The Necklace Summary Class 10 English

The Necklace Summary Class 10 English

About the author

Maupassant is a famous short story writer. Modern short stories are different from novels and have their own unique style. They often start in the middle of the action and reveal character through actions, not descriptions. 

NCERT Summary,Explanations
NCERT Summary,Explanations

Maupassant is known for clever plots and influenced other writers like Maugham and Henry James. He wrote in both realistic and fantastic styles. Some of his stories seem supernatural and inspired other writers like Lovecraft.

De Maupassant was interested in psychiatry and attended lectures by Jean-Martin Charcot from 1885-1886. Charcot was a neurologist who became interested in psychology and treated hysterics at the hospital in Salpetriere. De Maupassant’s fiction also reflects his interest in psychology and psychopathology.(August 5, 1850 – July 6, 1893) was a popular nineteenth-century French writer.

The Necklace Summary

In this article, you will be reading the necklace summary of class 10 English. It is a fictional short story in the genre of realism. The author of this story was Guy de Maupassant. A lady, Mathilde Loisel lived in a flat with his husband. He worked as a clerk for the Ministry of Education. They were not able to live a luxurious life. However, they were not poor, merely simple. However, Mathilde’s desire was to be rich. She felt irritated, disappointed and sad of not having a large house. Moreover, she desired to have good dresses, lots of jewelry which made her sad.

One day his husband brings her an invitation to a fancy party. It was an invitation to the ball. He thought his wife would be very excited about seeing the invitation letter. However, his wife, instead of being happy, threw away the invitation letter and started crying. She complained about not having a pretty dress to wear on such a great occasion. She wanted to seek admiration for everyone. Also, she wanted to be a success at the party. His gentle husband gave her four hundred francs to buy a pretty dress. He had saved the money to buy a rifle.

The week of the party approached. His wife seemed to be anxious again. She was upset as she felt that she didn’t have any jewelry to wear with the dress. Her husband suggests her to ask the same from his friend Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde went to her house and borrowed a sparkling necklace.

Mathilde, along with his husband enjoyed a lot at the party. She was successful in seeking everyone’s attention to her. Then, they headed for home during the odd hours in the morning. On reaching home, Mathilde was surprised on not finding a necklace around her neck. They both felt that it might have fallen down in the cab which they took to reach home. Also, he searched on the streets they have come through.

Moreover, he approached the police, gave advertisement but all in vain. Her husband asked her to write a letter to her friend. She wrote that she had the clasp broken and is getting it repaired. Meanwhile, they were successful in searching for a similar necklace. However, it cost thirty-six thousand francs. His husband has inherited eighteen thousand francs from his father. However, they had to borrow the remaining money. They managed to buy the necklace through inherited and borrowed money.

But it took them a period of ten years to repay the borrowed amount. In these years, their lives have drastically changed. They moved to a smaller apartment, cleaned and cooked herself. Moreover, his husband did multiple jobs to repay the amount. Also, she looked like a strong woman of a poor household. She looked very aged. One day she saw Miss Jeanne Forestier on the street. She decided to tell her the truth about the necklace. The latter was stunned by the rough appearance of the former. Moreover, on learning the truth of necklace, Jeanne Forestier told that it was a fake one. The worth of the same was no more than five hundred francs.

The story tells us that one should not crave for luxuries. One must be satisfied and contented with what one has. Desires lead to unhappiness. Moreover, we should never hide the truth.

The Necklace Summary in Hindi Class 10

explanations in hindi

एक महिला मैथिल्डे लोइसेल अपने पति के साथ एक फ्लैट में रहती थी। उन्होंने शिक्षा मंत्रालय में क्लर्क के रूप में काम किया। वे विलासितापूर्ण जीवन जीने में सक्षम नहीं थे। हालाँकि, वे गरीब नहीं थे, केवल सरल थे। हालाँकि, मैथिल्डे की इच्छा अमीर बनने की थी। बड़ा घर न होने के कारण वह चिड़चिड़ी, निराश और दुखी थी। इसके अलावा, वह अच्छे कपड़े और ढेर सारे आभूषण चाहती थी, जिससे वह दुखी रहती थी।

 एक दिन उसका पति उसके लिए एक फैंसी पार्टी का निमंत्रण लेकर आता है। यह गेंद का निमंत्रण था.’ उसने सोचा कि उसकी पत्नी निमंत्रण पत्र देखकर बहुत उत्साहित होगी। हालाँकि, उसकी पत्नी ने खुश होने के बजाय निमंत्रण पत्र फेंक दिया और रोने लगी। उसने इतने अच्छे अवसर पर पहनने के लिए सुंदर पोशाक न होने की शिकायत की। वह हर किसी की प्रशंसा पाना चाहती थी। साथ ही, वह पार्टी में सफल होना चाहती थी। 

