Table of Contents
- A peddlar with rattraps.
- An Oldman: A crofter
- Master Smith in the Ramsjo Iron Mill in Sweden
- Helpers in the Mill: blacksmiths
- Iron mill owner
- Edla Willmansson – daughter of the Iron Mill owner.
The Rattrap Summary
Once upon a time, there has been a bad rattrap peddler who wandered from region to area, promoting his small traps. His garments had been torn, his cheeks hollow, displaying signs and symptoms of hunger and difficulty. He led a solitary life, with no domestic or refuge to name his own.
As he pondered about his rattraps sooner or later, an idea struck him. He noticed the sector itself as a rattrap, one which closed its trap on absolutely everyone who touched it. He determined enjoyment inside the concept of a few humans already trapped and others attempting to attain the bait. On a cold December night, he arrived at a cottage and knocked on the door, in search of refuge for the night time.
The owner of the cottage, an vintage and lonely crofter, welcomed the peddler internal. The crofter yearned for a person to talk to and gladly engaged in verbal exchange with the peddler. He presented him a heat bowl of porridge to eat or even furnished tobacco for him to smoke. They played playing cards collectively, and the crofter shared that he owned a cow and bought its milk to a creamery, receiving thirty kronors as price the preceding month. Proudly, he displayed the cash in a pouch, hanging it on a nail inside the window body.
The following morning, the peddler bid farewell to the crofter and continued on his adventure. However, greed tempted him to go back to the cottage. He could not withstand stealing the money that hung like bait inside the window. Aware that strolling along the public highway could be unsafe, he retreated into the woods. Unfortunately, he discovered himself trapped, transferring in circles, unable to discover an break out. The woodland felt like a rattrap in which his stop seemed inevitable, and he resigned himself to his destiny, mendacity down to wait for his death.
Suddenly, he heard the rhythmic pounding of a hammer’s strokes. The sound emanated from Ramsjo Ironworks. Intrigued, the peddler mustered the strength to stand up and followed the sound. He reached the forge and entered. The owner, during his nightly rounds, noticed the disheveled peddler near the furnace. He scrutinized the peddler’s face, convinced he recognized an old comrade, Captain von Stable, who had fallen on hard times. Filled with compassion, the ironmaster invited the peddler to spend Christmas with him and his family. However, the peddler, fearing the risk involved, hesitated and politely declined the offer. Reluctantly, the ironmaster returned home.
Determined to convince the peddler, the ironmaster sent his daughter, Edla, to persuade him. Edla approached the peddler with gentleness, her words instilling a sense of trust in him. Eventually, he agreed to accompany her. Along the way, he regretted the theft of the crofter’s money, which had led him into this precarious situation.
Delighted to have his old comrade under his roof, the ironmaster intended to provide him with good food and respectable work. The peddler’s appearance received an upgrade as the servant trimmed his hair, shaved him, and bathed him. Dressed in one of the ironmaster’s fine suits, however, the peddler did not resemble Captain von Stable in the light of day. The ironmaster felt deceived and even contemplated handing him over to the sheriff. But the peddler defended himself, asserting that he had not pretended to be someone he wasn’t. He had never wished to go to the ironmaster’s house and would willingly return to his rags if needed. Furthermore, he shared his belief that the world itself was a rattrap, warning that he too could fall into the trap of a tempting bait one day. Agitated, the ironmaster demanded that he leave immediately.
Edla, disagreeing with her father’s decision, intervened, believing it unfair to turn away the man they had wholeheartedly invited. She desired the joy of hosting a homeless wanderer on Christmas Eve. Employing her persuasive nature, she convinced her father to change his mind, and the peddler was allowed to stay.
Edla treated the peddler to a hearty meal, and he gratefully accepted the Christmas presents offered to him. She additionally said that the clothes he was wearing was a gift from her father. She assured him that he would be welcome again if he chose to spend the next Christmas Eve with them. The following morning, the ironmaster and Edla attended church, where they discovered the truth about the peddler’s thievery. They learned that he had robbed the crofter and even suspected that their silver became missing. Edla felt dejected, but upon returning home, they found that the peddler had left without taking whatever. Instead, he had left at the back of a Christmas present for Edla, a small rattrap. In addition, there was a letter addressed to her, expressing gratitude for her kindness. The peddler, now signing the letter as Captain von Stable, wished to pay off her generosity by way of returning the stolen money to the crofter. He revealed that he had controlled to upward thrust out of his personal rattrap and emphasized the importance of kindness and expertise.

