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ToggleMijbil the Otter Summary
The tale of Mijbil the Otter starts with Gavin Maxwell and his friend journeying to Basra to respond their mail from the Consulate-General. Feeling the loneliness left by his lost dog, Maxwell expressed his wish to have an otter as a pet instead. His friend suggested getting one from the Tigris marshes in Iraq.
Upon arrival, Maxwell’s friend quickly received their mail, but Maxwell had to wait a few more days. When he finally received his mail, he found an otter inside the sack brought by two Arabs with a message from his friend. He named the otter ‘Mijbil,’ affectionately calling it Mij.
After sometime, the little creature gradually adjusted to its new surroundings. Maxwell noticed Mij’s joy in playing with water and its ability to independently open the bathroom faucet. The writer was amazed at Mij’s imaginative games.
As the time came for Maxwell to return to England with his otter companion, he encountered restrictions from British Airlines regarding animal travel. Consequently, he opted for a different airline that permitted Mij to accompany him. However, this airline required Mij to be packed in a box to avoid disturbing fellow passengers.
Maxwell feared how he would transport Mijbil to England. The British airways would not fly animals, so Maxwell had to book a flight to Paris and then to London. The airlines told him to put Mijbil in a box not more than eighteen inches. So, after having a box made for him , he put Mijbil inside to make him get habituated.
When he returned from his lunch he was surprised to hear complete silence from the box. He saw blood coming out of the air-holes. When he opened the box, he found Mijbil covered with blood as he had torn the metal covering inside and hurt himself. With only ten minutes left for the flight, Maxwell removed the lining, put Mijbil inside the box and held the lid with his hands.
The driver drove very fast as the airport was five miles away. They were rushed to the aircraft by angry officials just as it was about to take off. Maxwell had booked the front seat for himself and covered the floor with newspapers. He gave the parcel of fish for Mijbil to the air hostess.
The airhostess suggested that he should keep the frightened otter on his knees to sooth him. But once out of the box, Mijbil disappeared in the aircraft. Soon a woman was heard shouting , ‘A rat! A rat!’ Maxwell tried to catch him but failed. The calm and composed airhostess told him to sit down and offered to find the otter for him. Soon, Mijbil found Maxwell and climbed up on his knees, rubbing his face and neck with his nose.

Mijbil the Otter Summary in Hindi