उसके सौम्य पति ने उसे एक सुंदर पोशाक खरीदने के लिए चार सौ फ़्रैंक दिए। उसने राइफल खरीदने के लिए पैसे बचाकर रखे थे। पार्टी का सप्ताह नजदीक आ गया। उसकी पत्नी फिर चिंतित लग रही थी। वह परेशान थी क्योंकि उसे लगा कि उसके पास पोशाक के साथ पहनने के लिए कोई आभूषण नहीं है। उनके पति ने उन्हें अपने दोस्त जीन फॉरेस्टियर से भी यही पूछने का सुझाव दिया। मैथिल्डे अपने घर गई और एक चमचमाता हार उधार लिया।

मैथिल्डे ने अपने पति के साथ पार्टी में खूब एन्जॉय किया. वह सबका ध्यान अपनी ओर खींचने में सफल रहीं. फिर, वे सुबह के विषम समय में घर की ओर चल पड़े। घर पहुंचने पर मैथिल्डे अपने गले में हार न पाकर आश्चर्यचकित रह गई। उन दोनों को लगा कि शायद यह उस कैब में गिर गया है जिसे उन्होंने घर जाने के लिए लिया था। साथ ही, उन्होंने उन सड़कों पर भी तलाश की, जहां से वे आए हैं। 

इसके अलावा, उन्होंने पुलिस से संपर्क किया, विज्ञापन दिया लेकिन सब व्यर्थ। उसके पति ने उसे अपने दोस्त को एक पत्र लिखने के लिए कहा। उसने लिखा कि उसका क्लैप टूट गया है और वह उसकी मरम्मत करा रही है। इसी बीच वे वैसा ही हार ढूंढने में सफल हो गये. हालाँकि, इसकी लागत छत्तीस हजार फ़्रैंक थी। उनके पति को अपने पिता से अठारह हजार फ़्रैंक विरासत में मिले हैं। हालाँकि, उन्हें बाकी पैसे उधार लेने पड़े। वे विरासत में मिले और उधार लिए पैसों से हार खरीदने में कामयाब रहे। 

लेकिन उधार ली गई रकम चुकाने में उन्हें दस साल लग गए। हाल के वर्षों में, उनके जीवन में भारी बदलाव आया है। वे एक छोटे से अपार्टमेंट में चले गए, उसने खुद सफ़ाई की और खाना बनाया। इसके अलावा, उनके पति ने रकम चुकाने के लिए कई नौकरियां कीं। साथ ही वह किसी गरीब घर की मजबूत महिला भी लग रही थीं. वह काफी उम्रदराज़ लग रही थीं. एक दिन उसने मिस जीन फॉरेस्टियर को सड़क पर देखा। 

उसने उसे हार के बारे में सच्चाई बताने का फैसला किया। बाद वाला पूर्व की कठोर उपस्थिति से दंग रह गया। इसके अलावा नेकलेस की सच्चाई जानने पर जीन फॉरेस्टियर ने बताया कि यह नकली था। उसका मूल्य पाँच सौ फ़्रैंक से अधिक न था।

कहानी हमें बताती है कि व्यक्ति को विलासिता की लालसा नहीं करनी चाहिए। व्यक्ति को जो कुछ भी उसके पास है उससे संतुष्ट और प्रसन्न रहना चाहिए। इच्छाएँ दुःख की ओर ले जाती हैं। इसके अलावा, हमें कभी भी सच्चाई नहीं छिपानी चाहिए।

The Necklace Summary in Assamese Class 10

explanations in assamese

এগৰাকী ভদ্ৰমহিলা মেথিল্ড ল’ইজেলে স্বামীৰ সৈতে এটা ফ্লেটত বাস কৰিছিল। তেওঁ শিক্ষা মন্ত্ৰালয়ৰ কেৰাণী হিচাপে কাম কৰিছিল। বিলাসী জীৱন যাপন কৰিব পৰা নাছিল। অৱশ্যে তেওঁলোক দুখীয়া নাছিল, কেৱল সহজ-সৰল আছিল। অৱশ্যে মাথিল্ডৰ হেঁপাহ আছিল ধনী হোৱা। ডাঙৰ ঘৰ নথকাৰ বাবে তাই বিৰক্ত, হতাশ আৰু দুখ অনুভৱ কৰিছিল। 

