The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary

The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary

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The poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo” by Edward Lear is about a duck and a kangaroo who have a conversation and go on an adventure together. The duck is tired of its boring life in a pond and admires the kangaroo’s ability to hop. It asks the kangaroo for a ride on its back, promising to be a quiet passenger. The duck imagines traveling to different places, like the Dee and the Jelly Bo Lee, over land and sea.


The kangaroo hesitates and expresses concern about the duck’s wet and cold feet, worrying it might catch a cold or rheumatism. However, the clever duck reveals that it has prepared by buying socks that fit its webbed feet perfectly and has a cloak to stay warm. The duck even plans to smoke a cigar every day to stay comfortable. Convinced by the duck’s preparations, the kangaroo agrees to the adventure.


They set off in the moonlight, with the duck sitting at the end of the kangaroo’s tail for balance. Together, they hop around the world three times, experiencing happiness and joy throughout their journey. The poem ends by emphasizing the immense happiness of the duck and the kangaroo as they explore the world together.


In summary, the poem tells the story of a duck that seeks adventure and asks a kangaroo for a ride. Despite initial concerns, the duck convinces the kangaroo with its preparedness. They embark on a thrilling journey, hopping around the world and finding great joy in their companionship and exploration.

The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary in Hindi

The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary in Hindi

एडवर्ड लियर की कविता “द डक एंड द कंगारू” एक बतख और कंगारू के बारे में है जो बातचीत करते हैं और एक साथ साहसिक यात्रा पर जाते हैं। बत्तख तालाब में अपने उबाऊ जीवन से थक गई है और कंगारू की छलांग लगाने की क्षमता की प्रशंसा करती है। यह एक शांत यात्री होने का वादा करते हुए कंगारू से अपनी पीठ पर सवारी करने के लिए कहता है। बत्तख ज़मीन और समुद्र के ऊपर से डी और जेली बो ली जैसे विभिन्न स्थानों की यात्रा करने की कल्पना करती है।

कंगारू झिझकता है और बत्तख के गीले और ठंडे पैरों के बारे में चिंता व्यक्त करता है, उसे चिंता होती है कि उसे सर्दी या गठिया हो सकता है। हालाँकि, चतुर बत्तख ने खुलासा किया कि उसने ऐसे मोज़े खरीदकर तैयार किए हैं जो उसके जाल वाले पैरों में पूरी तरह से फिट होते हैं और गर्म रहने के लिए उसके पास एक लबादा भी है। बत्तख आराम से रहने के लिए हर दिन सिगार पीने की भी योजना बनाती है। बत्तख की तैयारियों से आश्वस्त होकर, कंगारू साहसिक कार्य के लिए सहमत हो गया।

वे चांदनी में संतुलन के लिए कंगारू की पूंछ के अंत में बैठी बत्तख के साथ निकल पड़े। साथ में, वे दुनिया भर में तीन बार यात्रा करते हैं, और अपनी यात्रा के दौरान खुशी और आनंद का अनुभव करते हैं। कविता बत्तख और कंगारू की अपार खुशी पर जोर देते हुए समाप्त होती है क्योंकि वे एक साथ दुनिया का पता लगाते हैं।

संक्षेप में, कविता एक बत्तख की कहानी बताती है जो रोमांच की तलाश में है और कंगारू से सवारी के लिए पूछती है। प्रारंभिक चिंताओं के बावजूद, बत्तख ने अपनी तैयारियों से कंगारू को आश्वस्त कर लिया। वे एक रोमांचक यात्रा पर निकलते हैं, दुनिया भर में घूमते हैं और अपने साहचर्य और अन्वेषण में बहुत आनंद पाते हैं।

The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary in Assamese

এডৱাৰ্ড লিয়াৰৰ “হাঁহ আৰু কেংগাৰু” কবিতাটোত এটা হাঁহ আৰু এজন কেংগাৰুৱে কথা-বতৰা পাতি একেলগে দুঃসাহসিক অভিযানত নামিছে। হাঁহটোৱে পুখুৰী এটাত নিজৰ বিৰক্তিকৰ জীৱনটোক লৈ ভাগৰি পৰিছে আৰু কেংগাৰুৰ হপ কৰাৰ ক্ষমতাক প্ৰশংসা কৰে। ই কেংগাৰুক পিঠিত উঠিবলৈ কয়, নিস্তব্ধ যাত্ৰী হোৱাৰ প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দি। হাঁহটোৱে স্থল আৰু সাগৰৰ ওপৰেৰে ডি আৰু জেলী বো লীৰ দৰে বিভিন্ন ঠাইলৈ যাত্ৰা কৰাৰ কল্পনা কৰে।

