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ToggleThis is Jody’s Fawn Summary
This is Jody’s Fawn is written by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. It is about a human’s feeling towards an animal whose mother has been killed by his father.
Jody’s father is bitten by a rattlesnake. He quickly kills a doe and uses its heart and liver to draw outthe poison. Jody wonders what will happen to the little fawn left without its mother.Jody could not forget the incident. He loved the little fawn. His father, Penny lay in bed.
Jody enquired after his health. Penny said he had escaped death narrowly. He felt proud of his son for his help. He owed his life to the she deer or the doe whom he had killed to press out the snake poison in his body. Jody was worried about the little fawn. He wanted to find the fawn and bring it home. Penny allowed the boy to save the little animal. It would be ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve.
Doc Wilson also supported Jody. Jody decided to go to the forest with Mill-wheel in search of the fawn. He hoped to be back home for dinner. The two rode out. Jody had a vague idea of the place where his father had been bitten by the snake. The bushes there were thick. So he proposed to go on foot. The twigs under his feet creaked and broke the silence.
Suddenly he saw a large vulture like bird flying into the air. Soon he found that many birds were feeding on the dead body of the doe. He threw his stick at them to keep them away. The incident had occurred only 24 hours ago. He went round but did not find the fawn. Even the footprints on the grass had been washed away in the rain.
Just then he was startled to see the fawn lifting its face. It was shaking. Jody walked upto it and put his arms around its body. Its skin was soft and clean. It did not kick, nor bleat. He saved its face from the thorny plants. He picked it up and walked as fast as he could until he came to the intersection with the road home. When tired, he set it down and rested for a while.
He again carried it on his arms to some distance. Finally, he reached home and took the fawn into his father’s room. Penny was glad to see it. Jody gave it milk to drink. He dipped his fingers into the milk and let it suck. Then it drank off the last drop of milk. Jody was happy now.
This is Jody’s Fawn Summary in Hindi
दिस इज़ जॉडीज़ फॉन को मार्जोरी किन्नन रॉलिंग्स ने लिखा है। यह एक जानवर के प्रति एक इंसान की भावना के बारे में है जिसकी माँ को उसके पिता ने मार डाला है।
जोडी के पिता को रैटलस्नेक ने काट लिया है। वह तुरंत एक हिरणी को मार देता है और जहर निकालने के लिए उसके दिल और जिगर का उपयोग करता है। जॉडी को आश्चर्य होता है कि अपनी माँ के बिना छोड़े गए छोटे हिरण के बच्चे का क्या होगा। जॉडी इस घटना को भूल नहीं पाई। वह छोटे हिरन के बच्चे से प्यार करता था। उसके पिता पेनी बिस्तर पर लेटे हुए थे।
जॉडी ने उनके स्वास्थ्य के बारे में पूछताछ की। पेनी ने कहा कि वह मौत से बाल-बाल बच गये। उन्हें अपने बेटे की मदद पर गर्व महसूस हुआ। उसका जीवन उस हिरण या हिरणी के कारण था, जिसे उसने अपने शरीर में साँप का जहर दबाने के लिए मार डाला था। जोडी छोटे हिरन के बच्चे के बारे में चिंतित थी। वह हिरण के बच्चे को ढूंढकर घर लाना चाहता था। पेनी ने लड़के को छोटे जानवर को बचाने की अनुमति दी। हिरन के बच्चे को भूखा मरने के लिए छोड़ना कृतघ्नता होगी।
डॉक्टर विल्सन ने भी जोडी का समर्थन किया। जॉडी ने हिरन के बच्चे की तलाश में मिल-व्हील के साथ जंगल में जाने का फैसला किया। उसे रात के खाने के लिए घर वापस आने की उम्मीद थी। दोनों बाहर निकले। जोडी को उस जगह का अस्पष्ट अंदाज़ा था जहाँ उसके पिता को साँप ने काटा था। वहाँ झाड़ियाँ घनी थीं। इसलिए उन्होंने पैदल जाने का प्रस्ताव रखा. उसके पैरों के नीचे की टहनियाँ चरमराने लगीं और सन्नाटा टूट गया।
अचानक उसने एक बड़े गिद्ध जैसे पक्षी को हवा में उड़ते देखा। जल्द ही उसने पाया कि कई पक्षी हिरणी के मृत शरीर को खा रहे थे। उसने उन्हें दूर रखने के लिए उन पर अपनी छड़ी फेंकी। घटना 24 घंटे पहले ही हुई थी. वह चारों ओर घूमता रहा लेकिन हिरण का बच्चा नहीं मिला। यहां तक कि घास पर बने पैरों के निशान भी बारिश में धुल गए थे.
