Fire and Ice Summary class 10 Explanation Literary Devices – Detailed clarification of poem along with meanings of difficult words. Also, the explanation is followed by the literary devices used and a description of the Chapter. ALL THE EXERCISES and Answers and Questions given at the back of the chapter have been covered.
A highly acclaimed American poet of the twentieth century.Robert Frost wrote about characters, people and landscapes.His poems are concerned with human tragedies and fears, his reaction to the complexities of life and his ultimate acceptance of his burdens.Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Birches, Mending walls are a few of his well-known poems.In the poem A Roadside Stand, Frost presents the lives of poor & deprived rural people with the deepest sympathy and humanity.
Table of Contents
ToggleFire and Ice stanza wise explanation
Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
Explanation: The poet is analysing about the end of the world. The poet provides and deals with two possible causes for the end of the world. He considers the age-old question of whether the world will end in fire or in ice. Both the two reasons contrast each other and are equally opposite to each other. On one side of the debate are those people who are in favour of fire. They believe that it will be the heat and the passion, which will lead the humanity, the world, to end. On the other side of the debate are those people who favour ice and feel that it will be the ‘ice which will freeze the world.
Frost is providing a powerful statement on the subject of greed and jealousy. He is saying that above anything else, even hatred, which is the trait of humanity, is most likely to lead the world to its demise.
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But if it had to perish twice, I think, I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Explanation: The poet is very much sure of the destruction of the humanity. He first talks about the destruction caused by fire and in case this fails, then ice will result into hatred that will end humanity one day. Frost goes on to discuss, in a more understated manner, the power of hate, which is symbolised in the poem by ice. Hate, according to the speaker, is just as powerful as desire. While desire consumes, quickly, hate is just as great and powerful. Infact, by ending the poem with the concept of hate.
‘Frost directs the reader to the shy yet restrained devastation that hate can produce. Hate can occur and linger in people’s minds and hearts for years’, sometimes even lifetimes. Hate is presented as having the ability to lead to the destruction of the world if it were to happen for a second time, again providing a powerful warning against this human fallacy (misunderstanding).
Conclusion of Fire and Ice
The poem is revolving around the theme that human emotions are destructive, and has two possible forms.
Fire and Ice summary in Hindi

कवि दुनिया के अंत के बारे में विश्लेषण कर रहा है। कवि दुनिया के अंत के दो संभावित कारणों का उल्लेख और वर्णन करता है। वह इस सदियों पुराने सवाल पर विचार करते हैं कि दुनिया का अंत आग से होगा या बर्फ से। दोनों ही कारण एक-दूसरे से भिन्न हैं और एक-दूसरे से समान रूप से विपरीत भी हैं। बहस में एक तरफ वो लोग हैं जो आग के पक्ष में हैं. उनका मानना है कि यह गर्मी और जुनून ही होगा, जो मानवता, दुनिया को खत्म कर देगा। बहस के दूसरी तरफ वे लोग हैं जो बर्फ के पक्षधर हैं और उन्हें लगता है कि बर्फ ही दुनिया को जमा देगी। फ्रॉस्ट लालच और ईर्ष्या के विषय पर एक शक्तिशाली वक्तव्य प्रदान कर रहे हैं। वह कह रहे हैं कि किसी भी अन्य चीज़ से ऊपर, यहां तक कि नफरत, जो मानवता का गुण है, दुनिया को उसके विनाश की ओर ले जाने की सबसे अधिक संभावना है। कवि को मानवता के विनाश का पूरा भरोसा है। वह सबसे पहले आग से होने वाले विनाश की बात करते हैं और अगर यह विफल हो गया तो बर्फ से नफरत पैदा होगी जो एक दिन मानवता को खत्म कर देगी। फ्रॉस्ट, अधिक संयमित तरीके से, नफरत की शक्ति पर चर्चा करते हैं, जिसे कविता में बर्फ द्वारा दर्शाया गया है। वक्ता के अनुसार नफरत, इच्छा जितनी ही शक्तिशाली है। जबकि इच्छा शीघ्र ही नष्ट कर देती है, घृणा उतनी ही महान और शक्तिशाली होती है। दरअसल, कविता का अंत नफरत की अवधारणा के साथ करके.