কেংগাৰুৱে দ্বিধাবোধ কৰে আৰু হাঁহটোৰ তিতা আৰু ঠাণ্ডা ভৰি দুখনক লৈ উদ্বেগ প্ৰকাশ কৰে, চৰ্দি বা বাতবিষ হ’ব পাৰে বুলি চিন্তা কৰে। কিন্তু চতুৰ হাঁহটোৱে প্ৰকাশ কৰে যে ইয়াৰ জালযুক্ত ভৰিৰ লগত নিখুঁতভাৱে খাপ খোৱা আৰু গৰম হৈ থাকিবলৈ পোছাক থকা মোজা কিনি ই প্ৰস্তুতি চলাইছে। আনকি হাঁহটোৱে আৰামত থাকিবলৈ প্ৰতিদিনে এটা চিগাৰেট খোৱাৰ পৰিকল্পনা কৰিছে। হাঁহৰ প্ৰস্তুতিত পতিয়ন গৈ কেংগাৰুৱে এই দুঃসাহসিক অভিযানত সন্মতি দিয়ে।

চন্দ্ৰৰ পোহৰত হাঁহটোৱে কেংগাৰুৰ ঠেংৰ শেষত বহি ভাৰসাম্য ৰক্ষাৰ বাবে ৰাওনা হ’ল। একেলগে তিনিবাৰকৈ পৃথিৱীখন ঘূৰি ফুৰে, গোটেই যাত্ৰাটোত সুখ আৰু আনন্দ অনুভৱ কৰে। কবিতাটোৰ শেষত হাঁহ আৰু কেংগাৰুৱে একেলগে পৃথিৱীখন অন্বেষণ কৰাৰ অপৰিসীম সুখৰ ওপৰত গুৰুত্ব আৰোপ কৰিছে।

সামৰণিত কবিতাটোত দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান বিচৰা এটা হাঁহৰ কাহিনী কোৱা হৈছে আৰু কেংগাৰুক ৰাইড বিচাৰিছে। প্ৰাৰম্ভিক চিন্তাৰ মাজতো হাঁহটোৱে নিজৰ প্ৰস্তুতিৰে কেংগাৰুক পতিয়ন নিয়ায়। তেওঁলোকে এক ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ যাত্ৰাত নামি পৰে, বিশ্বজুৰি হুপি হুপি নিজৰ সংগী আৰু অন্বেষণত অতি আনন্দ লাভ কৰে।

The Duck and the Kangaroo Question and Answers

The Duck and the Kangaroo Question and Answers


  1. Who is the poem about?


Ans: The poem is about a duck and a kangaroo.


  1. What does the duck want to do beyond its pond?


Ans: The duck wants to explore the world beyond its pond.


  1. What does the duck admire about the kangaroo?


Ans: The duck admires the kangaroo’s hopping ability.


  1. How does the duck describe its life in the pond?


Ans: The duck describes its life in the pond as boring.


  1. What sound does the duck say it will make during the journey?


Ans: The duck says it will say “Quack” during the journey.


  1. What places does the duck mention wanting to visit with the kangaroo?


Ans: The duck mentions wanting to visit the Dee and the Jelly Bo Lee.


  1. Why is the kangaroo hesitant about giving the duck a ride?


Ans: The kangaroo is hesitant because the duck’s wet feet might make it sick.


  1. What does the duck say it has bought to address the kangaroo’s concern?


Ans: The duck says it has bought socks and a cloak to keep warm.


  1. What does the kangaroo worry it might get from the duck’s wet feet?


Ans: The kangaroo worries it might get rheumatism (roo-matiz) from the duck’s wet feet.


  1. Where does the duck say it has thought about the kangaroo’s concern?


Ans: The duck says it has thought about the kangaroo’s concern while sitting on rocks.


  1. What does the duck say it will do to stay warm during the journey?


Ans: The duck says it will smoke a cigar to stay warm.


  1. How does the duck suggest sitting on the kangaroo’s back?


Ans: The duck suggests sitting at the end of the kangaroo’s tail for balance.


  1. In what light do they set off on their journey?


Ans: They set off in the moonlight.


  1. How many times do they hop around the world?


Ans: They hop around the world three times.


  1. How do the duck and the kangaroo feel during their adventure?


Ans: They feel happy and joyful.


  1. What does the poem say about the duck and the kangaroo at the end?


Ans: The poem says that they are very happy.


  1. What kind of life does the duck want to escape from?


Ans: The duck wants to escape from its life in the pond.


  1. What does the duck ask the kangaroo for?


Ans: The duck asks the kangaroo for a ride on its back.


  1. What does the kangaroo worry about regarding the duck’s feet?


Ans: The kangaroo worries about the duck’s wet and cold feet.


  1. What do the duck and the kangaroo do together?


Ans: They go on an adventure and travel together.