The Rattrap Summary in Hindi
कहानी एक चूहेदानी बेचने वाले से शुरू होती है जो कठिन फॉर्म में है। ऐसा लगता है कि वह कुपोषित है और उसके कपड़े फटे हुए हैं। उसके पास कोई घर नहीं है, और वह कभी-कभार चोरी भी करता है और गुजारा करने के लिए भीख मांगता है। वह एकाकी जीवन जीता है और उसके बारे में जानने वाला कोई भी व्यक्ति नहीं है। एक शानदार दिन, उसे अचानक एहसास होता है कि पूरा ब्रह्मांड एक चूहेदानी है। यदि हम उससे संपर्क करते हैं, तो वह हमें पकड़ लेगा और हमेशा के लिए वहीं रोके रखेगा।
वह अनुमान लगाता रहता है कि वहाँ कुछ लोग पहले से ही इस लालच में फँसे हुए हैं और चारा पाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। वह एक ठंडी शाम को सुरक्षित आश्रय का अनुरोध करने के लिए एक झोपड़ी की योजना बनाता है। फेरीवाले को एक बुजुर्ग क्रॉफ्टर की सहायता से झोपड़ी में रखा गया था। क्रॉफ्टर फेरीवाले को स्वीकार करता है क्योंकि वह साथी चाहता है। जब वह गर्म खाना खाता है तो वह उसे पीने के लिए सिगरेट भी देता है।
वे ताश खेलते हुए भी बातचीत करने लगते हैं। फेरीवाले को पता चलता है कि क्रॉफ़्टर, जो अपनी गाय को खिड़की के फ्रेम पर एक बैग में रखता है, ने उसे बेचने के लिए तीस क्रोनर अर्जित किए। फेरीवाला अगले दिन चला जाता है, लेकिन क्रॉफ़्टर को अपने घर से निकलते हुए देखने के बाद पैसे का थैला लेने के लिए लौट आता है। वह इसे चुरा लेता है और फिर पहचान से बचने के लिए जंगल में चला जाता है। जंगल में फेरीवाले का सामना एक आयरनमास्टर से होता है जो मानता है कि वह एक पुराना दोस्त है।
उसने क्रिसमस पर लौटने के अपने निमंत्रण को अस्वीकार कर दिया। उसके बाद, आयरनमास्टर की बेटी, एडला, उससे मिलने आती है और उससे जीवित रहने की विनती करती है। इस बीच, उसे क्रॉफ़्टर की नकदी लेने का पछतावा होता है। वे सड़क पर सामान बेचने वाले को अच्छे कपड़े पहनने, उसका मेकओवर करने और उसकी दाढ़ी काटने में मदद करते हैं। तब आयरनमास्टर को अपनी भूलों का एहसास हुआ, कि फेरीवाला अब उसका सहयोगी नहीं था। नतीजतन, आयरनमास्टर उसके खिलाफ धोखाधड़ी की रिपोर्ट दर्ज करने का निर्णय लेता है।
हालाँकि, एडला अपने विश्वास पर कायम है कि उसे उनके साथ रहने और क्रिसमस मनाने की अनुमति दी जानी चाहिए। उसके पिता सहमत हो जाते हैं, और वे साथ मिलकर एक उत्सवपूर्ण क्रिसमस समारोह में भाग लेते हैं। अगले दिन, चर्च में बुजुर्ग क्रॉफ़्टर से जुड़ी घटना के बारे में सुनने के बाद, आयरनमास्टर और एडला दोनों को पता चला कि फेरीवाला वास्तव में एक चोर था।