तभी वह हिरन के बच्चे को मुँह उठाये देख कर चौंक गया। यह हिल रहा था. जोडी उसके पास गया और उसके शरीर के चारों ओर अपनी बाहें डाल दीं। इसकी त्वचा मुलायम और साफ थी. उसने न तो लात मारी, न ही मिमियाया। उसने कंटीले पौधों से उसकी रक्षा की। उसने उसे उठाया और जितनी तेजी से चल सकता था चला, जब तक कि वह घर के रास्ते वाले चौराहे पर नहीं आ गया। थक जाने पर उसने इसे नीचे रख दिया और कुछ देर आराम किया।
वह उसे फिर से अपनी बांहों पर उठाकर कुछ दूरी तक ले गया। अंत में, वह घर पहुंचा और हिरन के बच्चे को अपने पिता के कमरे में ले गया। पेनी यह देखकर खुश हुई। जोडी ने उसे पीने के लिए दूध दिया। उसने अपनी उंगलियाँ दूध में डुबोईं और उसे चूसने दिया। फिर उसने दूध की आखिरी बूंद भी पी ली। जोडी अब खुश थी।
This is Jody’s Fawn Summary in Assamese
এইখন জোডি’ছ ফ’ন লিখিছে মাৰ্জাৰী কিনান ৰ’লিংছে। পিতৃয়ে মাকক হত্যা কৰা প্ৰাণী এটাৰ প্ৰতি মানুহৰ অনুভৱৰ কথা।
জোডিৰ দেউতাকক এটা ৰেটল স্নেকে কামোৰে। তেওঁ সোনকালে এটা হাঁহক হত্যা কৰে আৰু তাৰ হৃদযন্ত্ৰ আৰু যকৃত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি বিষটো উলিয়াই আনে। জোডিয়ে ভাবিছে মাক নোহোৱাকৈ এৰি থৈ যোৱা সৰু পোৱালিটোৰ কি হ’ব।জোডিয়ে ঘটনাটো পাহৰিব নোৱাৰিলে। সৰু পোৱালিটোক সি ভাল পাইছিল। দেউতাক পেনি বিচনাত পৰি আছিল।
জোডিয়ে তেওঁৰ স্বাস্থ্যৰ বিষয়ে সোধা-পোছা কৰিলে। পেনিয়ে ক’লে যে তেওঁ মৃত্যুৰ পৰা সংকীৰ্ণভাৱে সাৰি গৈছে। তেওঁৰ সহায়ৰ বাবে পুত্ৰক লৈ গৌৰৱ অনুভৱ কৰিছিল। তেওঁৰ শৰীৰত থকা সাপৰ বিষটো হেঁচা মাৰি পেলাবলৈ হত্যা কৰা ছোৱালী হৰিণ বা হাঁহটোৰ ওচৰত তেওঁৰ জীৱন ঋণী আছিল। জোডি চিন্তিত হৈ পৰিছিল সৰু পোৱালিটোক লৈ। সি কুকুৰ পোৱালিটো বিচাৰি ঘৰলৈ আনিব বিচাৰিছিল। পেনিয়ে ল’ৰাটোক সৰু জন্তুটোক বচাবলৈ দিলে। কুকুৰাৰ পোৱালিটোক অনাহাৰে থাকিবলৈ এৰি দিলে অকৃতজ্ঞতা হ’ব।
ডক উইলছনেও জোডীক সমৰ্থন কৰিছিল। জোডিয়ে মিল-হুইলৰ সৈতে হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত ল’লে, কুকুৰাৰ পোৱালিটো বিচাৰি। ঘৰলৈ উভতি আহি ৰাতিৰ আহাৰ গ্ৰহণ কৰাৰ আশা কৰিলে। দুয়ো ঘোঁৰাত উঠি ওলাই আহিল। দেউতাকক সাপে কামোৰা ঠাইখনৰ বিষয়ে জোডিৰ এটা অস্পষ্ট ধাৰণা আছিল। তাত থকা জোপোহাবোৰ ডাঠ আছিল। গতিকে খোজকাঢ়ি যাবলৈ প্ৰস্তাৱ দিলে। ভৰিৰ তলৰ ডালবোৰে ক্ৰিক ক্ৰিক কৰি নিস্তব্ধতা ভাঙি পেলালে।
হঠাৎ তেওঁ দেখিলে যে এটা ডাঙৰ শগুন চৰাইৰ দৰে বতাহত উৰি আহিছে। অলপ পিছতে তেওঁ গম পালে যে বহু চৰাইয়ে ডোখৰৰ মৃতদেহ খাই আছে। সিহঁতক আঁতৰাই ৰাখিবলৈ সি সিহঁতৰ ফালে লাঠিডাল দলিয়াই দিলে। মাত্ৰ ২৪ ঘন্টা পূৰ্বে সংঘটিত হৈছিল এই ঘটনা। ঘূৰি ফুৰিলেও কুকুৰ পোৱালিটো বিচাৰি নাপালে। আনকি ঘাঁহনিৰ ওপৰত থকা ভৰিৰ ছাপবোৰো বৰষুণত উটুৱাই লৈ গৈছিল।
ঠিক তেতিয়াই সি চক খাই গ’ল কুকুৰাৰ পোৱালিটোৱে মুখখন তুলি লোৱা দেখি। কঁপি উঠিছিল। জোডিয়ে তাৰ ওচৰলৈ খোজ কাঢ়ি গ’ল আৰু ইয়াৰ শৰীৰত বাহু দুটা থৈ দিলে। ইয়াৰ ছালখন কোমল আৰু পৰিষ্কাৰ আছিল। ই লাথি মাৰিলে, না হুমুনিয়াহ কাঢ়িলে। কাঁইটীয়া গছবোৰৰ পৰা তাৰ মুখখন ৰক্ষা কৰিলে। তুলি লৈ সি যিমান পাৰে বেগেৰে খোজ কাঢ়ি ঘৰলৈ যোৱা ৰাস্তাৰ ছেক্সনটোলৈ আহিল। ভাগৰুৱা হৈ সি থৈ দিলে আৰু অলপ সময় জিৰণি ল’লে।
