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ToggleGoing Places Summary Class 12 English
The story revolves around the life of Sophie, a teenager, who, like others of her age, is filled with fantasies and desires. She comes from a poor financial background, but hopes to be sophisticated in the future. Sophie dreams of owning a boutique one day not being an actress or fashion designer, but her friend Jansie believes that both of them are earmarked for the biscuit factory. Jansie, who is more realistic, tries to pull Sophie to reality, but in vain.
Sophie lives in a small house with her parents and brothers, Geoff and little Derek. Though she voices her feelings and desires, her parents belittle her, because they, unlike her, are more mature and has known the harsh realities of life.
Sophie finds a sort of fascination for her elder brother Geoff, who, in her opinion, is tall, strong and handsome but reserved. She envies his silence and often wonders about his thoughts and areas of his life that she doesn’t know about.
The centre of this story is that Sophie fantasises about Danny Casey, an Irish football player, whom she had seen playing in innumerable matches. She makes up a story about how she met him in the streets and tells this to Geoff. Geoff, who is more sensible than Sophie, does not really believe her, even if she wants to. It seems an unlikely incident for Sophie to meet the prodigy in their street, but where Sophie describes the meeting inall her details, he begins to hope that it could be true. She tells him that Danny has promised to meet her somewhere again.
Sophie gets so pulled into the story she made that she herself begins to believe that its true. She waits for the Irish player, but obviously, he never arrives. Then, she makes her way home, wondering how her brother would be disappointed on knowing that Danny Casey never showed up. However, Sophie still fantasizes about her hero, unperturbed.
The whole story is about unrealistic dreams and how we love to indulge in them knowing all the while that they have little possibility of coming true. But some, like Sophie, gets too involved in them and actually act on them. This is when disappointment makes its entrance into life. The story seem to hint at you that it is okay to dream, but dream with limits. This is actual reality and do not believe too much in movies and novels where the characters miraculously over come their challenges. This is a pessimistic way of looking at things, but sadly it is the true reality. Unless you are impossibly ambitious, hardworking, and have loads of patience and perseverance, such dreams are best to be kept under lock and key unless you like the taste of bitter disappointment

