencho believes that some of the money was stolen by postal workers, and the postmaster initially laughs at Lencho’s letter to God.
3.What is the significance of the title “A Letter to God”?
Answer: The title “A Letter to God” holds significant meaning as it reflects the central theme of the story. The story revolves around a poor farmer who writes a letter to God in hopes of receiving financial help to fix his crop damage caused by a storm. The title suggests that the farmer has faith in God and believes that God can help him in his difficult time.
Furthermore, the title implies that the letter is a form of communication between the farmer and God. The act of writing a letter to God shows the farmer\’s desperation and willingness to do anything to save his crops. The title also suggests that the letter is a plea for help, as the farmer sees God as a powerful and benevolent entity who can answer his prayers.
Overall, the title “A Letter to God” highlights the central theme of faith and the belief in a higher power. It also emphasizes the farmer’s humility and his trust in God’s ability to provide for him in times of need. The title sets the tone for the story and prepares the reader for the message that the story conveys, which is the power of faith and the importance of perseverance in times of adversity.
4.Why did the postmaster send a reply to lencho?
Answer:The postmaster sent a reply to Lencho because he was moved by Lencho’s faith. He knew that Lencho couldn’t send the letter to God. Instead, he decided to reply to Lencho himself, pretending to be God and sending him the money he had asked for. The postmaster did this out of compassion and a desire to help Lencho in his time of need.
By sending a reply to Lencho, the postmaster was able to provide him with the assistance he needed without breaking any rules or causing any harm. Lencho was overjoyed to receive the money and believed that it was a miracle from God. The postmaster’s kind act not only helped Lencho and his family, but also demonstrated the power of compassion and the importance of helping others in need.
5.What were lencho’s feeling when the rain stopped? What were Lencho’s feelings when the hailstorm stopped?
Answer: When the rain stopped, Lencho felt a sense of relief. He was grateful that the storm had passed, but later when he surveyed his crops, he realized that his crops had been destroyed. Lencho felt devastated because his family depended on the crops for their livelihood. He felt helpless and worried . Despite his despair, Lencho still had faith in God and wrote a letter to Him, asking for help.
6.Why did Lencho’s happy mood change into concern?
Ans:Lencho had a strong faith in God, when for his crops he needed rain, Lencho wished and prayed for the rain to God. Next morning, he sat in his house and waited for the rain. As soon as the rain started, he became very happy and began calling the raindrops silver coins. But unfortunately, the rain was accompanied with hails storm, it turned into a disaster to the crops, plants and trees, not even a leaf remained on them. The crops were totally destroyed.Seeing this, Lencho’s heart was filled with sadness and thus his mood changed totally.
7. Did the letter reach to God? Why did the postmaster reply to Lencho’s letter?
Ans: Literally, the letter did not reach as God is an abstract idea or belief having no concrete address in wordily
connotations. If we see from an angle of faith then it can be contended that the God helped Lencho through men at
the post office.
8. Why did Lencho write his second letter?
Ans: Lencho was angry to see only 70 pesos and thought that the post office employees had stolen the rest of the
9. Who was Lencho? What were his main problems?
Ans:Lencho was a poor diligent farmer who lived on the crest of a low hill. His main problems were lack of rainfall
which his crops required in order to give him a good harvest for the year and a plague of locusts that could attack
and destroy his crops, leaving him with nothing to earn or survive on.
10. Why did Lencho not want the money to be sent through mail?
Ans:Lencho did not want the money to be sent through mail because he did not trust the post office employees.
Earlier, when he asked for a hundred pesos, he only received seventy. He believed the post office employees to be a
bunch of crooks who would also steal the remaining amount of money.
11. What were Lencho’s feelings when the hailstorm stopped?
Ans:Lencho was filled with utter sadness when the hailstorm stopped. He was troubled to see the corn which was
totally destroyed. Nothing was left in the fields. He and his family had to go hungry without corn as he suffered huge
losses in the hailstorm.
12. What did Lencho hope for?
Answer :Lencho hoped for a good rain as it was much needed for a good harvest.
13. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’?
Answer :Lencho compared the raindrops with new coins because they were promising him a good harvest resulting in more prosperity.
14. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho’s fields?
Answer :The rain changed into hailstones as a strong wind began to blow and huge hailstones began to fall alongwith the rain. All the crops in Lencho’s field got destroyed because of the weather conditions.
15. Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?
Answer :Lencho had firm faith in God. He believed ‘ that God sees everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience and help everyone in one’s problems. He wrote a letter to God demanding him a hundred pesos to sow his field again.
16. What did the postmaster do after reading a letter?
Answer :The postmaster laughed when he read Lencho’s letter but soon he became serious and was moved by the writer’s faith in God. He didn’t want to shake Lencho’s faith. So, he decided to collect ,money and send it to Lencho on behalf of God.
17. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?
Answer :Lencho was not surprised to find a letter with money from God as he believed that God will help him.