इस डर से कि उसने उनकी चाँदी चुरा ली होगी, वे जल्दी से चले गये। उन्हें यह जानकर आश्चर्य हुआ कि फेरीवाले ने कुछ भी नहीं लिया, बल्कि एडला के लिए संदेश के रूप में एक छोटा सा चूहेदानी छोड़ दिया। चूहेदानी के साथ, एक पत्र भी था जिसमें उसे उस उलझन से बचाने के लिए उसकी दयालुता की प्रशंसा की गई थी जिसमें वह फंस गया था। सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि उसमें क्रॉफ्टर के पैसे वापस करने का अनुरोध भी शामिल था।

The Rattrap Summary in Assamese
কাহিনীটোৰ আৰম্ভণি হয় এজন ৰেটট্ৰেপ বিক্ৰেতাৰ সৈতে যিয়ে কঠিন ৰূপত আছে। তেওঁ যেন পুষ্টিহীনতাত আছিল আৰু চেলেং পিন্ধিছে। তেওঁৰ ঘৰচীয়া নাথাকিলহেঁতেন, আৰু তেওঁ মাজে মাজে আনকি চুৰি কৰি ভিক্ষা কৰে যাতে তাৰ দ্বাৰা পাৰ হ’ব পাৰে। তেওঁৰ প্ৰতি অনুসন্ধিৎসু কোনো ব্যক্তি নাথাকে তেওঁ একাকী জীৱন কটায়। এটা উজ্জ্বল দিনত তেওঁ একেলগে উপলব্ধি কৰে যে সমগ্ৰ বিশ্বব্ৰহ্মাণ্ডখনেই এক নিগনিৰ ফান্দ।
আমি যদি ইয়াৰ সৈতে যোগাযোগ কৰো তেন্তে ই আমাক জব্দ কৰি সকলো সময়ৰ বাবে তাতেই ধৰি ৰাখিব। তেওঁ অনুমানৰ সহায়ত আগবাঢ়ি যায় যে বাহিৰত ইতিমধ্যে এই প্ৰলোভনত আবদ্ধ হৈ থকা আৰু লোভনীয় সামগ্ৰীৰ বাবে সম্পন্ন কৰা লোকো আছে। তেওঁ এদিন ঠাণ্ডা সন্ধিয়া এটা কুটিৰ কৌশল কৰি নিৰাপদ আশ্ৰয় বিচাৰিছে। এজন বৃদ্ধ ক্ৰফ্টাৰৰ সহায়ত কুটিৰত ৰখা হৈছিল বেপাৰীজনক।
ক্ৰফ্টাৰে বেপাৰীজনক গ্ৰহণ কৰে কাৰণ তেওঁ সংগী কামনা কৰে। আনকি তেওঁ গৰম খাদ্য খোৱাৰ সময়ত ধূমপান কৰিবলৈ চিগাৰেটও উপহাৰ দিয়ে। তাচ খেলিও কথা পাতিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে। বেপাৰীয়ে আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰে যে খিৰিকীৰ ফ্ৰেমত বেগ এটাত নিজৰ গৰুটো আগবঢ়াই নিয়া ক্ৰফ্টাৰজনে ইয়াৰ প্ৰচাৰৰ বাবে ত্ৰিশ ক্ৰ’ন’ৰ লাভ কৰিছিল। পিছদিনা বেপাৰীজন গুচি যায়, কিন্তু ক্ৰফ্টাৰজনে ঘৰৰ পৰা ওলাই যোৱাটো চাই চাই টকাৰ বেগটো ল’বলৈ উভতি আহে।
তেওঁ চুৰি কৰে তাৰ পিছত ধৰা পৰাৰ পৰা আঁতৰি থাকিবলৈ হাবিলৈ পিছুৱাই যায়। হাবিৰ ভিতৰত বেপাৰীজনে এজন লোহাৰ মালিকৰ সন্মুখীন হয় যিয়ে বিশ্বাস কৰে যে তেওঁ এজন এণ্টিক পাল। বৰদিনৰ বাবে ঘূৰি অহাৰ নিমন্ত্ৰণ তেওঁ নাকচ কৰে। ইয়াৰ পিছত লোহাৰ মালিকৰ ছোৱালী এডলাই তেওঁক চাবলৈ আহি তেওঁক জীয়াই থাকিবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰে। ইয়াৰ মাজতে ক্ৰফ্টাৰৰ নগদ ধন লোৱাৰ বাবে তেওঁ অনুশোচনা কৰে।
ৰাস্তাৰ বিক্ৰেতাক ধুনীয়াকৈ সাজ-পোছাক পিন্ধি, মেকঅভাৰ দিয়া, দাড়ি খোলাত সহায় কৰে। তেতিয়া লোহাৰ মালিকে তেওঁৰ ভুলবোৰ উপলব্ধি কৰে, যে বেপাৰীজন আৰু তেওঁৰ সহকৰ্মী নাছিল। ফলস্বৰূপে লোহাৰ মালিকে তেওঁৰ বিৰুদ্ধে জালিয়াতিৰ প্ৰতিবেদন দাখিল কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়। এডলাই অৱশ্যে নিজৰ বিশ্বাসত দৃঢ়তাৰে আছে যে তেওঁক তেওঁলোকৰ লগত থাকিবলৈ আৰু বৰদিন উদযাপন কৰিবলৈ দিয়া উচিত। তাইৰ দেউতাকে মান্তি হয় আৰু দুয়ো মিলি বৰদিনৰ উৎসৱমুখৰ সভাত অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰে।