‘फ्रॉस्ट पाठक को उस शर्मीली लेकिन संयमित तबाही की ओर ले जाता है जो नफरत पैदा कर सकती है। नफरत पैदा हो सकती है और लोगों के दिलो-दिमाग में सालों तक, कभी-कभी तो जन्मों-जन्मों तक बनी रह सकती है। नफरत को इस रूप में प्रस्तुत किया जाता है कि अगर ऐसा दूसरी बार होता है तो दुनिया को नष्ट करने की क्षमता होती है, जो फिर से इस मानवीय भ्रम (गलतफहमी) के खिलाफ एक शक्तिशाली चेतावनी प्रदान करती है। आग और बर्फ का निष्कर्ष कविता इस विषय के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है कि मानवीय भावनाएँ विनाशकारी हैं, और इसके दो संभावित रूप हैं।
Fire and Ice summary in Assamese

কবিয়ে পৃথিৱীৰ শেষৰ বিষয়ে বিশ্লেষণ কৰি আছে। কবিয়ে পৃথিৱীৰ শেষৰ দুটা সম্ভাৱ্য কাৰণৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিছে আৰু ইয়াৰ সৈতে মোকাবিলা কৰিছে। তেওঁ যুগ যুগ ধৰি চলি অহা প্ৰশ্নটো বিবেচনা কৰে যে পৃথিৱীখন জুইত শেষ হ’ব নে বৰফত। দুয়োটা কাৰণেই ইটোৱে সিটোৰ বিপৰীত আৰু ইটোৱে সিটোৰ সমান বিপৰীত। বিতৰ্কৰ এফালে সেইসকল লোক আছে যিসকল জুইৰ পক্ষত। তেওঁলোকৰ বিশ্বাস যে ই হ’ব গৰম আৰু আবেগ, যিয়ে মানৱতা, পৃথিৱীৰ অন্ত পেলাব। বিতৰ্কৰ সিটো পাৰে সেইসকল লোক যিয়ে বৰফৰ পক্ষপাতী আৰু অনুভৱ কৰে যে সেইটোৱেই হ’ব ‘বৰফ যিয়ে পৃথিৱীখনক জমা কৰি পেলাব।
লোভ আৰু ঈৰ্ষাৰ বিষয়ত ফ্ৰষ্টে এক শক্তিশালী বক্তব্য আগবঢ়াইছে। তেওঁ কৈছে যে সকলোতকৈ ওপৰত মানৱতাৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যস্বৰূপ ঘৃণাইও পৃথিৱীখনক ইয়াৰ অৱসান ঘটাব পৰাৰ সম্ভাৱনা বেছি।
মানৱতাৰ ধ্বংসৰ কথা কবি অতি নিশ্চিত। তেওঁ প্ৰথমে জুইৰ ফলত হোৱা ধ্বংসৰ কথা কয় আৰু যদি এইটো বিফল হয়, তেন্তে বৰফৰ ফলত ঘৃণাৰ সৃষ্টি হ’ব যিয়ে এদিন মানৱতাৰ অন্ত পেলাব। ফ্ৰষ্টে আৰু অধিক ক্ষুদ্ৰভাৱে ঘৃণাৰ শক্তিৰ বিষয়ে আলোচনা কৰে, যাক কবিতাটোত বৰফেৰে প্ৰতীকিত কৰা হৈছে। বক্তাৰ মতে ঘৃণাও ইচ্ছাৰ দৰেই শক্তিশালী। ইচ্ছাই ভক্ষণ কৰিলেও, সোনকালে ঘৃণাও ঠিক তেনেকুৱাই মহান আৰু শক্তিশালী। Infact, ঘৃণাৰ ধাৰণাৰে কবিতাটোৰ অন্ত পেলাই।
‘ফ্ৰষ্টে পাঠকক ঘৃণাৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিব পৰা লাজ লগা অথচ সংযত ধ্বংসলীলালৈ নিৰ্দেশিত কৰে।’ ঘৃণা ঘটিব পাৰে আৰু মানুহৰ মনত আৰু হৃদয়ত বছৰ বছৰ ধৰি ৰৈ থাকিব পাৰে’, কেতিয়াবা আনকি আজীৱনও। ঘৃণাক দ্বিতীয়বাৰৰ বাবে ঘটিলে পৃথিৱীখন ধ্বংস হোৱাৰ ক্ষমতা থকাৰ দৰে উপস্থাপন কৰা হৈছে, যিয়ে পুনৰ এই মানৱীয় ভ্ৰান্তি (ভুল বুজাবুজি)ৰ বিৰুদ্ধে এক শক্তিশালী সতৰ্কবাণী প্ৰদান কৰে।
জুই আৰু বৰফৰ সামৰণি
মানুহৰ আৱেগ ধ্বংসাত্মক, আৰু ইয়াৰ দুটা সম্ভাৱ্য ৰূপ আছে বুলি বিষয়বস্তুৰ আশে-পাশে কবিতাটো ঘূৰি আছে।
Fire and Ice question and answers

Q1. For Frost, what do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for?
Ans. According to Frost, the term ‘fire’ represents desire, which includes all types of passion and greed. In today’s society, humanity’s thirsty greed harms the sustainability of our planet. On the other hand, the term ‘ice’ represents apathy and hatred, as seen by an icy coldness.
