Footprints without Feet summary

Thrilling story Footprints without Feet Summary Class 10 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English

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Footprints without Feet Summary

This article focuses on Footprints without feet summary.Footprints Without Feet in Class 10 English tells the reader about Griffin’s adventures.

The story of Footprints without Feet is an intriguing tale that captures the imagination of readers with its unique premise and captivating characters. Written by the legendary author Herbert George Wells, the story follows the journey of a scientist named Griffin, who discovers a rare formula of invisibility.

Griffin had always been fascinated with the idea of making a man invisible, and he dedicated his life to finding ways to achieve this elusive goal. After years of tireless experimentation, he finally succeeded in developing a drug that could make his body invisible, but he could still be felt physically. This newfound power, however, proved to be a double-edged sword.

Griffin soon discovered that he could use his invisibility to his advantage, and he began to misuse his power to steal money, clothes, and food. He found it increasingly difficult to stay in London with such a power, so he decided to move to a small village called Iping.

Footprints without Feet summary best explanation 1

In the village, people were sceptical about him, and they looked at him strangely. A series of incidents occurred in the inn where he stayed, and as his money ran out, he resorted to stealing from the people around him. When the owners of the inn began to suspect him, he hit them, but his invisibility allowed him to escape without being caught.


Despite his best efforts to remain hidden, Griffin was eventually forced to reveal his identity to the people of Iping. However, nobody was able to catch him as he became invisible once again, leaving only footprints without feet.


Overall, Footprints without Feet is a fascinating story that showcases the dangers of power and the consequences of misusing it. It is a cautionary tale that reminds us of the importance of responsibility and the need to use our abilities for the greater good.

Footprints without Feet summary best explanation 2

As he gulped down the drug, he could feel the effects taking hold. Suddenly, his body began to fade from view until he was completely invisible. It was an exhilarating feeling, but he quickly realized the downside of being invisible. He couldn’t control his movements in the same way he could when he was visible, and he had to be careful not to bump into anything.


As he walked through the streets of London, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of freedom. Nobody could see him, and he was free to explore the world around him without any fear of being caught. However, his sense of freedom was short-lived as he accidentally stepped in a mud puddle, leaving a trail of footprints that two young men spotted.

Footprints without Feet summary best explanation 3

The men followed his footprints until they became faint, and the man realized that he needed to be more careful. He continued walking through the cold, feeling his body temperature drop with each passing minute. He needed to find a warm place to rest, so he decided to enter a shopping center.


Once inside, he found a comfortable spot to rest and warm up. He unpacked a couple of garments and put them on, feeling the warmth spread through his body. He then went to the kitchen of a café and ate some cold meat and drank some coffee to fill his empty stomach.


As the stores shut down, he realized he needed to find a place to sleep. He found a store with a pile of quilts and decided to sleep there for the night. However, the next morning, he woke up to find that some store associates had seen him and were following him. He quickly removed his clothes and became invisible once again.

Footprints without Feet summary best explanation 4

Now wandering through the chilly winters of London without any clothes, he knew that he needed to find something to cover himself. He decided to visit a theatre company, knowing that he could find something to cover his face there. He stole some dark glasses, a fake nose, a hat, and some bandages to cover his face.


Feeling more confident, he decided to steal some money from a shopkeeper’s place. He entered the shop in his invisible state and stole all the money he could find. It was a risky move, but he knew that he needed the money to survive.


As he continued to wander through the streets of London, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure. Being invisible had opened up a whole new world for him, and he was eager to explore it further. However, he knew that he needed to be careful and avoid getting caught. It was a dangerous game, but he was willing to take the risk.


The protagonist of the story, Griffin, had always been fascinated by the concept of invisibility. He had spent years researching and experimenting, trying to find a way to make himself invisible. Eventually, he succeeded in creating a serum that rendered him completely invisible. However, his excitement at his new discovery was short-lived, as he soon realized that being invisible came with its own set of problems.

Footprints without Feet summary

Unable to live a normal life in society, Griffin decided to move to the small village of Iping, where he could live in relative isolation. He booked a room at the local hotel, but his peculiar appearance and strange behavior soon drew the attention of the villagers. They were suspicious of this outsider who seemed to be hiding something.


