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ToggleDeep Water Summary
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Deep Water Summary Class 12 English.” In this blog, we delve into the depths of the narrative, exploring key plot points, character analyses, and thought-provoking insights to provide you with a thorough understanding of this literary masterpiece. Whether you’re studying for exams or seeking a deeper appreciation of the text, this blog aims to be your indispensable companion in unraveling the complexities of “Deep Water.” Let us uncover the treasures hidden beneath the surface of this compelling story.
Deep Water tells of an author’s attempt to overcome childhood aquaphobia. The author has been afraid of water since he was four years old. It begins during a trip to California, which he took with his father. Visiting the beach one day, a wave knocks him down and he is almost covered by water. This scares him to death; though his father just laughs, knowing it is no danger. However, that experience terrifies him and he develops a fear of water. Then at the age of 11, while this dread is in its formative stage. The author has another incident that intensifies his fear.
At a pool in Yakima, he’s trying to learn how to swim.One sunny day a bully gives the author a nasty shove; pushing him forcefully into the deep part of the pool knocks him into shock.He plunges in up to nine feet, and at once begins desperately struggling to grasp anything firm.
He also cries out for help. And still he is conscious but begins to feel rather numb inside except for his breathing, which grows weak.In short, he gives up on life utterly and waits for death; but wakes up on the side of a pool.However, the terror of drowning always remains overwhelming for him. This persists as a nightmare experience throughout his many years and even spoils future attempts at such things as learning to swim, take up rowing or fishing as well being able-bodied enough to do these things on his own without help from an assistant.
Thus, he decides to overcome this fear by hook or by crook. He enrols himself in a swimming class and tries to learn from the instructor. The instructor teaches him many tips and tricks for swimming. He begins with the inhaling and exhaling part then he practices it for many weeks.
He then moves on to kicking his legs against the pool’s side. Finally, he integrates all of this with the final swimming action. Despite knowing able to swim, the author is scared of water. So, in order to overcome his fear, he resolves to confront it. He makes fun of it, wondering what it can truly do. As a result, he jumps into the water, and to his surprise, his dread vanishes. He battles it in many locations before finally defeating it.
To summarize,Deep Water Summary Class 12 English, it teaches us that if we are determined and courageous enough, we can overcome any fear that comes our way without allowing the dread to overwhelm us.

Deep Water Summary in Hindi