Q2. How has Frost brought out the contrast ideas in the poem?
Ans. In the poem, Frost cleverly contrasts the opposing ideas by comparing ‘inclination’ to fire, which motivates us to want something eagerly. In contrast, ‘hate’ is described as a chilling force that makes us insensitive to the emotions of others. Just like ice numbs our perceptions, coldness within our hearts can dull our ability to be kind. This is why the term ‘hate’ is metaphorically associated with ice.
Q3. Write down the 2 different see about the end of the world?
Ans. Our planet’s ultimate doom is the subject of intense debate. Some think that it will be consumed by flames, while others believe it will be frozen into oblivion. In our ever-changing universe, nothing is timeless.
Q 4. How does Robert Frost alert the common man?
Ans. The common man is influenced by greed, desire, and indifference. Robert Frost requests the typical individual not to ignore the hard reality that everything in this world is temporary and death is certain.
Q5. Why does the author hold with those who favor fire?
Ans. What is the author’s position on those who favor fire? The author agrees with those who say that fire will destroy the world. Frost compares fire with longing. In the author’s opinion, the desire is intense and would lead to a quick conclusion. Furthermore, the author’s personal experiences with longing caused them to assume that the world was going to end in flames.
Q6. Write the sum and thing of the poem ‘Fire and Ice’?
Ans. The poet’s fundamental message is that nothing in this world is eternal. Everything will eventually come to an end, whether by fire or ice. It is critical for us to remember and prioritize this deep reality over our own selfish desires.
Q7. Briefly write about the ideas concerning how the world will end?
Ans. The end of the world will be caused by either fire or ice. Some scientists believed the globe would be destroyed by a blazing fire originating from its core, while others believed that an upcoming ice age would wipe out all life on Earth’s surface. Frost introduces a deeper emotional element, equating desire with fire and hatred with ice. The poem does not consider any alternative views in the stark contrast of fire and ice.
Q8. To say that for annihilation ice is also great for the poet, what does ‘ice’ stand for? How is it substantial to bring annihilation?