পিছদিনা গীৰ্জাত বৃদ্ধ ক্ৰফ্টাৰজনৰ সৈতে জড়িত কাণ্ডটোৰ কথা শুনি লোহাৰ মালিক আৰু এডলা দুয়োজনে আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰে যে বেপাৰীজন আচলতে চোৰ আছিল। তেওঁ হয়তো তেওঁলোকৰ ৰূপ চুৰি কৰিলে বুলি ভয় কৰি তেওঁলোকে খৰখেদাকৈ গুচি যায়। তেওঁলোকে আচৰিত হৈ গম পায় যে বেপাৰীজনে একো লোৱা নাছিল বৰঞ্চ এডলাৰ বাবে বাৰ্তা হিচাপে এটা সৰু নিগনিৰ ফান্দ এৰি থৈ গৈছিল।
ৰেটট্ৰেপৰ লগতে এখন চিঠিও আছিল, য’ত তেওঁ নিজকে যি জটিলতাত ভুগিছিল, তাৰ পৰা উদ্ধাৰ কৰাত তাইৰ দয়ালুতাক প্ৰশংসা কৰা হৈছিল।আটাইতকৈ উল্লেখযোগ্য কথাটো হ’ল, তেওঁ ক্ৰফ্টাৰৰ ধন ঘূৰাই দিয়াৰ অনুৰোধও অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰিছিল।
Character Explanations
The Paddler
He serves as the story’s protagonist and focal point. He is an unknown man who travels the countryside as a vagabond and sells rattraps.
The rattrap paddler also participates in minor theft and begs for money since he does not generate enough money from this to survive.
Edla Willmansson
The ironmaster’s daughter is Edla. She is characterised as “not at all attractive, but modest and quite shy.” She is really compassionate. She persuades the street vendor to visit her home, after which she persuades her father to let the vendor remain for Christmas Eve. She is the most admirable character in the narrative, and the peddler changes because of her kindness and charity.
Ramsjo Ironworks is owned by Ironmaster, who is also the father of Edla Willmansson. Every day and night, he is a highly renowned ironmaster who monitors the job and checks the efficacy of his output. He used to be in the military, therefore he believes the vendor to be Captain von Stahle, a “old regimental comrade.”
The Crofter
This elderly guy invites the street vendor to spend the night at his home.The elderly guy is glad to have company since he is lonely and offers the paddler food, cigarettes, and chat. He is an elderly man who is very nice and giving, but paddler pays him back by robbing him of thirty kronor.

The Rattrap question and answer
1.Who is Nils Olof in the fable “The Rattrap”?