Going Places Summary in Hindi
कहानी एक किशोरी सोफी के जीवन के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जो अपनी उम्र के अन्य लोगों की तरह कल्पनाओं और इच्छाओं से भरी है। वह एक कमजोर वित्तीय पृष्ठभूमि से आती है, लेकिन भविष्य में परिष्कृत होने की उम्मीद करती है। सोफी एक अभिनेत्री या फैशन डिजाइनर न बनकर एक दिन बुटीक खरीदने का सपना देखती है, लेकिन उसकी दोस्त जैन्सी का मानना है कि उन दोनों को बिस्किट फैक्ट्री के लिए चुना गया है। जान्सी, जो अधिक यथार्थवादी है, सोफी को वास्तविकता में खींचने की कोशिश करती है, लेकिन व्यर्थ।
सोफी अपने माता-पिता और भाइयों, ज्योफ और छोटे डेरेक के साथ एक छोटे से घर में रहती है। हालाँकि वह अपनी भावनाओं और इच्छाओं को व्यक्त करती है, लेकिन उसके माता-पिता उसे कमतर आंकते हैं, क्योंकि उसके विपरीत, वे अधिक परिपक्व हैं और जीवन की कठोर वास्तविकताओं को जानते हैं।
सोफी को अपने बड़े भाई ज्योफ के प्रति एक प्रकार का आकर्षण मिलता है, जो उसकी राय में, लंबा, मजबूत और सुंदर है लेकिन आरक्षित है। वह उसकी चुप्पी से ईर्ष्या करती है और अक्सर उसके विचारों और उसके जीवन के उन क्षेत्रों के बारे में सोचती है जिनके बारे में वह नहीं जानती है।
इस कहानी का केंद्र यह है कि सोफी एक आयरिश फुटबॉल खिलाड़ी डैनी केसी के बारे में कल्पना करती है, जिसे उसने अनगिनत मैचों में खेलते देखा था। वह एक कहानी बनाती है कि वह उससे सड़कों पर कैसे मिली और ज्योफ को यह बात बताती है। ज्योफ, जो सोफी से अधिक समझदार है, वास्तव में उस पर विश्वास नहीं करता, भले ही वह चाहती हो। सोफी के लिए अपनी गली में विलक्षण व्यक्ति से मिलना एक अप्रत्याशित घटना लगती है, लेकिन जहां सोफी अपने पूरे विवरण में इस मुलाकात का वर्णन करती है, उसे उम्मीद होने लगती है कि यह सच हो सकता है। वह उसे बताती है कि डैनी ने उससे दोबारा कहीं मिलने का वादा किया है।
सोफी अपनी बनाई कहानी में इस कदर डूब जाती है कि वह खुद ही यह मानने लगती है कि यह सच है। वह आयरिश खिलाड़ी का इंतजार करती है, लेकिन जाहिर है, वह कभी नहीं आता है। फिर, वह यह सोच कर घर की ओर चल देती है कि उसका भाई यह जानकर कितना निराश होगा कि डैनी केसी कभी नहीं आया। हालाँकि, सोफी अब भी बेफिक्र होकर अपने हीरो के बारे में कल्पना करती रहती है।
पूरी कहानी अवास्तविक सपनों के बारे में है और हम यह जानते हुए भी उनमें शामिल होना पसंद करते हैं कि उनके सच होने की बहुत कम संभावना है। लेकिन सोफी जैसे कुछ लोग उनमें बहुत अधिक शामिल हो जाते हैं और वास्तव में उन पर कार्रवाई करते हैं। यही वह समय होता है जब निराशा जीवन में प्रवेश कर जाती है। कहानी आपको यह संकेत देती प्रतीत होती है कि सपने देखना ठीक है, लेकिन सीमित दायरे में सपने देखें। यह वास्तविक वास्तविकता है और उन फिल्मों और उपन्यासों पर बहुत अधिक विश्वास न करें जहां पात्र चमत्कारिक ढंग से अपनी चुनौतियों पर विजय प्राप्त करते हैं। यह चीजों को देखने का निराशावादी तरीका है, लेकिन दुख की बात है कि यह सच्ची वास्तविकता है। जब तक आप असंभव रूप से महत्वाकांक्षी, मेहनती नहीं हैं, और आपके पास धैर्य और दृढ़ता का भार नहीं है, ऐसे सपनों को ताले और चाबी के नीचे रखना सबसे अच्छा है जब तक कि आप कड़वी निराशा का स्वाद पसंद नहीं करते।