As his money began to run out, Griffin resorted to stealing from the locals. When the hotel owners attempted to check his room in his absence, he became violent and lashed out at them. The owners, believing that there were spirits in the inn, called the town constable to investigate. This only served to aggravate Griffin, and he decided to reveal himself as the headless man responsible for the strange occurrences in the village.


Despite the efforts of the constable and the villagers, Griffin managed to escape and disappear once again. The story ends with a warning about the dangers of misusing one’s discoveries and the consequences of trying to live outside of society.

Footprints without Feet summary best explanation 4

In the end, Griffin’s obsession with invisibility led him down a dangerous path, one that ultimately resulted in his downfall. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of ignoring societal norms. It also highlights the importance of ethical considerations in scientific research, and the need to consider the potential impact of one’s discoveries on society as a whole.

Hope ,the above content written by me on The Footprints without feet  summary has helped you in understanding the lesson.

Footprints without feet Explanations in Hindi

Rangas Marriage Explanation in Hindi

यह ग्रिफिन नाम के वैज्ञानिक की काफी दिलचस्प कहानी है। वह ऐसे तरीके ढूंढ रहा था जिससे किसी व्यक्ति को अदृश्य बनाया जा सके। उन्हें अपने प्रयोग में सफलता मिली और उन्होंने एक ऐसा फार्मूला विकसित किया जिसकी मदद से वह अदृश्य हो सकते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें शारीरिक रूप से छुआ और महसूस किया जा सकता है। ग्रिफ़िन ने दवा निगल ली और अदृश्य हो गया। उसने गलती से कीचड़ में कदम रख दिया और सबसे पहले उसे दो युवकों ने देखा जो उसके पैरों के निशानों का तब तक पीछा करते रहे जब तक वह बेहोश नहीं हो गया।

वह सड़कों पर चल रहा था और ठंड महसूस कर रहा था, इसलिए वह गर्मी महसूस करने के लिए एक शॉपिंग सेंटर में प्रवेश करता है। दुकानें बंद होने के बाद, वह कुछ आरामदायक कपड़े पहनना और कुछ खाना पसंद करता है। वह सबसे पहले कुछ कपड़े खोलता है और उन्हें पहनता है। उस समय वह एक कैफे की रसोई से ठंडा मांस और कुछ एस्प्रेसो खाता है। बाद में उसने एक दुकान में रजाई के ढेर पर सोने का फैसला किया।

अगली सुबह उसके उठने से पहले ही दुकान के कुछ साथियों ने उसका पीछा करना शुरू कर दिया था। उसने तुरंत सारे कपड़े उतार दिए और एक बार फिर अदृश्य हो गया। अब वह लंदन की कड़ाके की ठंड में बिना कपड़ों के घूम रहे हैं। फिर उसने एक थिएटर कंपनी से कपड़े लेने का फैसला किया क्योंकि उसे यकीन था कि उसे वहां अपना चेहरा ढंकने के लिए भी कुछ मिलेगा।

उसने अपना चेहरा ढकने के लिए मटमैला चश्मा, नकली नाक, एक टोपी और कुछ पट्टियाँ चुरा ली हैं। फिर, वह एक दुकानदार के यहां जाता है और उसके सारे पैसे चुरा लेता है। जल्द ही उन्हें एहसास हुआ कि लंदन इस तरह रहने के लिए काफी व्यस्त जगह है, इसलिए उन्होंने इपिंग गांव में जाने के बारे में सोचा। उसने गांव के एक होटल में दो कमरे बुक किए और वहां पहुंच गया।

ग्रामीणों के लिए यह काफी असामान्य बात है कि इतनी अजीब शक्ल वाला कोई बाहरी व्यक्ति पूरे सर्दियों में एक होटल में रहने आया है। कुछ समय बाद उसके पैसे ख़त्म हो गए और उसने लोगों से चोरी करना शुरू कर दिया। इसके अलावा, उसने मालिक और उसकी पत्नी को तब मारा जब उन्होंने उसकी अनुपस्थिति में उसके कमरे की जाँच करने का प्रयास किया।