मिजबिल द ओटर की कहानी गेविन मैक्सवेल और उसके दोस्त के साथ शुरू होती है जो महावाणिज्य दूतावास से अपने मेल का जवाब देने के लिए बसरा की यात्रा कर रहे हैं। अपने खोए हुए कुत्ते द्वारा छोड़े गए अकेलेपन को महसूस करते हुए, मैक्सवेल ने उसके बजाय एक पालतू जानवर के रूप में एक ऊदबिलाव रखने की इच्छा व्यक्त की। उनके मित्र ने इराक में टाइग्रिस दलदल से एक प्राप्त करने का सुझाव दिया।
आगमन पर, मैक्सवेल के मित्र को तुरंत उनका मेल प्राप्त हुआ, लेकिन मैक्सवेल को कुछ और दिन इंतजार करना पड़ा। जब अंततः उसे अपना मेल प्राप्त हुआ, तो उसे दो अरबों द्वारा अपने मित्र के संदेश के साथ लाए गए बोरे के अंदर एक ऊदबिलाव मिला। उन्होंने ऊदबिलाव का नाम ‘मिजबिल’ रखा, प्यार से उसे मिज बुलाते थे। कुछ समय बाद, छोटा प्राणी धीरे-धीरे अपने नए परिवेश में समायोजित हो गया।
मैक्सवेल ने पानी के साथ खेलने में मिज की खुशी और बाथरूम के नल को स्वतंत्र रूप से खोलने की उसकी क्षमता पर ध्यान दिया। लेखक मिज के कल्पनाशील खेलों से आश्चर्यचकित था। जैसे ही मैक्सवेल के अपने ऊदबिलाव साथी के साथ इंग्लैंड लौटने का समय आया, उन्हें जानवरों की यात्रा के संबंध में ब्रिटिश एयरलाइंस से प्रतिबंधों का सामना करना पड़ा।
नतीजतन, उन्होंने एक अलग एयरलाइन का विकल्प चुना जिसने मिज को उनके साथ जाने की अनुमति दी। हालाँकि, इस एयरलाइन को साथी यात्रियों को परेशान करने से बचाने के लिए मिज को एक बॉक्स में पैक करने की आवश्यकता थी। मैक्सवेल को डर था कि वह मिजबिल को इंग्लैंड कैसे पहुंचाएगा। ब्रिटिश वायुमार्ग जानवरों को नहीं उड़ाएगा, इसलिए मैक्सवेल को पेरिस और फिर लंदन के लिए उड़ान बुक करनी पड़ी।
एयरलाइंस ने उनसे कहा कि मिजबिल को अठारह इंच से बड़े डिब्बे में रखें। इसलिए, उसके लिए एक बक्सा बनवाने के बाद, उसने उसे आदत डालने के लिए मिजबिल को अंदर रख दिया। जब वह दोपहर का भोजन करके लौटा तो डिब्बे से सन्नाटा सुनकर आश्चर्यचकित रह गया। उसने देखा कि वायु-छिद्रों से खून निकल रहा है।
जब उसने बक्सा खोला, तो उसने मिजबिल को खून से लथपथ पाया क्योंकि उसने अंदर का धातु आवरण फाड़ दिया था और खुद को चोट पहुंचाई थी। उड़ान के लिए केवल दस मिनट बचे थे, मैक्सवेल ने अस्तर हटा दी, मिजबिल को बॉक्स के अंदर रखा और ढक्कन को अपने हाथों से पकड़ लिया। चूँकि हवाई अड्डा पाँच मील दूर था इसलिए ड्राइवर ने गाड़ी बहुत तेज़ चलायी।
जैसे ही विमान उड़ान भरने वाला था, गुस्साए अधिकारियों ने उन्हें तुरंत विमान के पास ले गए। मैक्सवेल ने अपने लिए आगे की सीट बुक की थी और फर्श को अखबारों से ढक दिया था। उन्होंने मिजबिल के लिए मछली का पार्सल एयर होस्टेस को दिया. एयरहोस्टेस ने सुझाव दिया कि डरे हुए ऊदबिलाव को शांत करने के लिए उसे अपने घुटनों पर रखना चाहिए।
लेकिन बॉक्स से बाहर निकलते ही मिजबिल विमान में गायब हो गया। जल्द ही एक महिला को चिल्लाते हुए सुना गया, ‘एक चूहा! एक चूहा!’ मैक्सवेल ने उसे पकड़ने की कोशिश की लेकिन असफल रहे। शांत और संयमित एयरहोस्टेस ने उसे बैठने के लिए कहा और उसके लिए ऊदबिलाव ढूंढने की पेशकश की। जल्द ही, मिजबिल ने मैक्सवेल को ढूंढ लिया और अपने घुटनों पर चढ़ गया और अपना चेहरा और गर्दन अपनी नाक से रगड़ने लगा।

Mijbil the Otter Summary in Assamese