The ironmaster at the forge mistook the peddler for Captain Von Stahle (Nils Olof). When he was asked to spend Christmas Eve with them at the manor house, things abruptly changed. He believed that he was entering the lion’s lair.
2.Why is the Lesson named as The Rattrap?
People he encountered consistently gave the peddler a nasty time. He described the world as a rattrap and expressed his disappointment in humanity. He eventually changed his ways since he finally realised what respect meant thanks to Edla.
3.Who is the Captain in Rattrap?
The street vendor identified himself as Captain von Stable since Edla had thought of him as a captain. He went on to say that if he hadn’t been promoted to captain, he would have been a rat stuck in the rattrap of this planet and could therefore extricate himself.
4.How is the fable symbolic?
The rattrap metaphor alludes to the idea that individuals are merely there to be lured into traps by the world. Every time someone gives in to the temptation of the pleasures, he becomes ensnared in a perilous trap.
5.Why is The Rattrap set in Christmas?
He left the rattrap for the girls as a Christmas gift and included a note of gratitude as a gesture of gratitude for their care, leaving behind the stolen money to be returned to its rightful owner. This is why it’s important that the story’s events take place around Christmas.

Q1. What made the peddler accept Edla Willmansson’s invitation?
Ans: Miss Edla Willmansson looked at the peddler quite compassionately. She noticed that the man was afraid. She assured him that he would be allowed to leave just as freely as he came. She requested him to stay with them over Christmas Eve. Her friendly manner made the peddler feel confidence in her and accept her invitation.
Q2. What doubts did Edla have about the peddler?
Ans: As Edla lifted the peddler’s hat, he jumped up abruptly and seemed to be quite frightened. Even her kind looks, disclosure of her name and purpose of visit failed to calm him. From his fear, she thought that either he had stolen something or he had escaped from jail.
Q3. When did the ironmaster realise his mistake?
Ans: Next morning, the stranger was cleaned and well-dressed. The valet had bathed him, cut his hair and shaved him. He was led to the dining room for breakfast. The ironmaster saw him in broad daylight. It was impossible to mistake him for an old acquaintance now. Then the ironmaster realised his mistake and threatened to call the Sheriff.
Q4. How did the peddler defend himself against not having revealed his true identity?
Ans: The peddler explained that he had not tried to pretend as his acquaintance. He was not at fault. All along he had maintained that he was a poor trader. He had pleaded and begged to be allowed to stay in the forge. No harm had been done by his stay. He was willing to put on his rags again and go away.
Q5. Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him?
Ans: Edla did not think it proper on their part to chase away a human being whom they had asked to come to their house and had promised him Christmas cheer. She understood the reality of the peddler’s life and wanted him to enjoy a day of peace with them. Hence, she still entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him.
Q6. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a rattrap?
Ans: The peddler realised that he must not walk on the public highway with the stolen money in his pocket. He went into the woods. He kept walking without coming to the end of the wood. Then he realised that he had fallen in the rattrap. He had let himself befooled by a bait and had been caught in.
Q7. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?
Ans: The ironmaster walked closely up to the peddler. In the uncertain reflection from the furnace, he mistook the man as his old regimental comrade, Captain Von Stahle. He addressed the stranger as Nils Olof, spoke very kindly and invited him home.
Q8. Why did the peddler decline the invitation?
Ans: The peddler knew that the ironmaster had mistaken him for his old regimental comrade. Secondly, he had stolen money—thirty kronor—on him. Going to the ironmaster’s residence would be like entering the lion’s den. So, he declined the invitation.
Q9. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?
Ans: As soon as Edla opened the package of the gift, the contents came into view. She found a small rattrap with three wrinkled ten kronor notes and a letter addressed to her. The peddler wanted to be nice in return as she had been so nice to him all day long. He did not want her to be embarrased at the Christmas season by a thief.
Q10.Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle?
Ans: The ironmaster has invited the peddler to his house mistaking him for Captain von Stahle. He was welcomed there and looked after as captain even after the reality became known. The peddler got a chance to redeem himself from dishonest ways by acting as an honourable Captain.
Q11. How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the iron master and his daughter?