Going Places Summary in Assamese
কাহিনীটো ছফী নামৰ কিশোৰীগৰাকীৰ জীৱনক কেন্দ্ৰ কৰিয়েই আবদ্ধ, যিগৰাকীও নিজৰ বয়সৰ আনসকলৰ দৰেই কল্পনা আৰু ইচ্ছাৰে ভৰি আছে। আৰ্থিক পটভূমি দুৰ্বল, কিন্তু ভৱিষ্যতে অত্যাধুনিক হোৱাৰ আশা। ছফীয়ে অভিনেত্ৰী বা ফেশ্বন ডিজাইনাৰ নহৈ এদিন বুটিকৰ মালিক হোৱাৰ সপোন দেখে, কিন্তু তাইৰ বন্ধু জেন্সিয়ে বিশ্বাস কৰে যে দুয়োজনেই বিস্কুট কাৰখানাৰ বাবে নিৰ্দিষ্ট। অধিক বাস্তৱসন্মত জেনচিয়ে ছফীক বাস্তৱৰ ওচৰলৈ টানি নিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰে, কিন্তু বৃথা।
ছফীয়ে মাক-দেউতাক আৰু ভাতৃ জিঅফ আৰু কণমানি ডেৰেকৰ সৈতে এটা সৰু ঘৰত থাকে। যদিও তাই নিজৰ অনুভৱ আৰু ইচ্ছাক কণ্ঠস্বৰত কয়, মাক-দেউতাকে তাইক তুচ্ছজ্ঞান কৰে, কাৰণ তেওঁলোক তাইৰ দৰে নহয়, অধিক পৰিপক্ক আৰু জীৱনৰ কঠোৰ বাস্তৱতাক জানিছে।
ছফীয়ে ডাঙৰ ভাই জিঅফৰ প্ৰতি এক ধৰণৰ আকৰ্ষণ বিচাৰি পায়, যিজন তাইৰ মতে ওখ, শক্তিশালী আৰু সুদৰ্শন কিন্তু সংৰক্ষিত। তাই তাৰ মৌনতাক ঈৰ্ষা কৰে আৰু প্ৰায়ে তাৰ চিন্তা আৰু জীৱনৰ যিবোৰ ক্ষেত্ৰৰ বিষয়ে তাই নাজানে সেইবোৰৰ বিষয়ে চিন্তা কৰে।
এই কাহিনীটোৰ কেন্দ্ৰবিন্দু হ’ল ছফীয়ে আইৰিছ ফুটবল খেলুৱৈ ডেনি কেছিৰ বিষয়ে কল্পনা কৰে, যাক তেওঁ অগণন মেচত খেলা দেখিছিল। তাই কেনেকৈ ৰাজপথত লগ পাইছিল তাৰ কাহিনী এটা ৰচনা কৰে আৰু এই কথা জিঅফক কয়। ছফীতকৈ বেছি বুদ্ধিমান জিঅফে তাইক সঁচাকৈয়ে বিশ্বাস নকৰে, যদিও তাই ইচ্ছা কৰে। ছফীয়ে তেওঁলোকৰ ৰাস্তাত অদ্ভুত মানুহজনক লগ পোৱাটো যেন এক অসম্ভৱ কাণ্ড, কিন্তু য’ত ছফীয়ে সাক্ষাৎকাৰটোৰ সকলো সবিশেষ বৰ্ণনা কৰে, তাত তেওঁ আশা কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে যে সেয়া সঁচা হ’ব পাৰে। তাই তাক কয় যে ডেনিয়ে তাইক আকৌ ক’ৰবাত লগ পোৱাৰ প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিছে।
ছফীয়ে তাই বনোৱা কাহিনীটোৰ মাজলৈ ইমানেই টানি আনে যে তাই নিজেই বিশ্বাস কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে যে ইয়াৰ সঁচা। তাই আইৰিছ খেলুৱৈজনৰ বাবে অপেক্ষা কৰে, কিন্তু স্পষ্টভাৱে, তেওঁ কেতিয়াও নাহে। তাৰ পিছত, তাই ঘৰলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ লয়, ডেনি কেছিয়ে কেতিয়াও দেখা দিয়া নাছিল বুলি জানি তাইৰ ভায়েক কেনেকৈ হতাশ হ’ব বুলি ভাবি। অৱশ্যে ছফীয়ে এতিয়াও নিজৰ নায়কৰ বিষয়ে কল্পনা কৰে, অবিচলিত।
গোটেই কাহিনীটো অবাস্তৱ সপোনবোৰৰ বিষয়ে আৰু আমি কেনেকৈ সেই সপোনবোৰ সঁচা হোৱাৰ সম্ভাৱনা কম বুলি জানিও সেইবোৰত লিপ্ত হ’বলৈ ভাল পাওঁ। কিন্তু কিছুমানে ছফীৰ দৰে সেইবোৰৰ লগত অত্যধিক জড়িত হৈ পৰে আৰু আচলতে সেইবোৰৰ ওপৰত কাম কৰে। এই সময়তে হতাশাই জীৱনত প্ৰৱেশ কৰে। কাহিনীটোৱে যেন আপোনাক ইংগিত দিছে যে সপোন দেখাটো ঠিকেই আছে, কিন্তু সীমাৰেখাৰে সপোন দেখা। এইটো প্ৰকৃত বাস্তৱ আৰু চৰিত্ৰবোৰে অলৌকিকভাৱে নিজৰ প্ৰত্যাহ্বানসমূহ অতিক্ৰম কৰা চিনেমা আৰু উপন্যাসত বেছি বিশ্বাস নকৰে। এইটো এটা নিৰাশাবাদী দৃষ্টিভংগী, কিন্তু দুখৰ বিষয় যে ই প্ৰকৃত বাস্তৱ। যদিহে আপুনি অসম্ভৱভাৱে অভিলাষী, কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমী, আৰু ধৈৰ্য্য আৰু অধ্যৱসায়ৰ বোজা নথকা নহয়, তেন্তে এনে সপোনবোৰ তলা আৰু চাবিৰ তলত ৰখাটোৱেই উত্তম যদিহে আপুনি তিক্ত হতাশাৰ সোৱাদ ভাল নাপায়