डीप वॉटर एक लेखक के बचपन के एक्वाफोबिया पर काबू पाने के प्रयास के बारे में बताता है। लेखक जब चार साल का था तभी से उसे पानी से डर लगता था। इसकी शुरुआत कैलिफ़ोर्निया की यात्रा के दौरान होती है, जो वह अपने पिता के साथ गया था। एक दिन समुद्र तट पर जाते समय, एक लहर उसे गिरा देती है और वह लगभग पानी से ढँक जाता है। यह उसे मौत तक डरा देता है; हालाँकि उसके पिता बस हँसते हैं, यह जानते हुए कि यह कोई खतरा नहीं है।
हालाँकि, वह अनुभव उसे भयभीत कर देता है और उसमें पानी से डर पैदा हो जाता है। फिर 11 साल की उम्र में, जबकि यह डर अपनी प्रारंभिक अवस्था में है। लेखक के पास एक और घटना है जो उसके डर को और बढ़ा देती है। याकिमा के एक पूल में, वह तैरना सीखने की कोशिश कर रहा है। एक धूप वाले दिन एक बदमाश लेखक को बुरी तरह धक्का देता है; उसे पूल के गहरे हिस्से में जबरदस्ती धकेलने से वह सदमे में आ जाता है। वह नौ फीट तक नीचे गिर जाता है, और तुरंत किसी ठोस चीज को पकड़ने के लिए सख्त संघर्ष करने लगता है।
वह मदद के लिए भी चिल्लाता है। और फिर भी वह सचेत रहता है, लेकिन अपनी सांसों को छोड़कर अंदर से सुन्न महसूस करने लगता है, जो कमजोर हो जाती है। संक्षेप में, वह जीवन को पूरी तरह से त्याग देता है और मृत्यु की प्रतीक्षा करता है; लेकिन एक तालाब के किनारे जाग जाता है। हालाँकि, डूबने का भय उसके लिए हमेशा भारी रहता है।
यह उनके कई वर्षों तक एक दुःस्वप्न अनुभव के रूप में बना रहता है और यहां तक कि तैरना सीखने, नौकायन या मछली पकड़ने जैसी चीजों में भविष्य के प्रयासों को भी बर्बाद कर देता है और साथ ही किसी सहायक की मदद के बिना इन चीजों को स्वयं करने में सक्षम हो जाता है।इस प्रकार, वह किसी न किसी तरह से इस डर पर काबू पाने का फैसला करता है। वह खुद को एक तैराकी कक्षा में नामांकित करता है और प्रशिक्षक से सीखने की कोशिश करता है।
प्रशिक्षक उसे तैराकी के कई टिप्स और गुर सिखाता है। वह सांस लेने और छोड़ने वाले हिस्से से शुरुआत करता है और फिर कई हफ्तों तक इसका अभ्यास करता है। फिर वह पूल के किनारे पर अपने पैरों को मारना शुरू कर देता है। अंततः, वह इन सबको अंतिम तैराकी क्रिया के साथ एकीकृत करता है। तैरना जानने के बावजूद लेखक को पानी से डर लगता है। इसलिए, अपने डर पर काबू पाने के लिए वह उसका मुकाबला करने का संकल्प लेता है। वह इसका मज़ाक उड़ाता है, सोचता है कि यह वास्तव में क्या कर सकता है।
परिणामस्वरूप, वह पानी में कूद जाता है और उसे आश्चर्य होता है, उसका डर गायब हो जाता है। अंततः इसे हराने से पहले वह कई स्थानों पर इससे लड़ता है। संक्षेप में कहें तो, डीप वॉटर सारांश हमें सिखाता है कि यदि हम पर्याप्त रूप से दृढ़ और साहसी हैं, तो हम अपने रास्ते में आने वाले किसी भी डर पर काबू पा सकते हैं, बिना डर को अपने ऊपर हावी होने दिए।

Deep Water Summary in Assamese
ডিপ ৱাটাৰে এজন লেখকে শৈশৱৰ একুৱাফ’বিয়া দূৰ কৰাৰ প্ৰচেষ্টাৰ কথা কয়। চাৰি বছৰ বয়সৰ পৰাই লেখকে পানীক ভয় কৰি আহিছে। ইয়াৰ আৰম্ভণি হয় কেলিফৰ্ণিয়া ভ্ৰমণৰ সময়ত, যিটো তেওঁ দেউতাকৰ সৈতে লৈ গৈছিল। এদিন বিললৈ গৈ থাকোঁতে এটা ঢৌৱে তেওঁক তললৈ নমাই আনে আৰু তেওঁ প্ৰায় পানীয়ে ঢাকি পেলায়। ইয়াৰ ফলত তেওঁক মৃত্যুৰ দৰে ভয় খুৱাই; যদিও দেউতাকে কেৱল হাঁহিছে, ই কোনো বিপদ নহয় বুলি জানি।
অৱশ্যে সেই অভিজ্ঞতাই তেওঁক আতংকিত কৰি তোলে আৰু তেওঁৰ পানীৰ প্ৰতি ভয়ৰ সৃষ্টি হয়। তাৰ পিছত ১১ বছৰ বয়সত, যেতিয়া এই ভয়টো গঠনমূলক পৰ্যায়ত আছে। লেখকৰ আন এটা ঘটনা আছে যিয়ে তেওঁৰ ভয়ক আৰু অধিক তীব্ৰতৰ কৰি তুলিছে। য়াকিমাৰ এটা পুলত তেওঁ সাঁতুৰিবলৈ শিকিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছে। এদিন ৰ’দঘাই দিনত এজন গুণ্ডাই লেখকক এটা জঘন্য ঠেলি দিয়ে; তেখেতে ন ফুটলৈকে ডুব যায় আৰু লগে লগে যিকোনো বস্তু দৃঢ়ভাৱে ধৰিবলৈ হতাশ হৈ সংগ্ৰাম কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে।