মিজবিল দ্য অটাৰৰ কাহিনী আৰম্ভ হয় গেভিন মেক্সৱেল আৰু তেওঁৰ বন্ধুৱে কনছুলেট জেনেৰেলৰ পৰা পোৱা মেইলৰ উত্তৰ দিবলৈ বাছৰালৈ যাত্ৰা কৰাৰ পৰা। হেৰুৱা কুকুৰটোৱে এৰি থৈ যোৱা নিসংগতা অনুভৱ কৰি মেক্সৱেলে ইয়াৰ পৰিৱৰ্তে পোহনীয়া জন্তু হিচাপে এটা উট লোৱাৰ ইচ্ছা প্ৰকাশ কৰিলে। বন্ধুৱে ইৰাকৰ টাইগ্ৰিছ জলাশয়ৰ পৰা এটা ল’বলৈ পৰামৰ্শ দিলে।
আহি পোৱাৰ লগে লগে মেক্সৱেলৰ বন্ধুৱে সোনকালে তেওঁলোকৰ মেইল পাইছিল যদিও মেক্সৱেলে আৰু কেইদিনমান অপেক্ষা কৰিবলগীয়া হৈছিল। অৱশেষত যেতিয়া তেওঁৰ মেইলটো আহিল, তেতিয়া তেওঁ বন্ধুৰ পৰা মেছেজ লৈ দুজন আৰবে অনা বস্তাটোৰ ভিতৰত এটা উট পাইছিল। তেওঁ উটটোৰ নাম ৰাখিলে ‘মিজবিল’, মৰমেৰে মিজ বুলি ক’লে।
কিছু সময়ৰ পাছত ক্ৰমান্বয়ে কণমানি জীৱটোৱে নিজৰ নতুন চৌপাশৰ লগত খাপ খাই পৰিল। মেক্সৱেলে লক্ষ্য কৰিলে যে মিজৰ পানীৰ সৈতে খেলি থকা আনন্দ আৰু বাথৰুমৰ নলটো স্বতন্ত্ৰভাৱে খুলিব পৰা ক্ষমতা। মিজৰ কল্পনাপ্ৰসূত খেলবোৰ দেখি লেখক আচৰিত হৈ পৰিছিল।
মেক্সৱেলে নিজৰ অটাৰ সংগীক লৈ ইংলেণ্ডলৈ উভতি অহাৰ সময় আহি পোৱাৰ লগে লগে তেওঁ ব্ৰিটিছ এয়াৰলাইন্সৰ পৰা পশু ভ্ৰমণৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত নিষেধাজ্ঞাৰ সন্মুখীন হ’বলগীয়া হয়। ফলস্বৰূপে তেওঁ বেলেগ বিমান সংস্থা এটা বাছি লৈছিল যিয়ে মিজক তেওঁৰ লগত যাবলৈ অনুমতি দিছিল। কিন্তু এই বিমান সংস্থাটোৱে সহযাত্ৰীসকলক অশান্তি নিদিবলৈ মিজক বাকচত ভৰাই থ’ব লগা হৈছিল।
মেক্সৱেলে আশংকা কৰিছিল যে তেওঁ মিজবিলক কেনেকৈ ইংলেণ্ডলৈ লৈ যাব। ব্ৰিটিছ বিমান সেৱাই জীৱ-জন্তু উৰুৱাব নোৱাৰিব, গতিকে মেক্সৱেলে পেৰিছলৈ আৰু তাৰ পিছত লণ্ডনলৈ বিমান বুকিং কৰিবলগীয়া হ’ল। বিমান সংস্থাই মিজবিলক আঠাইশ ইঞ্চিতকৈ বেছি নহয় এটা বাকচত ভৰাই দিবলৈ ক’লে। গতিকে, তেওঁৰ বাবে এটা বাকচ বনাই দিয়াৰ পিছত , তেওঁ অভ্যাস কৰিবলৈ মিজবিলক ভিতৰত থৈ দিলে।
দুপৰীয়াৰ আহাৰ খাই উভতি আহোঁতে বাকচটোৰ পৰা সম্পূৰ্ণ নিস্তব্ধতা শুনি তেওঁ আচৰিত হ’ল। এয়াৰ-হোলবোৰৰ পৰা তেজ ওলোৱা দেখিলে। বাকচটো খুলিলেই মিজবিলক ভিতৰৰ ধাতুৰ আৱৰণ ফালি নিজকে আঘাত দিয়াৰ বাবে তেজেৰে লুতুৰি-পুতুৰি হৈ থকা দেখিলে। উৰণৰ বাবে মাত্ৰ দহ মিনিট বাকী থকা অৱস্থাত মেক্সৱেলে আৱৰণখন আঁতৰাই মিজবিলক বাকচৰ ভিতৰত ভৰাই ঢাকনিখন হাতেৰে ধৰিলে।
বিমানবন্দৰটো পাঁচ মাইল দূৰত থকাৰ বাবে ড্ৰাইভাৰে অতি বেগেৰে গাড়ী চলাইছিল। বিমানখন উৰা মাৰিবলৈ ওলোৱাৰ সময়তে ক্ষুব্ধ বিষয়াসকলে তেওঁলোকক ততাতৈয়াকৈ বিমানখনৰ ওচৰলৈ লৈ যায়। মেক্সৱেলে নিজৰ বাবে আগৰ চিটখন বুকিং কৰি মজিয়াখন বাতৰি কাকতেৰে ঢাকি থৈছিল। মিজবিলৰ বাবে মাছৰ পাৰ্চেলটো এয়াৰ হোষ্টেছক দিলে।
এয়াৰহোষ্টেছে তেওঁক শান্ত কৰিবলৈ ভয় খোৱা উটটোক আঁঠু লৈ ৰাখিব লাগে বুলি পৰামৰ্শ দিলে। কিন্তু এবাৰ বাকচৰ পৰা ওলাই আহি মিজবিল বিমানখনত নোহোৱা হৈ গ’ল। অলপ পিছতে এগৰাকী মহিলাই চিঞৰা শুনা গ’ল , ‘এটা নিগনি! এটা নিগনি!’ মেক্সৱেলে তাক ধৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিলে যদিও বিফল হ’ল। শান্ত আৰু সংযত এয়াৰহোষ্টেছগৰাকীয়ে তেওঁক বহিবলৈ ক’লে আৰু তেওঁৰ বাবে উটটো বিচাৰি উলিয়াবলৈ আগবঢ়াই দিলে। অলপ পিছতে মিজবিলে মেক্সৱেলক পাই আঁঠু লৈ নাকেৰে মুখ আৰু ডিঙি ঘঁহি আঁঠু লৈ উঠিল।

Mijbil the Otter Question and Answers
QUESTION 1: What ‘experiment’ did Maxwell think Camusfearna would be suitable for?