The Duck and the Kangaroo MCQ

The Duck and the Kangaroo MCQ

Question 1:

What does the Duck find boring about its life?


  1. A) The world beyond
  2. B) Hopping
  3. C) The nasty pond
  4. D) The Kangaroo’s company


Correct Answer: C) The nasty pond


Question 2:

What does the Duck wish it could do like the Kangaroo?


  1. A) Quack loudly
  2. B) Swim gracefully
  3. C) Fly in the sky
  4. D) Hop


Correct Answer: D) Hop


Question 3:

What does the Duck request from the Kangaroo in the second stanza?


  1. A) A swim in the pond
  2. B) A ride on its back
  3. C) A dance partner
  4. D) A singing companion


Correct Answer: B) A ride on its back


Question 4:

What does the Duck promise to do during the ride on the Kangaroo’s back?


  1. A) Quack loudly
  2. B) Sleep peacefully
  3. C) Talk endlessly
  4. D) Remain silent and say “Quack”


Correct Answer: D) Remain silent and say “Quack”


Question 5:

Where does the Duck want to go during the ride with the Kangaroo?


  1. A) The Dee
  2. B) The Jelly Bo Lee
  3. C) The pond
  4. D) The field


Correct Answer: B) The Jelly Bo Lee


Question 6:

What objection does the Kangaroo raise about giving the Duck a ride?


  1. A) The Duck is too heavy
  2. B) The Duck talks too much
  3. C) The Duck’s feet are wet and cold
  4. D) The Kangaroo is tired


Correct Answer: C) The Duck’s feet are wet and cold


Question 7:

What does the Kangaroo fear it might get from the Duck’s wet and cold feet?


  1. A) A cold
  2. B) The flu
  3. C) Pneumonia
  4. D) Roo-Matiz


Correct Answer: D) Roo-Matiz


Question 8:

How does the Duck plan to address the issue of its wet feet?


  1. A) By wearing socks
  2. B) By flying
  3. C) By hopping
  4. D) By swimming


Correct Answer: A) By wearing socks


Question 9:

What additional item does the Duck buy to keep itself warm during the ride?


  1. A) A cloak
  2. B) A hat
  3. C) Gloves
  4. D) Sunglasses


Correct Answer: A) A cloak


Question 10:

What daily habit does the Duck adopt to follow its “dear true love” Kangaroo?


  1. A) Reading
  2. B) Smoking cigars
  3. C) Exercising
  4. D) Singing


Correct Answer: B) Smoking cigars


Question 11:

What does the Kangaroo request for the ride to be balanced?


  1. A) A feather
  2. B) A cloak
  3. C) Steadiness at the end of its tail
  4. D) A song


Correct Answer: C) Steadiness at the end of its tail


Question 12:

Where do the Duck and the Kangaroo go during their moonlit ride?


  1. A) Three times around the pond
  2. B) Three times around the world
  3. C) Three times around the Jelly Bo Lee
  4. D) Three times around the Dee


Correct Answer: B) Three times around the world


Question 13:

What is the mood of the Kangaroo during the moonlit ride?


  1. A) Anxious
  2. B) Excited
  3. C) Grumpy
  4. D) Tired


Correct Answer: B) Excited


Question 14:

How does the poem describe the journey of the Duck and the Kangaroo?


  1. A) A leap and a jump
  2. B) A hop and a bound
  3. C) A skip and a stroll
  4. D) A walk and a run


Correct Answer: B) A hop and a bound


Question 15:

What is the overall feeling of the Duck and the Kangaroo after their journey?


  1. A) Confused
  2. B) Exhausted
  3. C) Unhappy
  4. D) Happy


Correct Answer: D) Happy

Question 16:

What quality of the Kangaroo does the Duck admire in the first stanza?


  1. A) Speed
  2. B) Hopping ability
  3. C) Gracefulness
  4. D) Shyness


Correct Answer: B) Hopping ability


Question 17:

What does the Duck specifically want to do during the ride with the Kangaroo?


  1. A) Sing
  2. B) Sleep
  3. C) Quack
  4. D) Dance


Correct Answer: C) Quack


Question 18:

What item does the Duck not buy to prepare for the ride with the Kangaroo?


  1. A) Socks
  2. B) Cloak
  3. C) Gloves
  4. D) Umbrella


Correct Answer: D) Umbrella


Question 19:

What does the Kangaroo suggest could be a problem during the ride?


  1. A) Weather conditions
  2. B) Lack of balance
  3. C) Duck’s weight
  4. D) Kangaroo’s fatigue


Correct Answer: C) Duck’s weight


Question 20:

What does the poem imply about the Duck and the Kangaroo’s friendship?


  1. A) They are indifferent to each other
  2. B) They are incompatible
  3. C) They enjoy each other’s company
  4. D) They are rivals


Correct Answer: C) They enjoy each other’s company

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