সহায়ৰ বাবেও চিঞৰি উঠে। আৰু তথাপিও তেওঁ সচেতন যদিও উশাহ-নিশাহৰ বাহিৰে ভিতৰি ভিতৰি যথেষ্ট অজ্ঞান অনুভৱ কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে, যিটো দুৰ্বল হৈ পৰে। মুঠতে তেওঁ জীৱনটোক সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে হাৰ মানি মৃত্যুৰ বাবে অপেক্ষা কৰে; কিন্তু এটা পুলৰ কাষত সাৰ পায়। অৱশ্যে ডুব যোৱাৰ আতংক তেওঁৰ বাবে সদায় আপ্লুত হৈ থাকে। এইটো তেওঁৰ বহু বছৰ ধৰি দুঃস্বপ্নৰ অভিজ্ঞতা হিচাপে টিকি থাকে আৰু আনকি সাঁতুৰিবলৈ শিকা, নাওঁ চলোৱা বা মাছ ধৰাৰ লগতে সহায়কৰ সহায় অবিহনে এইবোৰ কাম নিজাববীয়াকৈ কৰিব পৰাকৈ সক্ষম হোৱাৰ দৰে কামৰ ভৱিষ্যতৰ প্ৰচেষ্টাকো নষ্ট কৰি পেলায়।
এইদৰে তেওঁ এই ভয়ক হুক বা ক্ৰুক দ্বাৰা জয় কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়। তেওঁ নিজকে সাঁতোৰৰ ক্লাছত নামভৰ্তি কৰি প্ৰশিক্ষকৰ পৰা শিকিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰে। প্ৰশিক্ষকে তেওঁক সাঁতোৰৰ বাবে বহুতো টিপচ্ আৰু ট্ৰিক্স শিকাই। তেওঁ উশাহ লোৱা আৰু উশাহ লোৱা অংশটোৰ পৰা আৰম্ভ কৰে তাৰ পিছত বহু সপ্তাহ ধৰি ইয়াৰ অভ্যাস কৰে। তাৰ পিছত তেওঁ ভৰি দুখন পুলৰ কাষত লাথি মাৰিবলৈ আগবাঢ়ি যায়। শেষত তেওঁ এই সকলোবোৰ চূড়ান্ত সাঁতোৰৰ ক্ৰিয়াৰ সৈতে একত্ৰিত কৰে। সাঁতুৰিব পৰা বুলি জনা সত্ত্বেও লেখকে পানীলৈ ভয় কৰে।
গতিকে, নিজৰ ভয়ক জয় কৰিবলৈ হ’লে তেওঁ তাৰ সন্মুখীন হ’বলৈ সংকল্প লয়। তেওঁ ইয়াক ঠাট্টা কৰে, ই সঁচাকৈয়ে কি কৰিব পাৰে বুলি ভাবি। ফলত তেওঁ পানীত জপিয়াই পৰে আৰু তেওঁৰ আচৰিত হ’বলৈ বাকী নাথাকিল যে তেওঁৰ ভয়টো নাইকিয়া হৈ যায়। অৱশেষত ইয়াক পৰাস্ত কৰাৰ আগতে তেওঁ বহু স্থানত ইয়াৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুঁজ দিয়ে। সামৰণিত ক’বলৈ গ’লে ডিপ ৱাটাৰৰ সাৰাংশই আমাক শিকাইছে যে যদি আমি যথেষ্ট দৃঢ়প্ৰতিজ্ঞ আৰু সাহসী হওঁ তেন্তে আমি ভয়ক আগুৰি ধৰিবলৈ নিদিয়াকৈ আমাৰ সন্মুখত অহা যিকোনো ভয়ক জয় কৰিব পাৰো।
Deep water class 12 question answers
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks, 30-40 words)
Question.1. Which two incidents in Douglas’ early life made him scared of water?
Answer. Douglas’ father took him to a beach in California when he was three or four years old. He was knocked down by heavy waves, nearly buried under water, and became breathless. Even though he clung to his father, he was terrified. Second, when Douglas was ten or eleven years old, a large bully threw him into the deep end of the YMCA pool. Despite his best attempts, he was unable to reach the surface and got panicked. Douglas was terrified of water after these two experiences.
Question.2.Why did Douglas prefer to go to YMCA swimming pool to learn swimming?
Which factors made Douglas to decide in favour of YMCA pool?
Answer. Douglas stated that in contrast to the Yakima River, the YMCA pool provided a safer swimming environment. The river, known for its considerable depth, had a history of drowning incidents. Conversely, the pool had a shallow end measuring only two or three feet in depth. Although the deeper end reached approximately nine feet, the descent was gradual, instilling a sense of trust in Douglas.