আকৌ বাহুত লৈ কিছু দূৰলৈ লৈ গ’ল। অৱশেষত ঘৰ পালে আৰু কুকুৰাৰ পোৱালিটোক দেউতাকৰ কোঠালৈ লৈ গ’ল। পেনিয়ে দেখি ভাল লাগিল। জোডিয়ে তাক গাখীৰ খাবলৈ দিলে। গাখীৰত আঙুলি ডুবাই চুহিবলৈ দিলে। তাৰ পিছত শেষ টোপাল গাখীৰ খাই পেলালে। জোডি এতিয়া সুখী আছিল।
This is Jody’s Fawn Question and Answer
Textual Comprehension check:-
Qus 1. What had happened to Jody’s father?
Ans. Jody’s father was bitten by a rattlesnake.
Qus 2. How did the doe save Penny’s life?
Ans. Penny killed the doe and used its heart and liver to draw out the snake’s poison. In this way, the Doe saved Penny’s life.
Qus 3. Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?
Ans. Jody wanted to bring the fawn home because his father had killed its mother-the Doe to save his own life: The fawn was likely to starve to death in the forest if it was left alone.
Qus 4. How does Jody know that the fawn is a male?
Ans. The spots on the fawn’s body were all in a line. Jody’s father told him that it was an indication of a male fawn.
Comprehension Check:-
Qus 5. Jody did not want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
Ans. Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. Firstly, if the fawn was dead, or could not be found he didn’t want to show his disappointment . Secondly, if the fawn was found, the meeting would be so lovely and so secret that he could not tolerate sharing it.
Qus 6. Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?
Ans. Mill Wheel was afraid that Jody might get lost or might be bitten by the snake too.
Qus 7. How did Jody bring the fawn back home?
Ans. Jody held the fawn in his arms and brought him back home.
Qus 8. Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. Can you find at least three-word phrases which show how he felt?
Ans. He was light-headed with joy. He wanted to fondle it. He wanted to run and romp with it.
Qus 9. Why did not the fawn follow Jody up the steps as he had thought it would?
Ans. The fawn did not know how to climb the stairs.
Qus 10. Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?
Ans:- Penny Baxter had killed the doe to save his life from the poison of a snake. After the mother’ death, the fawn was all alone. Jody made his father realize that it would be ungrateful if they left the fawn in the forest to starve. Penny was convinced.Penny did not want it to die of starvation. So he allowed Jody to go find the fawn and raise it.
Qus 11. What did Doc Wilson mean when he said, “Nothing in the world ever comes quite free?