18. What made Lencho angry?
Answer :
There were only seventy pesos in the envelope whereas Lencho had demanded a hundred pesos. The difference in the amount made him angry.
19. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why or why not?
Answer :Lencho did not try to find out who had sent the money to him because he never suspected the presence of God and had complete faith in God. He could not believe that it could be – anybody else other than him who would send him the money.
His faith in God was so strong that he believed that he had sent money to him for his help in his problem.
20. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation? (Remember that the irony of a situation is an unexpected aspect of it. An ironic situation is strange or amusing because it is the opposite of what is expected).
Answer :Lencho thinks that the post office employees have taken the rest of the money . He had demanded a hundred pesos from God and in the letter there was only seventy pesos. He was sure that God cannot make such a mistake. So, he assumes that they have stolen the money.
The irony in this situation is that Lencho suspects those people who helped him in his problem and tried to keep his faith alive in God.
21. There are two kinds of conflict in the story between humans and nature and between humans themselves. How are these conflicts illustrated?
Answer :Conflict between Humans and Nature: The conflict between humans and nature is illustrated by the destruction of Lencho’s crop by the hailstorm as Lencho was expecting a good rain to have good harvest as that was the only hope he had for his earning. He worked so hard to feed his family, but nature turned violent and destroyed everything.
Conflict between Humans and Humans: The story also illustrated another conflict, between humans themselves as the postmaster along with his friends and staff sent Lencho money that Lencho demanded from God although they didn’t know Lencho. Lencho blamed them for taking away some amount of money. He called them “a bunch of crook”. This shows that man does not have faith in other man, thereby giving rise to this conflict.
A letter to God Mcq with answers

- What was the condition of the house in the story?
- It was on a high hill.
- It was in the middle of a valley.
- It was the only one in the entire valley.
- It was near a river.
Correct Answer: C. It was the only one in the entire valley.
- What was Lencho’s occupation?
- Postman
- Farmer
- Teacher
- Shopkeeper
Correct Answer: B. Farmer
- Where did Lencho believe the raindrops were coming from?
- The south
- The north-east
- The west
- The east
Correct Answer: B. The north-east
- What did Lencho think the raindrops resembled initially?
- New coins
- Frozen pearls
- Salt crystals
- Silver coins
Correct Answer: A. New coins
- What natural disaster followed the rain in the story?
- Earthquake
- Tornado
- Hailstorm
- Tsunami
Correct Answer: C. Hailstorm
- How did Lencho describe the hailstones?
- Frozen pearls
- Silver coins
- Salt crystals
- New coins
Correct Answer: B. Silver coins
- What did the hail do to the cornfield?
- Enhanced the crop
- Covered it in salt
- Destroyed it
- Created frozen pearls
Correct Answer: C. Destroyed it
- What did Lencho say a plague of locusts would have left?
- Frozen pearls
- New coins
- More than the hail
- Silver coins
Correct Answer: C. More than the hail
- What was Lencho’s hope after the hailstorm?
- Insurance payout
- Help from the government
- A good harvest next year
- Help from God
Correct Answer: D. Help from God
- What did Lencho decide to do to seek help?
- Visit the government office
- Write a letter to God
- Ask the neighbors
- Go to the bank
Correct Answer: B. Write a letter to God
- What did Lencho request in his letter to God?
- A hundred pesos
- Food supplies
- A new house
- A job
Correct Answer: A. A hundred pesos
- How did Lencho address the envelope of the letter to God?
- To Heaven
- To The Almighty
- To God
- To The Creator
Correct Answer: C. To God
- What did the postmaster decide to do upon receiving Lencho’s letter?
- Ignore it
- Laugh at it
- Answer the letter
- Tear it up
Correct Answer: C. Answer the letter
- What did the postmaster put in the envelope when responding to Lencho’s letter?
- Money
- A prayer
- A check
- A letter with the word “God”
Correct Answer: D. A letter with the word “God”
- What was the postmaster’s initial reaction to Lencho’s letter?
- Laughter
- Disgust
- Confusion
- Anger
Correct Answer: A. Laughter
- How much money did the postmaster manage to send to Lencho?
- A hundred pesos
- More than a hundred pesos
- Exactly a hundred pesos
- A little more than half
Correct Answer: D. A little more than half
- How did Lencho react upon receiving the money from God?
- Surprised
- Angry
- Disappointed
- Elated
Correct Answer: B. Angry
- What reason did Lencho give for not wanting money sent through the mail?
- He didn’t trust the mail system
- The post office employees were crooks
- He preferred in-person transactions
- He wanted to visit the postmaster
Correct Answer: B. The post office employees were crooks
- What did Lencho ask for in his second letter to God?
- More money
- Divine intervention
- A new job
- Forgiveness
Correct Answer: A. More money
- How did Lencho express his dissatisfaction in the second letter?
- Politely
- Angrily
- Indifferently
- Gratefully
Correct Answer: B. Angrily
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