Question.3.What did Douglas feel and do when he was pushed into the swimming pool?
What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool?
Answer. Despite being forcefully thrown into the pool, Douglas refused to surrender and devised a plan to muster all his electricity on the way to resurface. His purpose was to swim to the pool’s area as soon as he emerged. Despite attempting this method 3 instances, it proved unsuccessful, causing him to be beaten by way of worry. His lungs had been at the verge of bursting, leaving him gasping for air and inadvertently breathing in water instead.
Question.4.How did his swimming instructor ‘build a swimmer’ out of Douglas?
How did the instructor turn Douglas into a swimmer?
Answer. The instructor utilized a methodical approach in transforming Douglas into a proficient swimmer. Initially, he addressed Douglas’s apprehension of water by guiding him to traverse a pool suspended by a rope connected to a pulley. The instructor managed the tension of the rope, alternating between relaxed and tightened states. Following this, he instructed the narrator on proper breathing techniques while swimming, and ultimately taught him the intricate leg movements and various strokes.
Question.5. How did Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror?
Answer. After the instructor had trained Douglas in the art of swimming, Douglas was still not sure of himself. He felt tiny vestiges of the fear now and then. So, he went to Lake Wentworth and swam. Once when terror returned, he challenged it and did not let it overcome him. Finally, Douglas went to the Warm Lake. There he swam and the fear didn’t return to haunt him again.
Question.6. What efforts did Douglas make to get over his fear of water?
Answer. After several individual attempts to overcome his fear, Douglas finally engaged an instructor. The instructor built a swimmer out of him. But Douglas was not sure. To confirm that the terror would not strike him when he was swimming alone, Douglas decided to go to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire. At last, he made his terror fly away by swimming across the Warm Lake.
Question.7. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
Answer. The misadventure of having a near-drowning experience left a deep mark on Douglas’ mind.
The phobia of water hampered all his joys of enjoying different water sports like fishing,
canoeing, boating and swimming. He did not want to live with this handicap and so was determined to overcome his fear of water.
Question.8. What did Douglas experience when he went down to the bottom of the pool for the
first time?
Answer. When the author was going down to the bottom of the pool for the first time, those nine feet felt almost like ninety feet. His lungs were ready to burst, but somehow he summoned all his strength and sprang upwards, hoping to reach the surface, but he didn’t pop up to the surface like a cork, as he had imagined. When he opened his eyes he saw nothing but water, his hands too grabbed only water.
Question.9. Why did Douglas go to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire?
Answer. Douglas was not satisfied with his practice so he decided to go to Lake Wentworth. There when he was swimming in themiddle of the lake, only once did the terror return, but he finally overcame it, and it made him feel better.
Question.10.When Douglas realised that he was sinking, how did he plan to save himself?
Answer. When a big boy threw Douglas into the water, he went straight down. He was completely frightened. Still, he did not lose his wits and thought of a strategy to make a big jump when his feet touched the bottom, so that he could reach the surface. He even thought that he would lie flat on the surface and finally paddle to the edge of the pool.
Question.11. What sort of terror seized Douglas as he went down the water with a yellow glow?
How could he feel that he was still alive ?
Answer. When Douglas found himself deep down into the water with a yellow glow, stark terror gripped him. The terror ripped him apart and he had no control over it. He felt paralysed, stiff and rigid with fear. Even the screams in his throat were frozen. It was only his throbbing heart that made him realise that he was still alive.

Long Answer Type Questions (6 Marks, 120-150 words)
Question.1. “I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell.” What was the incident which nearly killed Douglas and developed in him a strong aversion to water?
Answer. The incident that nearly killed Douglas occurred when he was 10 or eleven years old. He had made the decision to research swimming at the YMCA pool in order to overcome his fear of water. One . A giant bully of a boy threw him into the deep end of the pool as he was alone on the pool, anticipating others. Though he had prepared a strategy to keep himself from falling, it no longer worked. He went all the way to the bottom and became terrified. He tried three times to return to the surface but failed each time. He almost drowned in the pool. He lost his concentration and thought he was about to die. Though he was ultimately saved, this misadventure advanced in him a sturdy aversion to water.