Ans. The term ‘ice’ suggests enmity. Hatred carries a power comparable to desire. While passion burns quickly, hatred can take root and stay in people’s hearts and brains for long periods of time, even a lifetime. Hatred consumes the hater, often more strongly than the group or person they dislike, and has the power to destroy lives. Thus, hatred has the potential to bring about annihilation in an effective and destructive manner.
Q 9. ‘But if it had to perish twice’. How will the world perish two times?
Ans. According to the poet, the world will end through ‘fire,’ which represents desire. However, if the world were to end twice, it would be because of the hatred represented by ‘ice.’ The poet believes that there is enough hatred in the world to spread among individuals. Eventually, this rivalry will lead to the world’s ultimate doom.
Q10. Which age-old question does the poem revolve around?
Ans. The poem explores the everlasting confusion of whether the world will end in flames or ice. This debate is similar to another age-old one: whether it is better to freeze or burn to death. The poet decides that either choice will achieve its goal with sufficient effectiveness.
Q11. Discuss how rear most behavior can hasten the end of the world with respect to ‘Fire and Ice’?
Ans. ‘The concept of ‘fire’ indicates an immense desire or craving, whereas ‘ice’ represents deep animosity. These tendencies push people to constantly desire material items such as luxury automobiles, rich mansions, and modern televisions. This obsessive search can lead to disaster, whether it be monetary ruin or the destruction of relationships. Frost’s poem explores the issue of greed corrupting individuals and society as a whole.
Similarly, the strength of hatred, represented by ice, is as strong as desire. While desire devour swiftly, hatred quietly and slowly does destruction. For example, hatred is frequently the core cause of disputes and bigotry, and it can remain in people’s minds for centuries. Furthermore, hatred consumes the hater as much as the victim of their resentment, eventually destroying lives.
Q12. The poetry ‘Fire and Ice’, carries with it very deep thematic ideas. Detailed on this darkest trace of human quality?
Ans. Frost explores two of humanity’s deepest qualities: the ability to hate and be consumed by greed and passion. Frost believes that desire causes more evil than the other. Frost makes a significant statement about jealousy and greed by putting inclination at the forefront of the world’s destruction, meaning that these traits are more likely to lead to humanity’s downfall than anything else. Inclination is the most significant hurdle contributing to the cause of conflict. However, Frost admits the potential destructiveness of hatred, albeit to a lesser amount, meaning that if it occurs again, it could lead to the world’s destruction.
Q13. The author presents two reasons which will lead to the destruction of human quality. What values do you garner from the two possible reasons provided by him?
ANS. The poet discusses two possible explanations for humanity’s loss of life emphasizing the emotional side of the situation. He depicts fire as signifying great desire and passion, whereas ice represents coldness and hatred. The poet acknowledges the merit of both ideas, claiming that either flaming passion or chilly hatred will bring humanity to destruction. The poet is a firm believer in the unstoppable decline of human excellence. Initially describing the damage caused by fire, the poet believes that if this way fails, ice will be the force that ends the earth. Individuals’ love for one another will ultimately develop into hatred. People will develop hatred as a result of their desire to outperform one another. These bad emotions will intensify to the point.
Q14. How will the world end? Support your answer with scientific clarification?
ANS. Scientists believe that the planet will end due to either immense heat beneath the Earth’s core or freezing temperatures during an ice age. Natural disasters such as volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis will destroy our world. Alternatively, melting glaciers from mountains due to global warming could lead to the end of the planet. Frost’s warning serves as a reminder of humanity’s two fundamental concerns, as well as the serious consequences of our own crimes, sending a powerful message.
Fire and Ice MCQ with answers

1:What is the title of the poem?
- A) Snow and Rain
- B) Water and Earth
- C) Fire and Ice
- D) Light and Darkness
Correct Answer: C) Fire and Ice
2:According to the poem, how do some people believe the world will end?
- A) In laughter
- B) In rain
- C) In fire
- D) In ice
Correct Answer:C) In fire
..MCQ 3:.. What does the speaker “hold with” in the poem?