Going Places Question and Answers
1)What was pictured to you in Sophie’s home?
Ans- It was a middle class family. Her mother was busy in her chores. Food was being cooked on a stove. Dirty clothes piled up in a corner. Her father was scoping shepherd’s pie after days work. Geoff had to go to a far off place fortraining.
2)What did Sophie think about her brother Geoff?
Ans- Geoff an apprentice mechanic, was almost grown up now. Sophie suspected areas of his life about which he never spoke. If he was not speaking to her, he was away in the world at places she had never seen. But she guessed her brother thought her too young.
3)What were the special fascination for the teenager Sophie? (IMP)
Ans-The unknown outlying districts of her city unknown places beyond her country, and the world of places where she had never been were great fascination for Sophie. She wished to know about exotic interesting people and brother’s affections. She hoped to go there with her brother Geoff.
4)On the news ‘Sophie met Danny Casey’ how did their father react?
Ans-Father looked at Sophie with sadness on his face, he did not believe it. He called it another of her wild stories. He warned her that those days she would put herself into a lot of troubles because of her talks.
5)What did Geoff mean by saying, ‘Casey must have strings of girls?’(IMP)
Ans-Sophie wanted Geoff to promise not to tell daddy about her meeting with Danny Casey. He would fire her badly. Then Geoff told that Casey must be having a large number of girls in his contact, and she was still a school girl. But Sophie pointed out that Casey was quiet. He did not have strings of girls.
6)What was the autograph riddle? Could it be solved? (V.IMP)
Ans- On first meeting Danny Casey at Royce’s window, Sophie asked his autograph for little Derek. But neither had paper nor a pen. In the second real meting at the Royce’s the same riddle stood unsolved-the autograph couldn’t be solved-neither had a pen.
7)What was Jansie’s attitude towards Sophie on hearing about her meeting Danny Casey? (IMP)
Ans-Geoff told Frank that Sophie met Danny Casey. Frank’s sister Jansie was nosey. She asked Sophie about the meeting. It surprised Sophie because she was doubted Sophie termed it something secret. She felt at ease when she realised that Geoff had not let her down.
8)At what stage Sophie uttered, ‘‘how can you believe what people?’’
Ans-Sitting on the wooden bench Sophie waited and imagined Danny Casey coming. She became loaded with the burden of sadness. She thought what she would tell them about Danny’s not coming. Now she uttered ‘‘How can you help what people choose to believe in life.