Question.2. Douglas fully realised the truth of Roosevelt’s statement, “All we have to fear is fear
itself.” How did this realisation help him brush aside his fear and become an expert swimmer?
Answer. Douglas had experienced each the sensation of demise and the fear that the concern of loss of life can motive. Strong will, hard determination, braveness and toil as well as sincere labour won over all his terrors and fears. The will to stay dismissed all his fears.In fact all our fears are best psychological, and can be effortlessly received over, if we can manipulate our mind.
This realisation makes Douglas clear up to learn swimming by engaging an instructor. This teacher gradually built Douglas right into a swimmer. However, his first step turned into to drive away Douglas’ fear of water, earlier than education him in swimming techniques. When Douglas attempted and swam the duration of the pool up and down, small strains of his antique terror of water could go back. So, he went to Lake Wentworth, dived at Triggs Island and swam miles throughout the lake to Stamp Act Island. Finally, he changed into positive that he had conquered his fear of water.
Question.3. Desire, determination and diligence lead to success. Explain the value of these
qualities in the light of Douglas’ experience in ‘Deep Water.’
Answer. The terror of water followed Douglas wherever he went. To get rid of it, he made a strong determination. He decided to overcome his fear through his “will.” He engaged an instructor who would perfect him in swimming. The instructor first helped him drive away his fear, and then gave him many exercises besides teaching him to exhale and inhale in water.
The practice went on for months together, during which his fear came back to haunt him, but his desire and firm will made him persist in his- efforts. It was only through sheer determination and diligence that Douglas could not only counter his terror, but also become an expert swimmer.
He swam across and back lakes to ensure that his fear of water did not return. He had now completely lost his fear. His desire, determination and diligence succeeded in banishing his fear of water.
Question.4. How did Douglas develop an aversion to water?
“…….there was terror in my heart at the overpowering force of the waves.” When did Douglas start fearing water? Which experience had further strengthened its hold on his mind and personality?
Answer: Douglas advanced an aversion to water in his early formative years, When he have become three or 4 years vintage, his father took him to a beach in California. The waves knocked him down and swept over him. He became buried in water. He modified into nervous however his father modified into guffawing. Perhaps this became the on the spot his worry of water took root indoors his thoughts.
Further, while Douglas have become ten or eleven years vintage, he decided to discover ways to swim and went to the YMCA pool. Here an incident occurred that finally set up his aversion to water as a massive worry. One day even as Douglas become on my own on the pool sitting on the threshold and searching beforehand to others to come back, a huge boy of 18 years of age threw him into the deep prevent of the pool.
What accompanied grow to be a nightmarish enjoy for him. Douglas tried very, hard and implemented all his understanding to return to the surface of the water however to no avail. Somehow, he changed into stored. Thus after this nervous incident, his fear of water got implanted in his heart and thoughts completely.
Question.5. How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer?
Answer. To triumph over his fear of water, Douglas ultimately decided to get an instructor to research swimming. The trainer commenced running with him five days a week, an hour every day. The teacher positioned a belt round Douglas. A rope changed into attached to the belt that went thru a pulley that ran on an overhead cable. The teacher held on to the stop of the rope and , in conjunction with Douglas went back and forth, throughout the pool, hour after hour, each day, week after week. On every journey across the pool a bit of panic seized Douglas. It took almost 3 months earlier than the tension reduced.
Then the trainer taught him to put his face beneath the water and exhale and to elevate his nostril and inhale. For weeks, his teacher made him kick together with his legs. Until, he become able to command his legs at his will.In this way, piece by way of piece, his teacher made Douglas a swimmer. When Douglas perfected every piece, his instructor put them together into an included one. As a end result, in almost six months Douglas was capable of swim, dive, crawl and so on.

Deep Water MCQ question and answers
- In the given text, what prompted William Douglas to learn swimming?
- a) His love for the Yakima River
- b) A swimming competition at school
- c) A desire to overcome his fear of water
- d) Influence from his friends
Correct Answer: c) A desire to overcome his fear of water
- What was the author’s initial experience with water as a child in California?
- a) A pleasant memory at the beach
- b) An encounter with dangerous waves
- c) Learning to swim with water wings
- d) Playing in the Yakima River
Correct Answer: b) An encounter with dangerous waves
- Why did the author start feeling at ease in the YMCA pool initially?