चूँकि वे किसी को नहीं देख सकते थे, मालिकों ने सोचा कि सराय में आत्माएँ हैं और वह असामान्य मेहमान इसके लिए ज़िम्मेदार है। उस समय, नगर कांस्टेबल से यह पूछताछ करने का अनुरोध किया जाता है कि उसकी पहचान क्या है और उसने उसके सामान के साथ क्या किया। इससे वह परेशान हो गया और उसने अपनी पहचान एक बिना सिर वाले व्यक्ति के रूप में दिखाने का फैसला किया। वे ग्रिफ़िन को पकड़ नहीं पाते क्योंकि वह अपने सारे कपड़े उतार देता है और अदृश्य हो जाता है।

Footprints without feet Explanations in Assamese

Ranga’s Marriage Explanation in Assamese

গ্ৰীফিন নামৰ এজন বিজ্ঞানীৰ বিষয়ে এইটো যথেষ্ট আকৰ্ষণীয় কাহিনী। মানুহ এজনক অদৃশ্য কৰি তুলিব পৰা উপায় বিচাৰি আহিছিল সি। তেওঁ নিজৰ পৰীক্ষাত সফলতা লাভ কৰিলে আৰু এনে এটা সূত্ৰ বিকশিত কৰিলে যাৰ সহায়ত তেওঁ অদৃশ্য হৈ পৰিব পাৰে, কিন্তু শাৰীৰিকভাৱে স্পৰ্শ আৰু অনুভৱ কৰিব পাৰে।

 গ্ৰীফিনে ড্ৰাগছ গিলি পেলালে আৰু অদৃশ্য হৈ পৰিল। ভুলবশতঃ বোকাত ভৰি দিলে আৰু প্ৰথমে দুজন যুৱকে দেখা পালে আৰু তেওঁৰ ভৰিৰ ছাপ ক্ষীণ নোহোৱালৈকে অনুসৰণ কৰিলে। ৰাস্তাত খোজ কাঢ়ি গৈ থাকোঁতে ঠাণ্ডা লাগিছিল, গতিকে গৰম অনুভৱ কৰিবলৈ শ্বপিং চেণ্টাৰ এটাত প্ৰৱেশ কৰে। দোকানবোৰ বন্ধ হোৱাৰ পিছত তেওঁ কিছুমান আৰামদায়ক কাপোৰ পিন্ধি কিবা এটা খাবলৈ বাছি লয়। 

প্ৰথমতে দুটামান কাপোৰ খুলি পিন্ধে। সেই সময়ত কেফে এখনৰ পাকঘৰৰ পৰা তেওঁ ঠাণ্ডা মাংস আৰু এচপ্ৰেছ’ কিছু খায়। পিছত সি ষ্ট’ৰ এখনত কুইল্টৰ ঢেৰ ওপৰত শুবলৈ সিদ্ধান্ত ল’লে। পিছদিনা ৰাতিপুৱা তেওঁ সাৰ পোৱাৰ আগতে কিছুমান ষ্ট’ৰৰ সহযোগীয়ে তেওঁক অনুসৰণ কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰা দেখিছিল। নিমিষতে সকলো কাপোৰ খুলি আকৌ এবাৰ অদৃশ্য হৈ পৰিল। এতিয়া লণ্ডনৰ ঠাণ্ডা শীতকালত কাপোৰ নোহোৱাকৈ বিচৰণ কৰি আছে। 

তাৰ পিছত তেওঁ থিয়েটাৰ কোম্পানী এটাৰ পৰা কাপোৰ লোৱাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লয় কাৰণ তেওঁ নিশ্চিত আছিল যে তাত তেওঁৰ মুখখনো ঢাকিবলৈ কিবা এটা পাব। নিস্তেজ চশমা, ভুৱা নাক, আৰু মুখখন ঢাকিবলৈ টুপী আৰু কিছুমান বেণ্ডেজ চুৰি কৰিছে। তাৰ পিছত, এজন দোকানীৰ ঠাইলৈ গৈ তেওঁৰ সকলো টকা চুৰি কৰি লৈ যায়। 

অলপ পিছতে তেওঁ উপলব্ধি কৰে যে লণ্ডন এনেকৈ থাকিবলৈ যথেষ্ট ব্যস্ত ঠাই, গতিকে তেওঁ ইপিং গাঁওলৈ যোৱাৰ কথা ভাবিলে। গাঁৱৰ হোটেল এখনত দুটা ৰুম বুকিং কৰি সি তাতেই পালেগৈ। ইমান অদ্ভুত চেহেৰাৰ বাহিৰৰ মানুহ এজনে গোটেই শীতকালটো হোটেল এখনত থাকিবলৈ অহাটো গাঁৱৰ মানুহৰ বাবে একেবাৰে অস্বাভাৱিক। 