ANSWER: In 1956, the writer visited Southern Iraq and decided to keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. He believed that Camusfearna, surrounded by water, would be the perfect place for this experiment.
QUESTION 2: Why does he go to Basra? How long does he wait there, and why?
ANSWER: The writer went to Basra to collect his mail from Europe. He had to wait for five days because his mail had not arrived.
QUESTION 3: How does he get the otter? Does he like it? Pick out the words that tell you this.
ANSWER: A friend bought the otter for him and sent it to his location. The author liked it, evident from the fact that “The second night Mijbil came on to my bed in the small hours and remained asleep in the crook of my knees…” and “I made a body-belt for him…”
QUESTION 4: Why was the otter named ‘Maxwell’s Otter’?
ANSWER: Zoologists named the otter Lutrogale Perspicillata Maxwelli, so it was shortened to Maxwell’s Otter.
QUESTION 5: What happened when Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom? What did it do two days after that?
ANSWER: When the author took Mijbil to the bathroom, the otter became wild with joy. It splashed, rolled, and played in the water. Two days later, Mijbil went to the bathroom by itself and opened the tap to play with the water.
QUESTION 6: How was Mijbil transported to England?
ANSWER: Mijbil was packed in a box as per the airline’s instructions. British airlines did not allow pets, so the author had to book a different airline from Iraq to Paris and then Paris to London.
QUESTION 7: What did Mij do to the box?
ANSWER: The box had a metal lining, but Mijbil, feeling uncomfortable, tried to escape. In the process, it tore into the metal lining, causing injury to itself.
QUESTION 8: Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?
ANSWER: Maxwell put the otter back in the box because there was no other way to transport it to London. He likely felt pity for the otter, considering how it had hurt itself, and he must have been worried as well.
QUESTION 9: Why does Maxwell say the air hostess was “the very queen of her kind”?
ANSWER: The air hostess showed sympathy and understanding towards Maxwell’s situation, allowing him to take the otter out of the box. This led Maxwell to refer to her as “the very queen of her kind.”
QUESTION 10: What happened when the box was opened?
ANSWER: When the box was opened, Mijbil ran out and began to roam around, scaring the passengers on the plane and causing chaos.
QUESTION 11: What game had Mijbil invented?
ANSWER: Mijbil invented a game involving a ping-pong ball and a damaged suitcase lid. He would place the ball on the high end and chase it as it slid down the slope of the lid.
QUESTION 12: What are ‘compulsive habits’? What does Maxwell say are the compulsive habits of school children and Mij?
ANSWER: Compulsive habits are strange behaviors that individuals perform without a clear reason. School children have their own compulsive habits like stepping squarely on paving blocks or touching every seventh upright of iron railings. Mijbil’s compulsive habit involved leaping over the boundary wall railing and running along its length.
QUESTION 13: What group of animals do otters belong to?
ANSWER: Otters belong to a small group of animals called Mustellines, which also includes badgers, mongooses, weasels, stoats, minks, and others.
QUESTION 14: What guesses did the Londoners make about what Mij was?
ANSWER: Since otters were not found in England, Londoners made wild guesses about Mij. They ranged from guessing he was a baby seal, squirrel, hippo, to even a brontosaurus.
QUESTION 15: What happened when Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom? What did Mijbil do two days after that?
ANSWER: When Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom, Mijbil became extremely excited and played in the water, splashing and rolling. Two days later, Mijbil went to the bathroom by itself and turned on the tap to play with the water.