9)Did Sophie meet Danny Casey personally at the canal side? (V.IMP)
Ans-With a burden of sadness, Sophie walked back home from the canal side park. At the Royce’s arcade she pictures Danny Casey. He answered her he was Danny Casey. She told him, she watched him every week with her father and brother. She asked him for an autograph but neither had a pen or a paper. For long time she stood there alone where he stood. In reality Danny did noY arrive. It remained a dream with Sophie.
10)write a character sketch of Jensie.
Ans-Jensie belonged to a middle class family. She was a sensible and a practical type of a girl. She did not have high ambitions in life like Sophie. She knew that she was earmarked to work in a biscuit factory. She was a nosey type of a girl.
11)What did the two schools discuss while coming home? (V.IMP)
Ans-The two classmates Sophie and Jensie discussed about finding some work after leaving school. Sophie thought of having her own boutique or to become a shop manager or an actress or fashion designer. Though both were earmarked for a biscuit factory.
12)When back home, why did Sophie feel a tightening in her throat? (IMP)
Ans-When back home, Sophie found her mother busy with the chores. It troubled her seeing her mother in the estate of balancing herself. There was a heap of dirty clothes piled in a corner. Her father was eating the shepherd’s pie, Sophie felt uneasy and dryness in her throat. So she moved to look for brother Geoff in the next room.
13)Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff’s silence? (M.IMP)
Ans-Sophie’s brother Geoff was an apprentice mechanic. He was almost grown up yet he hardly spoke anything of his own. Words were prized out of his mouth like stones from ground. she could only suspect areas of his life which she wanted to hear from him. So she was jealous of his silence. She took him to be out there in the world when he was not speaking.
14)What was going on in Sophie’s mind about people and places unknown to her? (IMP)
14)What were Sophie’s views about the vast world around?
Ans-The unknown far off places even beyond the surrounding country had a great attraction in Sophie’s mind. She wanted to see, meet exotic and interesting people of whom Geoff never spoke. She was impatient to know them. She thought the world was waiting to welcome her.
15)What did Sophie tell Geoff about Danny Casey?
Danny Casey was a young Irish player of the United first squad. Sophie told Geoff of meeting Danny Casey at Royce’s window. It surprised him and he wanted to know the truth. She told about Danny Casey’s gentle green eyes. She talked with him first and asked for an autograph. But neither had a pen nor paper. So he promised to do it next week, if she cared.
16)Why did Sophie liked Danny Casey? (IMP)
Ans-The young Irish Danny Casey was a sports icon. He was gentle and calm. He was handsome and always impressively dressed. He was tall and bold with a strong dark face. She imagined him to be fit for his love.
17)What did Sophie imagine about her meeting with Danny Casey?
17)Write Sophie’s description about his first meeting with Danny Casey.(V.IMP)
Ans-Sophie told that she met Danny Casey at the Royce’s window. She was looking at her clothes there. He came and stood besides her. She spoke to him first and asked if he was Danny Casey. He confirmed, she asked for an autograph but neither had paper nor a pen. They talked a bit. He assured for the autograph next week if she cared.
18)What was the weekly pilgrimage in the story ‘Going places’? (M.IMP)
Ans-Their weekly pilgrimage on Saturday was to watch the United. Actually she got interested in Danny Casey and wanted to see his game and watch him playing at the United on Saturday. Sophie with her father and little Derek sat near the goal, and Geoff went up with his friends. They boost up Danny’s morale and got thrilled at his scoring goal.
19)What did Sophie told Jansie about her meeting with Danny Casey? (V.IMP)
Ans- Next week when Jansie met Sophie, she asked her about the meeting of DannyCasey. Though Sophie got surprised and damned her brother Geoff, yet she called it something between them. Something secret but not a Jansie type. Jansie promised to keep it a secret. Sophie told it was a little thing, she asked for an autograph but neither had a pen.
20) ‘It was a perfect place, she had always thought so.’ Which is the place described and what made it so perfect? (IMP)
Ans-For the fancy date Sophie walked by the canal in the evening. She used to play here in her childhood. She reached wooden bench beneath the Solitaryelm tree. She sat and waited there for Danny Casey. It was a perfect place for the lovers who wished not to be observed.