তদুপৰি তাইৰ ইচ্ছা আছিল ধুনীয়া ড্ৰেছ, বহুত গহনা যিয়ে তাইক দুখী কৰি তুলিছিল। এদিন স্বামীয়ে তাইৰ বাবে আড়ম্বৰপূৰ্ণ পাৰ্টিৰ নিমন্ত্ৰণ এখন লৈ আহে। বলৰ নিমন্ত্ৰণ আছিল। নিমন্ত্ৰণী পত্ৰখন দেখি পত্নীয়ে বৰ উৎফুল্লিত হ’ব বুলি ভাবিলে। অৱশ্যে পত্নীয়ে সুখী হোৱাৰ সলনি নিমন্ত্ৰণ পত্ৰখন পেলাই দি কান্দিবলৈ ধৰিলে। 

ইমান ডাঙৰ অনুষ্ঠানত পিন্ধিবলৈ ধুনীয়া ড্ৰেছ নথকাৰ বাবে তাইৰ অভিযোগ আছিল। তাই সকলোৰে বাবে প্ৰশংসা বিচাৰিব বিচাৰিছিল। লগতে পাৰ্টিত সফল হ’ব বিচাৰিছিল তাইৰ। তেওঁৰ কোমল স্বামীয়ে তাইক চাৰিশ ফ্ৰাংক দিছিল এটা ধুনীয়া পোছাক কিনিবলৈ। 

টকাখিনি তেওঁ ৰাইফল এটা কিনিবলৈ জমা কৰি থৈছিল। পাৰ্টিৰ সপ্তাহটো ওচৰ চাপি আহিল। ঘৈণীয়েক যেন আকৌ উৎকণ্ঠিত হৈ পৰিল। ড্ৰেছটোৰ লগত পিন্ধিবলৈ তাইৰ কোনো গহনা নাই বুলি অনুভৱ কৰি তাই বিচলিত হৈ পৰিল। স্বামীয়েও তাইক বন্ধু জিন ফৰেষ্টিয়াৰৰ পৰাও একেখিনি কথা সুধিবলৈ পৰামৰ্শ দিয়ে। মাথিল্ডে তাইৰ ঘৰলৈ গৈ এটা জিলিকি থকা হাৰ ধাৰলৈ লৈ গ’ল।

মাথিল্ডে, স্বামীৰ সৈতে পাৰ্টিত বহুত ভাল পাইছিল। তাইৰ প্ৰতি সকলোৰে মনোযোগ বিচৰাত তাই সফল হৈছিল। তাৰ পিছত, ৰাতিপুৱাৰ অদ্ভুত সময়ত ঘৰলৈ ৰাওনা হ’ল। ঘৰ পোৱাৰ লগে লগে ডিঙিত নেকেলেচ নাপাই মেথিল্ডে আচৰিত হ’ল। দুয়োজনে অনুভৱ কৰিলে যে ঘৰ পাবলৈ লোৱা কেবখনত হয়তো তললৈ পৰি গৈছে। লগতে তেওঁলোকে অহা ৰাস্তাবোৰতো বিচাৰিছিল।

 তদুপৰি তেওঁ আৰক্ষীৰ কাষ চাপিছিল, বিজ্ঞাপন দিছিল যদিও সকলো বৃথা। স্বামীয়ে তাইক বন্ধুলৈ চিঠি এখন লিখিবলৈ ক’লে। তাই লিখিছে যে তাইৰ ক্লাচপটো ভাঙি গৈছে আৰু মেৰামতি কৰি আছে। ইফালে একেধৰণৰ নেকেলেচ বিচাৰি উলিওৱাত সফল হ’ল। অৱশ্যে ইয়াৰ বাবে ছয়ত্ৰিশ হাজাৰ ফ্ৰাংক খৰচ হৈছিল। স্বামীয়ে দেউতাকৰ পৰা আঠাইশ হাজাৰ ফ্ৰাংক উত্তৰাধিকাৰী সূত্ৰে লাভ কৰিছে। 

অৱশ্যে বাকী থকা টকাখিনি তেওঁলোকে ধাৰলৈ ল’বলগীয়া হৈছিল। উত্তৰাধিকাৰী আৰু ধাৰৰ ধনৰ জৰিয়তে তেওঁলোকে হাৰ কিনিবলৈ সক্ষম হয়। কিন্তু ঋণ লোৱা ধন পৰিশোধ কৰিবলৈ তেওঁলোকে দহ বছৰৰ সময় লাগিছিল। এই বছৰবোৰত তেওঁলোকৰ জীৱনৰ ভয়ংকৰ পৰিৱৰ্তন হৈছে। সৰু এপাৰ্টমেণ্ট এটালৈ গুচি আহি নিজেই চাফা কৰি ৰন্ধা-বঢ়া কৰিলে। 