QUESTION16: What special characteristic of Mijbil did Maxwell learn after he took him to the bathroom?
ANSWER: After taking Mijbil to the bathroom, Maxwell discovered Mijbil’s strong affection for water and how he enjoyed playing in it, which reflected Mijbil’s natural affinity for wetlands and water.
QUESTION 17: What is the most common characteristic of an otter?
ANSWER: The most common characteristic of otters, as seen in the story, is their love for water and how they enjoy playing in it, resembling their natural habitat in marshes.
QUESTION 18: What guesses did the Londoners make about Mijbil?
ANSWER: The Londoners made various guesses about Mijbil’s identity, including thinking he was a baby seal, a squirrel, a walrus, a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard, or even a brontosaurus.
QUESTION 19: Give an example from the text to show that Mijbil is an intelligent animal.
ANSWER: Mijbil’s intelligence is evident when he figures out how to turn on the tap in the bathroom to get water, demonstrating problem-solving skills and adaptability.
QUESTION 20: What game had Mijbil invented?
ANSWER: Mijbil had invented a game where he would place a ping-pong ball on a sloped, damaged suitcase lid and chase after it as it slid down the slope.
QUESTION 21: Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? What do you think how he felt when he did this?
ANSWER: Maxwell put the otter back in the box because he had no other way to transport Mijbil to London. He likely felt sad and concerned about doing this, especially since Mijbil had injured himself while trying to escape from the box.
QUESTION 22: The way Maxwell was worried about Mijbil when he had to take him to London shows that he was very concerned about him. Do you think owning a pet is a lifetime commitment? Elucidate.
ANSWER: Maxwell’s worry and concern for Mijbil’s well-being during the journey demonstrate that owning a pet is indeed a lifetime commitment. When we choose to keep a pet, we take on the responsibility for its care and well-being throughout its life, which includes addressing its needs and concerns, even during challenging situations like travel.
QUESTION 23: What was Mijbil’s favorite game during Maxwell’s stay in London?
ANSWER: Mijbil’s favorite game in London involved a ping-pong ball and a damaged suitcase lid. He enjoyed placing the ball on the high end and chasing it as it

Mijbil the Otter MCQ
- How was Mij to be transported to England?
- a) In a specially designed cage
- b) On a leash and collar
- c) In a box carried on the floor at Maxwell’s feet
- d) In the cargo hold of the airplane
Correct Answer: c) In a box carried on the floor at Maxwell’s feet
- What did Mij do to the box?
- a) Chewed on it
- b) Scratched it
- c) Tore the lining to shreds
- d) Peed inside it
Correct Answer: c) Tore the lining to shreds
- Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?
- a) Mij was misbehaving
- b) Maxwell was frustrated
- c) Maxwell was following airline regulations
- d) Mij was injured
Correct Answer: c) Maxwell was following airline regulations
- Why does Maxwell say the airhostess was “the very queen of her kind”?
- a) She handled the situation with calmness and professionalism
- b) She was friendly and sociable
- c) She allowed Mij to roam freely in the airplane
- d) She provided Maxwell with a comfortable seat
Correct Answer: a) She handled the situation with calmness and professionalism
- What happened when the box was opened?
- a) Mij ran away and got lost in the airport
- b) Mij was exhausted and covered in blood
- c) Mij attacked the airhostess
- d) Mij escaped and caused chaos in the airplane
Correct Answer: d) Mij escaped and caused chaos in the airplane
- What game had Mij invented?
- a) Chess
- b) Ping-pong
- c) Soccer
- d) Basketball
Correct Answer: b) Ping-pong
- What are ‘compulsive habits’? What does Maxwell say are the compulsive habits of (i) school children (ii) Mij?
- a) Habits done without conscious thought; Mij jumps on furniture
- b) Habits that are difficult to break; School children touch every seventh upright of railings, Mij tugs to a wall
- c) Habits formed intentionally; School children always walk in a straight line, Mij barks loudly
- d) Habits related to personal hygiene; School children wash hands frequently, Mij grooms himself
Correct Answer: b) Habits that are difficult to break; School children touch every seventh upright of railings, Mij tugs to a wall
- What group of animals do otters belong to?
- a) Canines
- b) Felines
- c) Mustellines
- d) Ursines
Correct Answer: c) Mustellines
- What guesses did the Londoners make about what Mij was?
- a) A baby seal
- b) A squirrel
- c) A walrus
- d) All of the above
Correct Answer: d) All of the above
- What question did the labourer digging a hole in the street ask about Mij?