1)What were the two girls willing to do in the story ‘Going places’? (IMP)
Ans-The two school girls Sophie and Jansie were classmates. They had been discussing things while walking up and down the school. Since they would be completing their school education the belonged to middle class families. Therefore, it was but natural for both the girls to plan about a work to earn money.
Sophie told when she left school she would be going to have a boutique like that of Mary Quant. She hoped to have the most amazing shop in the city. Jansie looked doubtful and pointed that opening a boutique required a lot of money. Though Sophie knew her financial background yet she opined she would find it. Jansie stated further that to save that much would take a long time. She thought of becoming a shop manager. But Jansie cleared her whims by telling her that they won’t make her manager straight off. She knew even her father wouldn’t allow for to a shop job.
Both were earmarked for a biscuit factory. So Jansie asked her to become really sensible and not to talk like that. She would become an actress as there was real money in that. She could run her boutique side by side as actresses didn’t work full time. Thus the two friends reached their homes.
2)Describe the social background and the life of the people after your reading the story ‘Going places?’
Ans-In the story ‘Going places’, author A.R.Burton had clearly depicted the stages of helplessness and satisfaction in the lives of middle class people. The members of the society are shown to be law-aiding, minding their own business and hardworking. Sopihe’s father had been working hard throughout the day and even helping her mother in her chores.
Sophie’s brother Geoff had to travel a long for his apprenticeship everyday. The gentsfolk had been very sincerely and sensibly maintaining their family peace, progress and happiness. Sophie’s mother had been carrying on with her family chores. She looked after the whole affairs of the family quietly.
The girls Sophie and Jansie had been seriously taking up their matters relating ot life. Both had been discussing about work to be started after school. Even little Derek had the real brain of the elders on his shoulders. He was a clear and intelligent financial analyst. Even his sports forecast sounded like expert comment ‘Ireland will win the world cup.’ The teenagers unrealistic reams and belief of hero worship.
3)Write your views after your reading the story ‘Going places’.
Ans- The author has developed hi story by involving only one family. Sophie had one elder brother Geoff and a younger one Derek. Her parents were quite caring and helpful to them at every stage of life.
Geoff had almost grown up. It was three years now he passed school and was working hard as an apprenticeship mechanic. He was a youth who had a determination to become a mechanical expert. He daily travelled to the other side of the city for his training. He enjoyed doing his work silently. His silence troubled Sophie and she had to prize out words from him like the stones from the ground. His silence compelled Sophie to guess him to be somewhere else in the world. He never spoke about. She loved and admired Geoff always.
Geoff was ‘‘quiet youth and didn’t easily make new friends.’’ She knew he would take her to all such unknown places and people for which she was impatient, though her father forbade. Like her brother she liked his groups and liked to be admitted to that. Geoff not only supported Sophie before their parents but was the first to share her secrets.Though Geoff hardly believed the truth without verifying her stories.
4)How did Sophie detail her meeting with Danny Casey? (V.IMP)
How did Sophie describe her meeting with Danny Casey? (V.IMP)
Ans-Geoff was working with a motorcycle part in the next room. after coming back home from school, she looked for brother Geoff. She told him she met Danny Casey. It startled Geoff and he turned around to her to ask ‘where?’ she cleared there in the Royce’s arcade very funnily. Geoff took it never to be true. Geoff was the first with whom she shared her secrets. She detailed that at Royce’s window she was looking at the clothes. He came and stood besides her. She took him to be Danny Casey and that he confirmed.
In order to know the reality he asked Sophie how he looked like. she stated that he had green and gentle eyes and h was not that tall as he would think. She finally got a promise from Geoff not to reveal the secret to anyone to avoid any trouble from father. Geoff made her to realise that she was still at school and Danny Casey must be having strings of girls. She denied and told that Danny Casey was not like that. He was……..quiet.