তদুপৰি সেই ধন পৰিশোধ কৰিবলৈ স্বামীয়ে একাধিক কাম কৰিছিল। লগতে তাইক দুখীয়া ঘৰৰ সবল মহিলা যেন লাগিছিল। তাইক বৰ বুঢ়া যেন লাগিছিল। এদিন তাই মিছ জিন ফৰেষ্টিয়াৰক ৰাস্তাত দেখিলে। তাই সিদ্ধান্ত ল’লে যে তাইক নেকেলেচটোৰ সঁচা কথা ক’ব। 

প্ৰথমজনৰ ৰুক্ষ ৰূপত পিছৰজন স্তম্ভিত হৈ পৰিল। তদুপৰি হাৰটোৰ সত্যতা জানিব পাৰি জিন ফৰেষ্টিয়ে ক’লে যে এইটো এটা ভুৱা। একেটাৰ মূল্য পাঁচশ ফ্ৰাংকতকৈ বেছি নাছিল।

কাহিনীটোৱে আমাক কয় যে বিলাসীতাৰ বাবে হাহাকাৰ কৰা উচিত নহয়। নিজৰ যি আছে তাতেই সন্তুষ্ট আৰু সন্তুষ্ট হ’ব লাগিব। কামনাই অসুখৰ সৃষ্টি কৰে। তদুপৰি আমি কেতিয়াও সত্য লুকুৱাই ৰখা উচিত নহয়।

The Necklace Question and Answers Class 10

the midnight visitor important question answer

Question1. What kind of a person is Mme Loisel, and why is she always unhappy?


Answer. Mme Loisel is a young, pretty, ordinary but discontented woman. She is of humble background but dreams of riches and comforts. She is proud of her beauty and wants to be admired. Her meager resources are not enough to satisfy her expensive craving making her angry all the time.


Question2. What kind of a person is her husband?


Answer. Her husband, M Loisel, is an ordinary and average young man. A mere clerk by profession, he is still contented with his job. Also, he is a caring man as he is excited to show the dinner invitation to his wife.

Question3. What fresh problem now disturbs Mme Loisel?


Answer. After spending a fortune on a beautiful dress, Mme Loisel is faced with yet another disaster. She frets that she does not have a beautiful jewel to go with her dress. So, she asks her husband to pass on the invitation to someone else.


Question4. How is the problem solved?


Answer. Matilda Loisel’s husband, M. Loisel, comes to her rescue. First, he suggests she wear fresh flowers. Matilda just mocked the idea. Then, he advises her to borrow some jewels from her rich friend, Mme Forestier. Thus, the problem is solved as Mme Forestier lends her a beautiful diamond necklace.


Question5. What do Mr and Mme Loisel do next?


Answer. The Loisels leave no stone unturned. M. Loisel goes back and searches for the lost necklace. Then, he goes to the police and the cab offices. Also, they put out an advertisement in the newspapers and offer a reward to anyone who finds the necklace. But, all their efforts go in vain.


Question6. How do they replace the necklace?


Answer. After all other efforts fail, Loisel decides to buy a new identical necklace to replace the lost one. M. Loisel pooled in eighteen thousand francs of his inheritance and borrowed the rest. Then the couple managed to buy the new necklace for thirty-six thousand francs and returned it to the rightful owner.


Question7. The course of Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace. Comment.


Answer. It takes Loisels a decade to pay back the money they borrowed to buy the necklace. And it changed everything for them. They had to move to the poorest quarters of the city. With no maids or assistance, Matilda had to cook, clean, mend, sew, and bargain with the grocer and butcher to save every sou just for mere survival. The husband had to work evening and night to pay their debt. In this way, Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace.


Question8. What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? How could she have avoided it?


Answer. Matilda’s pride and materialistic aspirations, coupled with her dishonesty, pave the way for her ruin. She could have avoided it by learning to accept her current situation and being content with what she had.


Question9. What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace?


Answer. Truth and honesty would have saved Matilda from her doom. If only she had been courageous enough to confess to her friend the truth about the necklace, she would have come to know that it was a fake one that cost a mere five hundred francs. She would not have spent her husband’s entire inheritance and borrowed eighteen thousand francs to pay for its replacement. She would have saved herself and her husband from ten long years of crushing poverty, misery, and back-breaking labour.


Founder of Englishfry.com, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website Studyfunnel.com, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-Asst.Professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.

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