- a) Is it a walrus?
- b) What is that supposed to be?
- c) Is it a bear cub?
- d) Does it belong to a dog show?
Correct Answer: b) What is that supposed to be?
- What was the variety of guesses made by Londoners about what kind of animal Mij might be?
- a) Various breeds of dogs
- b) Different types of birds
- c) All members of the Mustellines group
- d) Mammals unrelated to otters
Correct Answer: c) All members of the Mustellines group
- What was Mij’s reaction to the suitcase game involving the ping-pong ball?
- a) He was disinterested
- b) He ignored the ball
- c) He invented the game himself
- d) He only played with marbles
Correct Answer: c) He invented the game himself
- How did Mij react to the water in the bathroom during his first encounter with it?
- a) He was terrified
- b) He was indifferent
- c) He went wild with joy
- d) He refused to go near it
Correct Answer: c) He went wild with joy
- What was Mij’s reaction to his surroundings during the first twenty-four hours in Maxwell’s home?
- a) Hostile and aggressive
- b) Aloof and indifferent
- c) Friendly and affectionate
- d) Playful and curious
Correct Answer: b) Aloof and indifferent
- How did Mij get the name “Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli”?
- a) It was given by Maxwell based on his preferences
- b) It was randomly assigned by the zoologists
- c) It was chosen by the airport officials
- d) It was the result of a naming contest
Correct Answer: a) It was given by Maxwell based on his preferences
- What kind of habitat is Camusfearna, and why does Maxwell think it’s suitable for keeping an otter?
- a) Desert; because otters like dry environments
- b) Island; because otters are good swimmers
- c) Forest; because otters like trees
- d) Surrounded by water; because otters are aquatic
Correct Answer: d) Surrounded by water; because otters are aquatic
- What is the significance of the sack that squirmed handed to Maxwell at the Consulate-General?
- a) It contains Maxwell’s belongings
- b) It is a gift from the Arab friends
- c) It holds Mij, the otter
- d) It contains food for the journey
Correct Answer: c) It holds Mij, the otter
- Why did Maxwell dread transporting Mij to England?
- a) Mij was difficult to handle
- b) Airlines did not allow animals
- c) Mij did not like traveling
- d) Mij had escaped before
Correct Answer: b) Airlines did not allow animals
- What reaction did Mij elicit from the woman in the airplane, and why?
- a) Laughter; because Mij was entertaining
- b) Fear; because she mistook Mij for a rat
- c) Curiosity; because she wanted to pet Mij
- d) Anger; because Mij disturbed her sleep
Correct Answer: b) Fear; because she mistook Mij for a rat
- How did Mij behave during the first twenty-four hours with Maxwell?
- a) Hostile and unfriendly
- b) Aloof and indifferent
- c) Playful and curious
- d) Sleepy and lethargic
Correct Answer: b) Aloof and indifferent
- What did Maxwell do to make Mij accustomed to the box before the flight?
- a) Left the box open for Mij to explore
- b) Put toys inside the box
- c) Placed Mij in the box an hour before the flight
- d) Fed Mij inside the box
Correct Answer: c) Placed Mij in the box an hour before the flight
- How did Mij react when Maxwell opened the box an hour before the flight?
- a) He was calm and relaxed
- b) He was excited and happy
- c) He was injured and bleeding
- d) He was exhausted and spattered with blood
Correct Answer: d) He was exhausted and spattered with blood
- How did Mij behave during walks in the London streets?
- a) He followed the straight path without distractions
- b) He had no specific habits during walks
- c) He engaged in compulsive habits like jumping on a wall
- d) He preferred to stay indoors
Correct Answer: c) He engaged in compulsive habits like jumping on a wall
- Why did Maxwell face a continuous barrage of conjectural questions from Londoners?
- a) Mij looked like a rare and exotic animal
- b) Londoners were familiar with otters
- c) Londoners had never seen an otter before
- d) Maxwell intentionally misled them about Mij’s identity
Correct Answer: c) Londoners had never seen an otter before
- What did Mij do with marbles during playtime?
- a) Rolled them on the floor
- b) Juggled them between his paws
- c) Ignored them completely
- d) Barked at them
Correct Answer: b) Juggled them between his paws
- Why did Maxwell dread the prospect of transporting Mij to England?