Ans: The peddler interprets the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the iron master and his daughter differently. He cheats the crofter as he provides him company in his loneliness and helps him pass time. He wants to get a couple of kronors from the iron master and is surprised at the contrasting style of behaviour of father and daughter. He is touched by the kindness, care and intervention of Edla on his behalf.
Q12. What are the instances in the story that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways?
Ans: The ironmaster is impulsive* whereas his daughter is cool, logical, kind and thoughtful. In uncertain light he (iron master) mistakes the stranger as his old regiment comrade. He invites him home and takes care of his feeding, clothing etc. When he sees him in broad day light he calls the man dishonest, demands an explanation and is ready to call in the sheriff. His daughter is more observant. She notices the fear of the stranger and thinks that either he is a thief or a run away prisoner. Inspite of that She is gentle, kind and friendly to him. She treats him nicely even after knowing the mistake in identity.
Q13. The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behaviour. Pick out instances of these surprises.
Ans: The peddler is surprised at the warm welcome, generous supper, cheerful company and intimate confidences by the crofter. The ironmaster addresses the peddler as Captain von Stahle. He is surprised when the ironmaster calls him “Nils Olof. The ironmaster assumes his declining the invitation a result of embarrassment caused by his miserable clothing. The peddler’s comparison of the world to a rattrap makes the ironmaster laugh and he drops the idea of calling in the sheriff.
The peddler looks at Edla in boundless amazement when she tells him that the suit is a Christmas present. She also invites him to spend next Christmas with them. She does all this even after knowing the mistake about his identity.The crofter is robbed by his guest, the rattrap peddler, in return of his hospitality.
Q14. What made the peddler finally change his ways?
Ans: Edla Willmansson treated the tramp in a friendly manner. She was nice and kind to her. She interceded on his behalf when her father was about to turn him out. She still entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him. She offered him the suit as Christmas present and invited him to spend the next Christmas with them. Her love and understanding aroused the essential goodness in the peddler and finally he changed his ways.
Q15. How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament?
Ans: The world entices a person through the various good things of life such as riches and joy, shelter and food, heat and clothing. These were just like the baits in the rattrap. Once someone is tempted by the bait, the world closed on him.The peddler was tempted by thirty kronor of the crofter. It makes him hide himself. He walks through the wood. He is afraid to go to the Manor house. He gets peace only after returning the bait (money).
Q16. The peddler comes out as a person with a subtle sense of humour. How7 does this serve in lightening the seriousness of the theme of the story and also endear him to us?
Ans: The peddler has a subtle sense of humour, which is revealed during his interactions with the ironmaster and his daughter after the truth about him becomes known. He is neither afraid of being turned out in cold in rags nor of being sent to prison. He makes the ironmaster laugh with his metaphor of the rattrap. His letter with the Christmas present to Edla is a fine example of his capacity to make others laugh at him. Thus, he lightens the seriousness of the theme of the story and also endears himself to us.