কিছু সময়ৰ পাছত তেওঁৰ টকা শেষ হৈ গ’ল, আৰু তেওঁ মানুহৰ পৰা চুৰি কৰিবলৈ ধৰিলে। তদুপৰি তেওঁৰ অনুপস্থিতিত তেওঁৰ কোঠাটো পৰীক্ষা কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিলে মালিক আৰু পত্নীক আঘাত কৰে। যিহেতু তেওঁলোকে কাকো দেখা নাপায় মালিকসকলে ভাবিছিল যে থানাখনত আত্মা আছে আৰু সেই অস্বাভাৱিক অতিথিজনেই ইয়াৰ বাবে দায়ী। 

সেই সময়তে টাউন কনিষ্টবলজনক তেওঁৰ পৰিচয় কি আৰু তেওঁৰ আচবাবৰ ওপৰত কি কৰিলে সেই সম্পৰ্কে সোধা-পোছা কৰিবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰা হয়। ইয়াৰ ফলত তেওঁ বিৰক্ত হৈ পৰিল আৰু মূৰহীন মানুহ হিচাপে নিজৰ পৰিচয় দেখুৱাবলৈ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়। গ্ৰীফিনে সকলো কাপোৰ খুলি অদৃশ্য হৈ পৰাৰ সময়ত তেওঁলোকে ধৰিব নোৱাৰে।

NCERT Question and Answer Solutions

the midnight visitor important question answer

Question 1. How did the invisible man first become visible?

Answer: Griffin was  a scientist who had carried out an  experiment to prove that the human body could become invisible. Finally, he swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became transparent. He left footprints in mud. The footprints  were seen by two boys. The boys followed the footprints . The muddy impressions became fainter and finally disappeared. Next,Griffin went to take shelter in a London store.

There he searched for clothes. He wore some warm clothes. Soon he wore shoes, an overcoat and a wide-brimmed hat. He completely dressed himself. After wearing he became a visible person. He settled down slept on a pile of quilts. In this way Griffin was visible to the assistants at the stores in the next morning.

Question 2. Why was he wandering the streets?

Answer: Griffin, the scientist, had carried out an  experiment to prove that the human body could become invisible. Finally, he swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became transparent. Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather a lawless person. His landlord disliked him and tried to eject him.

In revenge, Griffin set fire to the house. To get away without being seen he had removed his clothes. Thus it was that he became homeless and was wandering on the streets, without clothes, without money, and quite invisible. 

Question 3. Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric?

Answer: The arrival of a stranger at an inn in winter was in itself a strange occurrence. Mrs Hall the landlord’s wife, made every effort to be friendly with the stranger,Griffin. Griffin had no desire to talk to her. He told her that he came to Iping in search of solitude. He did not want anyone to disturb him in his work. Griffin shared a lie that an accident had affected his face. Mrs Hall found  the scientist eccentric because of his uncommon appearance, strange habits and irritable temper.

Question 4. What curious episode occurs in the Clergyman’s study room?

Answer: Very early in the morning a clergyman and his wife were awakened by few noises in the study room upstairs. Creeping downstairs, they heard the chink of money. The clergyman came downstairs firmly holding a poker. The clergyman flung open the door and shouted ‘surrender’. They were amazed when they realized that the room was empty and there was no trace of any human figure. Later , they searched the clergyman’s desk and found that the money is missing.

They looked under the desk. They searched behind the curtains. They even verified the chimney but there wasn’t a sign of anybody. Yet the desk has been opened and the housekeeping money was missing. ‘The clergyman kept saying for the rest of the day that it was an “Extraordinary affair!”

Question 5. What other extraordinary things happen at the inn?

Answer: At the inn, the landlord and his wife were surprised to find the scientist’s door wide open and his bedclothes cold. They also witnessed strange occurrences, such as a hat leaping into Mrs. Hall’s face and a chair attacking them and locking them out of the room. Mrs. Hall believed the room was haunted, especially when the scientist was suspected of being involved in a burglary.

When questioned, the scientist removed his disguises and appeared as a headless man. The constable attempted to arrest the invisible scientist but was knocked unconscious in the process.