Ans. Doc Wilson meant to say that every service in this world demands something in return. Penny’s life was saved at the cost of the fawn’s mother. So now it was the duty of Penny’s family to take care of the young fawn.
Qus 12. How did Jody look after the fawn, after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?
Ans. Jody looked after the fawn with love and affection. He taught it how to walk and drink milk. Jody made fawn drink milk with his fingers dipped in milk. Jody took the fawn gently in his arms. Hence he looked after the fawn like a mother.
Qus 13. How does Jody’s mother react when she hears that he is going to bring the fawn home? Why does she react in this way?
Ans. The mother was highly surprised to hear this. At that time, she was pouring coffee in cups. Hearing this, she held the coffee pot in mid-air. Jody’s mother was not pleased with the idea of bringing the fawn home. She also found it not feasible to feed it. She reacted in this way because either she didn’t want an animal in the house or she considered it an unnecessary burden
This is Jody’s Fawn MCQ
1.Why does Jody want to find the fawn?
- To sell it
- To raise it
- To release it into the wild
- To study it
Correct Answer: b. To raise it
2.What is Penny’s initial reaction when Jody suggests finding the fawn?
- Disapproval
- Indifference
- Pride
- Fear
Correct Answer: c. Pride
3.How does Jody plan to locate the fawn in the scrub?
- On foot
- Riding with Mill-wheel
- Using a compass
- Flying on a horse
Correct Answer: a. On foot
4.Why does Jody become unwilling to have Mill-wheel with him during the search for the fawn?
- Fear of disappointment
- Fear of Mill-wheel
- Desire for secrecy
- Fear of the fawn
Correct Answer: c. Desire for secrecy
5.What does Jody observe in the clearing when he searches for the fawn?
- Other animals
- Buzzards
- Flowers
- A river
Correct Answer: b. Buzzards
6.How does the fawn initially react when Jody finds it in the thicket?
- Runs away
- Attacks Jody
- Quivers and stares
- Hides in the bushes
Correct Answer: c. Quivers and stares
7.What does Jody use to carry the fawn during his journey back home?
- A basket
- His arms
- A net
- Mill-wheel’s hands
Correct Answer: b. His arms
8.Why does Jody stop during his journey back home with the fawn?
- To rest
- To play with the fawn
- To admire the scenery
- To talk to Mill-wheel
Correct Answer: a. To rest
9.What is the fawn’s reaction when Jody tries to make it climb the steps of his house?
- Climbs willingly
- Refuses to climb
- Runs away
- Cries loudly
Correct Answer: b. Refuses to climb
10.What does Jody feed the fawn when they reach home?
- Meat
- Grass
- Milk
- Leaves
Correct Answer: c. Milk
11.How does Jody feel when he first sees the fawn in the clearing?
- Fearful
- Sad
- Excited
- Angry
Correct Answer: c. Excited
12.Why does Jody want to bring the fawn into Penny’s bedroom?
- To show off
- To surprise Penny
- To impress Mill-wheel
- To let the fawn rest
Correct Answer: b. To surprise Penny
13.What is Mill-wheel’s role in helping Jody find the fawn?
- Riding alongside Jody
- Climbing trees
- Giving directions
- Making noise to scare off animals
Correct Answer: a. Riding alongside Jody
14.What does Jody use to shield the fawn’s face from prickling vines in the thicket?
- His hands
- A hat
- A leaf
- Mill-wheel’s jacket
Correct Answer: a. His hands
15.How does Jody ensure the fawn follows him during the journey home?
- Carrying it all the time
- Tying it with a rope
- Letting it roam freely
- Playing music to attract it
Correct Answer: a. Carrying it all the time
16.What does Jody observe in the June morning sky during the journey back home?
- Clouds
- Birds
- Airplanes
- Stars
Correct Answer: b. Birds
17.Why does Jody stop at the intersection with the road home during the journey with the fawn?
- To rest
- To meet someone
- To admire the scenery
- To decide on the route
Correct Answer: a. To rest
18.What does Jody plan to do with the fawn once they reach home?
- Release it into the wild
- Keep it as a pet
- Sell it
- Give it to Mill-wheel
Correct Answer: b. Keep it as a pet
19.How does Penny react when Jody shows him the fawn?
- Displeased
- Amused
- Proud
- Indifferent
Correct Answer: c. Proud
20.What does Jody feed the fawn besides milk when they reach home?
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Honey
- Nuts
Correct Answer: b. Fruits
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