- a) The pool had shallow water
- b) Other boys helped him learn
- c) He used water wings and followed others
- d) He was accompanied by his father
Correct Answer: c) He used water wings and followed others
- What misadventure occurred at the YMCA pool that traumatized the author?
- a) He encountered a strong water current
- b) A big boy threw him into the deep end
- c) The pool water was too cold
- d) He got stuck in the pool ladder
Correct Answer: b) A big boy threw him into the deep end
- How did the author plan to escape when he found himself at the bottom of the pool?
- a) By swimming to the pool’s edge
- b) By calling for help
- c) By jumping when he hit the bottom
- d) By grabbing a rope
Correct Answer: c) By jumping when he hit the bottom
- What was the author’s initial reaction when he realized he was in danger underwater?
- a) Panic and fear
- b) Calm and relaxed
- c) Determination to escape
- d) Anger towards the big boy
Correct Answer: a) Panic and fear
- What effect did the near-drowning experience have on the author’s future relationship with water?
- a) He became a proficient swimmer
- b) He developed a fear of water
- c) He started avoiding swimming pools
- d) He became a lifeguard
Correct Answer: b) He developed a fear of water
- How did the author attempt to overcome his fear of water in October?
- a) Seeking therapy
- b) Enrolling in a swimming class
- c) Avoiding water activities
- d) Consulting a doctor
Correct Answer: b) Enrolling in a swimming class
- What was the instructor’s approach to helping the author overcome his fear of water?
- a) Teaching advanced swimming techniques
- b) Using psychological counseling
- c) Gradually introducing water activities
- d) Providing medication for anxiety
Correct Answer: c) Gradually introducing water activities
- In what month did the instructor declare that the author could swim the crawl stroke?
- a) April
- b) July
- c) October
- d) November
Correct Answer: a) April
- Where did the author go to test if he had completely conquered his fear of water?
- a) Yakima River
- b) Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire
- c) Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks
- d) Conrad Meadows in the Cascades
Correct Answer: b) Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire
- What specific fear resurfaced briefly when the author was swimming in Lake Wentworth?
- a) Fear of drowning
- b) Fear of water pollution
- c) Fear of marine creatures
- d) Fear of deep water
Correct Answer: a) Fear of drowning
- How did the author react when the old terror briefly returned during his swim in Lake Wentworth?
- a) He laughed and taunted the fear
- b) He immediately left the lake
- c) He called for help
- d) He panicked and swam to the shore
Correct Answer: a) He laughed and taunted the fear
- What conclusion did the author draw about his fear of water after his successful swim across Lake Wentworth?
- a) The fear was completely gone
- b) The fear still haunted him
- c) The fear was irrational
- d) The fear was a lifelong burden
Correct Answer: a) The fear was completely gone
- According to the author, what deep meaning did the experience of conquering his fear of water hold for him?
- a) Fear is an integral part of life
- b) Death brings peace
- c) Will to live intensifies after conquering fear
- d) Fear is an illusion
Correct Answer: c) Will to live intensifies after conquering fear
- What quote by Roosevelt does the author reference in relation to fear?
- a) “Fear is the enemy of progress”
- b) “All we have to fear is fear itself”
- c) “Fear is the key to wisdom”
- d) “Fear is the path to the dark side”
Correct Answer: b) “All we have to fear is fear itself”
- How did the author’s near-drowning experience impact his activities such as fishing and canoeing?
- a) He stopped engaging in such activities
- b) He became more adventurous in water
- c) He developed a passion for fishing
- d) He only participated in water sports
Correct Answer: a) He stopped engaging in such activities
- What month did the author decide to seek an instructor to learn swimming?
- a) November
- b) December
- c) October
- d) January
Correct Answer: c) October
- What lake did the author swim across to test his swimming abilities after overcoming his fear?
- a) Conrad Lake
- b) Stamp Act Island Lake
- c) Warm Lake
- d) Lake Wentworth
Correct Answer: d) Lake Wentworth
- What term does the author use to describe the fear he experienced during his near-drowning episode?
- a) Rational fear
- b) Stark terror
- c) Anxiety disorder
- d) Simple phobia
Correct Answer: b) Stark terror

- What role did Franklin D. Roosevelt play in William Douglas’s life?