She asked him for an autograph for little Derek but he neither had a paper nor a pen. So they talked about a bit. Just as he was going he said, if she cared to meet him next week he would give her an autograph then.
5)How Did Sophie’s father react on hearing about Sophie meeting Danny Casey? (V.IMP)
Ans- sophie’s father was a man of gentle and considerate nature. In spite of his hard work he always helped in the chores. When Sophie’s brother Geoff was doing some work on the motorbike, had completed washing of clothes, he came in and switched on the television. Then he told his father ‘Sophie met Danny Casey.’ He turned his head and looked at Sophie. Their father seemed sad and asked if it was true. He did not believe what he was told.
During the conversation she ensured, that Danny Casey was going to buy a shop. Hearing it, her father became rather confused and murmured something. He aggressively called her telling another of her wild stories.
It was at this stage Geoff came o her help and told their father that she met him at the Royce’s arcade and with details. Their father knew well Geoff would support her. Therefore he cautioned Sophie that one of those days she was going to talk herself into a load of trouble. It was a sincere advice from a father to his daughter not to invite troubles for her because of her fanciful talks.
6)Why did Sophie walked by the canal after dark that evening? How did she conduct herself that time? (V.IMP)
According to Sophie what was the perfect place for meeting of this kind?
Describe the place and the meeting. (M.IMP)
What was Sophie’s height of fantasizing as a teenager? (M.IMP)
Ans-After her meeting with Danny Casey, Sophie told brother Geoff about the date for an autograph next week. So Sophie walked by the canal along a sheltered path after dark. It was the place where she had often played in her childhood. There was a wooden bench beneath a solitary tree. There lovers came sometimes. She sat down on the bench to wait. She had always though it to be the ‘perfect place’ for meeting of lovers. For those who wished not to be observed.
It was now after waiting for a while, she imagined his coming. She looked along the canal. She saw him coming out of the shadows. She imagined her excitement so caused. After sometime she began thinking of his not coming.
There she sat wishing Danny Casey would come but he did not come. She felt the pain of doubt moving in her mind. She watched for him but there was no sign of him. She remembered Geoff saying he would never come and also none of them believed her. It made her sad. She could not prove them wrong on doubting her.
Now she had become sad. Thus burden of sitting there, waiting and knowing he would not come, was hard to carry. She would see the future and how she would have to live with this burden. She slowly climbed the crumbling steps to the street to go home. Her fantasizing came to a standstill.
7)Do you think the title of the by A.R.Barton ‘Going places appropriate? Discuss.
In the story ‘Going places’, the author A.R.Burton has successfully taken the readers to places. Elaborate. (M.IMP)
Ans-The author A.R.Burton has taken the readers to places through his female character Sophie. She was a very sweet and beautiful fantasizing teenager, in the first phase of the journey, she took the readers in search of work. She wanted to have a superb boutique of her own. Or a shop manager. She would become an actress to have real money. If not that, she would become a fashion designer though it was a little sophisticated. Her such thinking made her friend Jansie melancholy because both were earmarked for the biscuit factory.
In the second phase of the journey she suspected the areas of Geoff’s life about she knew nothing and never spoke. When Geoff kept silent she thought him to be away somewhere out there in the world in those places she had never seen. The adjacent areas of the neighbouring country, its people and thus she had developed a great fascination for them. Riding behind Geoff she took us to the world that one can go praised and greeted them.
In the final phase, from the Royce’s window, to Danny Casey to the United’s first squad player. In her excitement and dreaming Sophie waited under the elm tree near the canal. She pictured Danny Casey really outside Royce’s arcade again. But here she really could not take an autograph because neither had a pen. Thus throughout the story the reader goes on from place to place but there is no solid result. So the title ‘Going places’ is appropriate.
Founder of, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-Asst.Professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books available Online on Amazon & Flipkart. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.