The Rattrap MCQ important Question and answers
1. What is the main theme running through Selma Lagerlof’s stories?
A. Love and betrayal
B. Exploration and adventure
C. Goodness in human beings awakened through understanding and love (Correct Answer)
D. Supernatural elements and magic
2. How did the man sustain himself while selling rattraps?
A. By engaging in legal business
B. Through profits from the rattrap business
C. Begging and petty thievery (Correct Answer)
D. Inheritance from his family
3. In the story, what realization does the man have about the world around him?
A. The world is a dangerous place
B. The world is a big rattrap, set to trap people (Correct Answer)
C. The world is a beautiful and peaceful sanctuary
D. The world is a magical realm
4. What is the significance of the crofter’s cow in supporting him?
A. It provided him with transportation
B. It was a source of companionship
C. The cow supplied milk for the creamery, earning him money (Correct Answer)
D. It symbolized his connection to nature
5. Why did the man smash a pane and take money from the crofter’s pouch?
A. He wanted revenge on the crofter
B. He needed money for survival
C. To teach the crofter a lesson
D. To steal the thirty kronor (Correct Answer)
6. Where does the man find himself trapped after stealing the money?
A. In a cave
B. In a dense forest, unable to find a way out (Correct Answer)
C. In a haunted house
D. In a hidden trapdoor
7. What sound guides the man out of the forest?
A. Birdsong
B. Hammer strokes from an iron mill (Correct Answer)
C. Flowing water
D. Wind rustling through the trees
8. What was the Ramsjo Ironworks known for in the story?
A. Jewelry crafting
B. Smelting gold
C. Producing iron (Correct Answer)
D. Shipbuilding
9. Why does the ironmaster mistake the man for an old acquaintance?
A. Similar appearance
B. Similar clothing
C. Misleading reflections from the furnace (Correct Answer)
D. Shared history
10. Why does Edla Willmansson insist on inviting the man into their home for Christmas Eve?
A. She is intrigued by his mysterious background
B. She pities his difficult life and wants to offer him a day of peace (Correct Answer)
C. She believes he is a long-lost relative
D. She wants to teach him a lesson about kindness
11. What happens when the man wakes up on Christmas morning at Ramsjo?
A. He finds himself surrounded by gifts
B. He realizes it was all a dream
C. The ironmaster regrets inviting him
D. He overhears news about a robbery by a rattrap seller (Correct Answer)
12. How does the ironmaster react upon learning about the stranger’s alleged theft?
A. He laughs it off
B. He regrets inviting the stranger
C. He scolds his daughter
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
13. What does the stranger leave behind as a Christmas present for Edla Willmansson?
A. A new set of rattraps
B. Money and a letter in a small rattrap (Correct Answer)
C. A drawing of a rat
D. A piece of iron from the forge
14. What is the stranger’s real identity revealed to be in the letter?
A. A notorious thief
B. Captain von Stahle (Correct Answer)
C. A wandering poet
D. A former blacksmith
15. How does the stranger sign the letter to Edla Willmansson?
A. Sincerely and apologetically
B. With gratitude and friendship (Correct Answer)
C. Anonymously
D. With bitterness and regret
16. What does the letter reveal about Captain von Stahle’s transformation?
A. He remained a fugitive
B. He gained power to clear himself by becoming a captain (Correct Answer)
C. He continued his life of crime
D. He regretted his actions
17. How does Edla Willmansson feel after reading the letter and finding the money?
A. Betrayed
B. Grateful and joyful (Correct Answer)
C. Indifferent
D. Suspicious
18. How does the ironmaster respond to Edla Willmansson’s decision to invite the stranger?
A. He opposes it initially but later gives in (Correct Answer)
B. He supports it wholeheartedly
C. He is indifferent
D. He becomes angry
19. What does the stranger leave as a Christmas present for Edla Willmansson’s father?
A. A set of new rattraps
B. A handwritten poem
C. A small package of money (Correct Answer)
D. A piece of iron from the forge
20. How does the story conclude for Captain von Stahle at Ramsjo?
A. He is arrested by the sheriff
B. He escapes in the night
C. He is welcomed back for the next Christmas (Correct Answer)
D. He leaves without a trace