- a) Classmate at Yale
- b) Legal advisor and friend
- c) Swimming instructor
- d) Political opponent
Correct Answer: b) Legal advisor and friend
- In which state was William Douglas born?
- a) California
- b) Maine
- c) Minnesota
- d) Oregon
Correct Answer: b) Maine
- Why did William Douglas’s mother warn him against the Yakima River?
- a) Due to dangerous waves
- b) The river’s treacherous nature
- c) To prevent him from swimming
- d) Because it was polluted
Correct Answer: b) The river’s treacherous nature
- What item did the author use initially to aid his swimming in the YMCA pool?
- a) Water wings
- b) Life jacket
- c) Rubber tube
- d) Inflatable mattress
Correct Answer: a) Water wings
- What emotion did the author feel when he submerged himself in the YMCA pool initially?
- a) Fear
- b) Excitement
- c) Joy
- d) Confidence
Correct Answer: a) Fear
- Who tossed William Douglas into the deep end of the YMCA pool, leading to his misadventure?
- a) A lifeguard
- b) His father
- c) Another boy
- d) The swimming instructor
Correct Answer: c) Another boy
- What was the author’s strategy to escape from the bottom of the pool during his misadventure?
- a) Yelling for help
- b) Making a big jump
- c) Grabbing a rope
- d) Swimming to the pool’s edge
Correct Answer: b) Making a big jump
- How did the author feel during the moment when he thought he had conquered the water at the YMCA pool?
- a) Confident
- b) Panicky
- c) Relaxed
- d) Excited
Correct Answer: a) Confident
- What impact did the near-drowning experience have on the author’s physical condition immediately after the incident?
- a) He felt stronger
- b) He vomited and felt weak
- c) No noticeable change
- d) He became more energetic
Correct Answer: b) He vomited and felt weak
- How did the author attempt to overcome his fear of water initially before seeking an instructor?
- a) Avoiding water activities
- b) Meditating by the river
- c) Consulting a doctor
- d) Going to therapy
Correct Answer: a) Avoiding water activities
- What method did the swimming instructor use to gradually introduce water activities to the author?
- a) Using water wings
- b) Psychological counseling
- c) Holding a rope attached to a belt
- d) Medication for anxiety
Correct Answer: c) Holding a rope attached to a belt
- When did the tension in the author start to slack during the swimming lessons?
- a) January
- b) April
- c) July
- d) October
Correct Answer: c) July
- What activity did the author engage in to test if he had completely conquered his fear of water?
- a) Fishing in Maine lakes
- b) Swimming across Lake Wentworth
- c) Canoeing in Oregon rivers
- d) Bathing in Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks
Correct Answer: b) Swimming across Lake Wentworth
- What lake did the author swim across to challenge his fear of water after the swimming lessons?
- a) Bumping Lake
- b) Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks
- c) Stamp Act Island Lake
- d) Meade Glacier Lake
Correct Answer: b) Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks
- What was the author’s emotional response when he briefly experienced the old terror during the swim across Lake Wentworth?
- a) Panic and fear
- b) Anger and frustration
- c) Calm and relaxation
- d) Confusion and indecision
Correct Answer: a) Panic and fear
- How did the author feel after conquering his fear of water, especially during the swim across Lake Wentworth?
- a) Liberated and joyful
- b) Slightly fearful
- c) Confused and disoriented
- d) Regretful and disappointed
Correct Answer: a) Liberated and joyful
- What type of fishing did the author enjoy in Maine lakes before his fear of water took hold?
- a) Trout fishing
- b) Bass fishing
- c) Salmon fishing
- d) Carp fishing
Correct Answer: c) Salmon fishing
- How did the author feel about water activities after conquering his fear?
- a) He became a water enthusiast
- b) He continued to avoid them
- c) He engaged only in swimming
- d) He became a professional swimmer
Correct Answer: a) He became a water enthusiast
- According to the author, what is the sensation of dying?
- a) Panic and fear
- b) Peace and tranquility
- c) Regret and sadness
- d) Joy and elation
Correct Answer: a) Panic and fear
- What significant lesson did the author learn about fear through his experience with water?
- a) Fear is an illusion
- b) Fear can be controlled with medication
- c) Fear is an integral part of life
- d) Fear can be conquered through experience
Correct Answer: d) Fear can be conquered through experience
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