- A) Those who favor ice
- B) Those who favor water
- C) Those who favor fire
- D) Those who favor snow
..Correct Answer:.. C) Those who favor fire
..MCQ 4:.. According to the speaker, what has they “tasted of”?
- A) Love
- B) Desire
- C) Ice
- D) Fire
..Correct Answer:.. B) Desire
..MCQ 5:.. How many times does the speaker suggest the world could perish in the poem?
- A) Once
- B) Twice
- C) Thrice
- D) Many times
..Correct Answer:.. B) Twice
..MCQ 6:.. What is the second element mentioned as a possible end for the world in the poem?
- A) Water
- B) Air
- C) Fire
- D) Ice
..Correct Answer:.. D) Ice
..MCQ 7:.. What does the speaker claim to know enough of to say that ice is great for destruction?
- A) Love
- B) Hate
- C) Friendship
- D) Joy
..Correct Answer:.. B) Hate
..MCQ 8:.. According to the poem, what would “suffice” for the world’s destruction?
- A) Fire
- B) Ice
- C) Love
- D) Joy
..Correct Answer:.. B) Ice
..MCQ 9:.. What literary device is used in the line “I think I know enough of hate”?
- A) Simile
- B) Metaphor
- C) Personification
- D) Alliteration
..Correct Answer:.. B) Metaphor
..MCQ 10:.. What do the two elements, fire and ice, symbolize in the poem?
- A) Love and hate
- B) Joy and sorrow
- C) Laughter and tears
- D) Summer and winter
..Correct Answer:.. A) Love and hate
..MCQ 11:.. Which character is the speaker expressing agreement with in the poem?
- A) A friend
- B) A scientist
- C) A philosopher
- D) Those who favor fire
..Correct Answer:.. D) Those who favor fire
..MCQ 12:.. What is the speaker’s personal preference for the end of the world in the poem?
- A) Fire
- B) Ice
- C) Rain
- D) Love
..Correct Answer:.. A) Fire
..MCQ 13:.. Which element is considered “great” for destruction in the poem?
- A) Love
- B) Fire
- C) Ice
- D) Water
..Correct Answer:.. C) Ice
..MCQ 14:.. What is the theme of the poem “Fire and Ice”?
- A) The beauty of natural elements
- B) The inevitability of destruction
- C) The power of love
- D) The importance of friendship
..Correct Answer:.. B) The inevitability of destruction
..MCQ 15:.. What is the tone of the poem “Fire and Ice”?
- A) Joyful
- B) Melancholic
- C) Optimistic
- D) Romantic
..Correct Answer:.. B) Melancholic
..MCQ 16:.. Which of the following lines is spoken by the speaker?
- A) “Some say the world will end in fire”
- B) “From what I’ve tasted of desire”
- C) “I think I know enough of hate”
- D) “Is also great and would suffice”
..Correct Answer:.. B) “From what I’ve tasted of desire”
..MCQ 17:.. Which character or group is described as favoring fire in the poem?
- A) The speaker
- B) Philosophers
- C) Friends
- D) Those who favor ice
..Correct Answer:.. A) The speaker
..MCQ 18:.. What does the phrase “to say that for destruction ice” mean in the poem?
- A) To prefer destruction by ice
- B) To acknowledge the power of ice for destruction
- C) To question the use of ice for destruction
- D) To reject the idea of destruction by ice
..Correct Answer:.. B) To acknowledge the power of ice for destruction
..MCQ 19:.. What is the central message or lesson conveyed in the poem “Fire and Ice”?
- A) Love is the most powerful force in the world.
- B) Hate and desire can lead to destruction.
- C) Ice is a better element than fire.
- D) Fire and ice are beautiful natural phenomena.
..Correct Answer:.. B) Hate and desire can lead to destruction.
..MCQ 20:.. What is the poetic form of “Fire and Ice”?
- A) Sonnet
- B) Haiku
- C) Limerick
- D) Free verse
..Correct Answer:.. C) Limerick
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