- a) He was afraid of flying
- b) Mij did not like to travel
- c) Airlines did not permit animals
- d) Mij was difficult to handle
Correct Answer: c) Airlines did not permit animals
- What was Mij’s reaction to the water in the bathroom during his first encounter with it?
- a) He was terrified
- b) He was indifferent
- c) He went wild with joy
- d) He refused to go near it
Correct Answer: c) He went wild with joy
- How did Mij react when Maxwell opened the box an hour before the flight?
- a) He was calm and relaxed
- b) He was excited and happy
- c) He was injured and bleeding
- d) He was exhausted and spattered with blood
Correct Answer: d) He was exhausted and spattered with blood
- What kind of habitat is Camusfearna, and why does Maxwell think it’s suitable for keeping an otter?
- a) Desert; because otters like dry environments
- b) Island; because otters are good swimmers
- c) Forest; because otters like trees
- d) Surrounded by water; because otters are aquatic
Correct Answer: d) Surrounded by water; because otters are aquatic
- What is the significance of the sack that squirmed handed to Maxwell at the Consulate-General?
- a) It contains Maxwell’s belongings
- b) It is a gift from the Arab friends
- c) It holds Mij, the otter
- d) It contains food for the journey
Correct Answer: c) It holds Mij, the otter
- What kind of toys did Mij play with during his time in London?
- a) Wooden blocks
- b) Ping-pong balls, marbles, rubber fruit, and a terrapin shell
- c) Stuffed animals
- d) Video games
Correct Answer: b) Ping-pong balls, marbles, rubber fruit, and a terrapin shell
- What did Mij do when he escaped from Maxwell’s bedroom in London?
- a) He went to the kitchen to find food
- b) He went straight to the bathroom and played with water
- c) He explored the streets of London
- d) He headed towards the airport
Correct Answer: b) He went straight to the bathroom and played with water
- How did Mij react when Maxwell returned to the car after the meal and found him in the box?
- a) Mij was calm and relaxed
- b) Mij was excited and happy
- c) Mij was injured and bleeding
- d) Mij was exhausted and spattered with blood
Correct Answer: d) Mij was exhausted and spattered with blood
- Why did Maxwell put Mij in a box an hour before the flight?
- a) To keep him confined during the meal
- b) To acclimate him to the box before the journey
- c) To protect him from other passengers
- d) To make sure he did not escape
Correct Answer: b) To acclimate him to the box before the journey
- What was the reaction of the woman in the airplane when Mij escaped from the box?
- a) Laughter; because Mij was entertaining
- b) Fear; because she mistook Mij for a rat
- c) Curiosity; because she wanted to pet Mij
- d) Anger; because Mij disturbed her sleep
Correct Answer: b) Fear; because she mistook Mij for a rat
- How did Mij’s behavior change during the second night in Maxwell’s home?
- a) He remained aloof and indifferent
- b) He became aggressive and hostile
- c) He slept on the floor, away from Maxwell’s bed
- d) He came on to Maxwell’s bed and napped in the crook of his knees
Correct Answer: d) He came on to Maxwell’s bed and napped in the crook of his knees
- What did Maxwell observe about Mij’s reaction to water during his first encounter with it?
- a) Mij was terrified of water
- b) Mij was indifferent to water
- c) Mij went wild with joy in the water
- d) Mij refused to go near the water
Correct Answer: c) Mij went wild with joy in the water
- What was the airline’s requirement for transporting Mij, and how did Maxwell comply with it?
- a) Mij needed to be sedated; Maxwell gave him a tranquilizer
- b) Mij needed to be in a box on the floor at Maxwell’s feet; Maxwell had a box made
- c) Mij needed to be in a cage; Maxwell borrowed a cage from the airport
- d) Mij needed to be on a leash; Maxwell used a sturdy leash
Correct Answer: b) Mij needed to be in a box on the floor at Maxwell’s feet; Maxwell had a box made
- What did Maxwell do to entertain Mij during their stay in London?
- a) Took him to a dog show
- b) Played a game involving a suitcase and a ping-pong ball
- c) Introduced him to other otters in the park
- d) Showed him around the city on a leash
Correct Answer: b) Played a game involving a suitcase and a ping-pong ball
- How did Maxwell feel about the prospect of keeping an otter before he got Mij?
- a) Excited and thrilled
- b) Anxious and unsure
- c) Reluctant and hesitant
- d) Indifferent and uninterested
Correct Answer: b) Anxious and unsure
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