21. What does Captain von Stahle realize about Edla Willmansson’s intentions in inviting him for Christmas?
A. He thinks she pities him
B. He believes she has ulterior motives
C. He understands her genuine kindness and hospitality (Correct Answer)
D. He remains confused about her intentions
22. How does Edla Willmansson react when she learns about the stranger’s true identity?
A. She feels betrayed and angry
B. She regrets inviting him
C. She is understanding and compassionate (Correct Answer)
D. She confronts him angrily
23. What role does the rattrap play as a metaphor in the story?
A. Symbol of danger and deceit
B. Representation of Christmas gifts
C. Illustration of the world’s traps and pitfalls (Correct Answer)
D. A tool for catching actual rats
24. What is the significance of Captain von Stahle’s transformation from a vagabond to a captain?
A. It symbolizes his rise to power and authority
B. It reflects his desire for social status
C. It represents his redemption and ability to clear himself (Correct Answer)
D. It is an ironic twist in the narrative
25. How does the ironmaster react when he finds out about Captain von Stahle’s Christmas gift?
A. He is amused and delighted
B. He scolds him for the deception
C. He appreciates the gesture and laughs (Correct Answer)
D. He regrets ever inviting Captain von Stahle
26. What lesson can be drawn from Captain von Stahle’s experience at Ramsjo?
A. Kindness and compassion can transform individuals (Correct Answer)
B. Trusting strangers always leads to trouble
C. Money can solve all problems
D. Christmas celebrations bring only joy
27. How does the stranger, Captain von Stahle, react to Edla Willmansson’s invitation for the next Christmas?
A. He declines the invitation politely
B. He expresses gratitude and agrees to return (Correct Answer)
C. He laughs it off as a joke
D. He leaves without responding
28. What is the irony in Captain von Stahle’s comment about the world being a rattrap?
A. The world is genuinely a dangerous place
B. Captain von Stahle remains trapped despite his transformation (Correct Answer)
C. The world is a safe haven for everyone
D. The rattrap is a symbol of prosperity
29. How does the story challenge stereotypes about the vagabond character?
A. It reinforces negative stereotypes
B. It portrays the vagabond as inherently deceitful
C. It humanizes the vagabond and challenges assumptions (Correct Answer)
D. It doesn’t address stereotypes
30. What literary genre does “The Last Lesson” by Selma Lagerlof belong to?
A. Fantasy
B. Fairy Tale
C. Realistic Fiction (Correct Answer)
D. Historical Fiction
31. How does Edla Willmansson’s father, the ironmaster, initially react to her decision to invite the stranger for Christmas Eve?
A. He supports her decision wholeheartedly
B. He opposes it but later gives in (Correct Answer)
C. He is indifferent to the matter
D. He becomes angry and confrontational
32. What does the young girl, Edla Willmansson, learn about the stranger’s true identity at church on Christmas morning?
A. He is a wanted criminal
B. He is a former soldier
C. He has been accused of robbing a crofter (Correct Answer)
D. He is an undercover detective
33. What motivates Captain von Stahle to leave money and a letter as a Christmas present for Edla Willmansson?
A. To apologize for his actions
B. To express his gratitude for her kindness (Correct Answer)
C. To manipulate her emotions
D. To hide evidence of his theft
34. How does Captain von Stahle react to Edla Willmansson’s kindness, considering his initial assumptions about the world as a rattrap?
A. He remains skeptical and ungrateful
B. He appreciates her kindness and experiences a change of heart (Correct Answer)
C. He rejects her gesture as mere charity
D. He leaves without acknowledging her efforts
35. What is the significance of the letter in the rattrap left by Captain von Stahle?
A. It confesses to the theft of the crofter’s money
B. It explains Captain von Stahle’s past
C. It expresses gratitude and friendship (Correct Answer)
D. It criticizes Edla Willmansson’s actions
36. How does the ironmaster feel about Captain von Stahle’s departure on Christmas morning?
A. He is relieved that the stranger is gone
B. He regrets inviting him
C. He is indifferent to the situation
D. He feels amused and satisfied (Correct Answer)
37. In what way does Captain von Stahle attempt to repay Edla Willmansson’s kindness?
A. By offering to work for the ironmaster
B. By leaving money and a Christmas present (Correct Answer)
C. By sharing tales of his adventures
D. By composing a poem in her honor
38. How does Edla Willmansson’s perception of Captain von Stahle change after learning about his true identity?
A. She feels deceived and betrayed
B. She continues to trust and support him (Correct Answer)
C. She regrets inviting him to Ramsjo
D. She becomes indifferent to his presence
39. What role does the Christmas Eve setting play in the story’s resolution?
A. It symbolizes forgiveness and redemption
B. It serves as a backdrop for conflict
C. It highlights the theme of generosity and compassion (Correct Answer)
D. It represents isolation and loneliness
40. What is the lasting impact of Captain von Stahle’s visit on Edla Willmansson and her father?
A. They become more cautious about inviting strangers
B. They regret their decision to invite him
C. They experience a positive change, embracing kindness and compassion (Correct Answer)
D. They forget about the stranger and move on with their lives
Founder of, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-Asst.Professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.