Question 6. “Griffin was rather a lawless person,” comment.

Answer:Griffin was not bothered if he had harmed anybody in the fulfilment of what he wanted. He set his landlord’s house on fire because the landlord tried to make him leave. Then his robberies at shops and later in the village indicate that he was a lawless person. When he encountered the landlady of the inn, he threw a chair at her and her husband. Lawless persons like Griffin never think about the safety and well-being of others. They are only concerned about themselves

Question 7. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist?

Answer: Griffin was a scientist who had carried out an  experiment to prove that the human body could become invisible. Finally, he swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became transparent.

But he was not an honest person as he used his discovery to attack and hurt people. He attacked the shopkeeper and robbed him off all the money. He stole money from the clergyman. He made people furious and scared of him. At the store, he robbed the clothes without paying any bill. He was also very revengeful because when his landlord disliked him, he simply set fire to the landlord’s house and ran away.

Q8. Griffin entered the shop of a theatrical company. What does he do there?

ANSWER. Griffin entered the shop of a theatrical company .He was in search of something that would hide the empty space above his shoulders. In the shop he found some clothes .He wore bandages round his forehead, dark glasses, false nose, big bushy side-whiskers and a large hat. He attacked the shopkeeper and robbed him off all the money.

Q9. The Landlord and his wife were surprised to see the scientist’s door open. Why were they surprised? What three extraordinary things happened in the room?

Answer: The landlord and his wife were surprised to see the scientist’s door wide open because usually the door remained shut .He usually locked the door and allowed no one to enter the room.

First extraordinary thing that happened in the room was that the hat of the scientist on the bedpost leapt up. The hat suddenly dashed itself into the landlord’s wife’s face. The Second extraordinary thing was when the bedroom chair became alive. The chair  striked straight at her legs. Thirdly ,the chair  pushed both husband and wife out of the room .The door itself slammed and the door got locked .

Q10. Write the character sketch of Mrs.Hall.

Answer: The Horses and Coaches Inn was owned by Mrs. Hall. She ran the inn with the help of her husband, Mr. Hall. She is a generous woman who pays special attention to her guests. She is a very friendly and down -to-earth women .She enjoys socializing with her guests. She is more  fond towards money. She defended the Invisible Man and refused to bother him.

Later , she  herself wanted to drive out the invisible man. Mrs. Hall has a motherly side as well, and when she saw the invisible guy wrapped up from head to toe, including his mouth, she assumed he suffered a horrific accident and didn’t want anyone to sympathize with him. She remains an important character throughout the story.

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Question 11. Give a character sketch of Griffin ,the invisible scientist.

Answer: Griffin was  a scientist who had carried out an  experiment to prove that the human body could become invisible. Finally, he swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became transparent. But he was not an honest person as he used his discovery to attack and hurt people. He attacked the shopkeeper and robbed him off all the money. He stole money from the clergyman. He made people furious and scared of him. At the store, he robbed the clothes without paying any bill. He was also very revengeful because when his landlord disliked him, he simply set fire to the landlord’s house and ran away.

Question 12. Why did the landlord want to eject Griffin?

Answer: Griffin was  a scientist who had carried out an  experiment to prove that the human body could become invisible. Finally, he swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became transparent.  Though Griffin was a brilliant scientist, the landlord wanted to eject him from his house because of his whimsical activities.

Question 13. Why did Griffin set the house on fire?

Answer: Though Griffin was a brilliant scientist, the landlord wanted to eject him from his house because of his whimsical activities.Griffin set the house on fire to take his revenge on the landlord.

Question 14. What did Griffin the scientist do to escape after setting the Landlord’s house on fire ?

Answer: Though Griffin was a brilliant scientist, the landlord wanted to eject him from his house because of his whimsical activities.Griffin set the house on fire to take his revenge on the landlord.

Griffin removed his clothes and became invisible. He became a homeless wanderer without clothes and without money.

Question 15. The neighbors suspected Griffin of burglary. State why this was or was not justified.

Answer: The neighbors started suspecting Griffin after hearing Mrs. Hall’s experience in the room.They started believing that it was caused by witchcraft . They again became suspicious when Griffin had no money but suddenly he produced all the cash.

Founder of Englishfry.com, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website Studyfunnel.com, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-Asst.Professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.

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