Tiger King

Tiger King

Tiger King Summary

The story is written by a Tamil writer Ramaswamy Krishnamurthy who is known by his pet name. ‘Kalki’. The story is a satire on how people love to kill innocent animals to satisfy their egos. The theme of the story is that death is inevitable and how powerful men become ruthless towards wildlife.

The protagonist of the story is Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur. The story begins when the king is only ten days old and it was predicted by a chief astrologer that the king will die. Upon hearing the news this ten-day-old king asks the chief astrologer if death will come to everyone but tell him how will I die. This made all the present there surprised that this ten-day-old king is speaking but he is also asking intelligent questions.

The chief astrologer replies that this king was born in the hour of bull and bull and tigers are enemies so the king will meet his fate by a tiger. Upon hearing this the ten-day-old crown prince was not afraid but gave a deep growl and said “Let tigers beware!” And then he was known as Tiger king.

As he was growing up he was brought up in English manners and when he turned 20 he killed his first tiger and went to the astrologer to show him. To this astrologer said that he can kill ninety-nine tigers but he has to be aware of that hundredth king. From that day the proclamation was issued stating that only Maharaja will kill the tiger in the state and no one will dare to even throw a stone at any tiger.

During all these times tiger king used to kill tigers all by himself. Many instances come when the tiger king was in danger of losing his kingdom. Once such incident was when a British officer expressed the wish to go for tiger hunting but the king declined him and stood in danger of losing his kingdom. To compensate for this the maharaja sent around fifty rings to the wife of that English officer.

Within ten years the maharaja killed around seventy tigers in his kingdom but now the tiger population became extinct in his kingdom and brought his mission to stand still. The Maharaja asked his Dewan to look for a state in which the tiger population is good and see if there is any girl suitable to marry him. Darvan followed his orders and Maharaja was happy his killing spree continued each time he visited his father in law state.

Finally, the tally came to the 99th tiger now the maharaja was anxious and sad because in his father-in-law state’s also the number declined. But suddenly the news came from his own kingdom that the sheep were disappearing again from a village. The maharaja set out on the hunt at once. The tiger seems to be hiding and playing the maharaja but he too was determined to kill the last tiger but his rage was heightened and one day he called his Dewan and asked to increase the tax on people or else he will lose his job.

So the Dewan saw a tiger in a people’s park in madras and hatched a plan to place that tiger in the forest so that the tiger king could kill the tiger. The same thing happened and was shot by the tiger king. He was very happy and asked his people to bring this tiger to the capital but as soon as the king’s hunters went near the tiger they saw that the tiger was still alive and was only unconscious. They decided not to tell this to the king and killed the tiger themself. The tiger king was now under the impression that he had changed his destiny and had killed his hundredth tiger.

Now the tiger king decides to spend time with his family and give proper attention to his kingdom. The tiger king’s third son’s birthday was approaching and he decided to give him a gift. He goes to a shop and looks for the perfect gift. He found a wooden tiger and decided to give this to the king. When the king and his son were playing with the wooden tiger a small piece of wood was coming out from the toy which pricked the finger of Maharaja. He does not take any significant notice of this. But this turned into an infection many surgeons were called to operate on him but in the end, the maharaja died because of his hundredth tiger who took his revenge.

Tiger King Question and Answers

Question.1.What gave the astrologers the greatest surprise of their life while they were studying

the horoscope of the ten-day old prince?

Answer. When the astrologers were reading the horoscope of the little prince, they were taken by surprise when the ten-day old infant asked about the manner of his death. When the chief astrologer told him that a tiger would be the cause of his death, the baby retorted with arrogance, “Let the tigers beware!”


Question.2.How did the Maharaja please a high ranking officer?

Answer. A high ranking British officer visited the state of Pratibandapuram and sought permission for tiger hunting from the Maharaja. The Maharaja declined his request, but as he did not want to upset

the officer, he sent fifty diamond rings to the officer’s wife which cost the king three , lakh rupees.


Question.3.Why did the Maharaja ban tiger hunting in the state?

Answer. As the prince was crowned the king, the astrologer’s prediction regarding his (the king’s) death by a tiger reached his ears. This prompted the Maharaja to kill a tiger but the astrologer informed him that he had to successfully kill hundred tigers to escape the prophecy. Thus, in order to reach that mark, the Maharaja banned tiger hunting in the state except for himself.




Question.4. Why did the Maharaja decide to get married?


What is the reason lor the Tiger King’s sudden decision to marry?


Answer. In order to defeat the astrologer’s prophecy, the Maharaja had to kill a hundred tigers. He had already killed seventy tigers and the tiger population in his state neared extinction. For this reason, he wished to marry a girl in the royal family of a state with a rich tiger population, where he would kill the rest of the tigers.


Question.5. Why did the Maharaja double the land tax?

Answer. The Maharaja had successfully killed ninety-nine tigers but struggled hard to find the hundredth tiger. Once, there came a news of a tiger being spotted at a hillside village but it turned out to be untrue. This infuriated the Maharaja, who ordered the dewan to double the land tax in order to punish the villagers for the false news.


Question.6. How did the Tiger King become the victim of the hundredth tiger?


How did the Tiger King meet his end? What is ironical about his fate?

Answer. The Tiger King met his end through the wooden tiger, which he had bought as a gift for his son on his third birthday. While he was playing with his son, a splinter of the poorly made toy tiger

pricked the king’s hand. The infection turned into a sore, which spread all over his arm. In spite of the best surgeons, the king’s life could not be saved.

The irony is in the fact that in spite of killing nearly all the tigers in the area, he had to face his death by a toy tiger.


Question.7. What, sort of hunts did the Maharaja offer to organise for the high-ranking British officer? What trait of the officer does it reveal?

Answer. Tiger hunting was banned in Pratibandapuram. When the British official came with a tiger hunt request, the Maharaja told him that he may conduct a boar hunt, a mouse hunt, even a mosquito hunt, but not a tiger hunt. In reply to this, the British officer said that he only wanted to be photographed holding a gun and standing ewer the dead body; the tiger could be killed by the Maharaja. This shows the shallowness of character of the officer.


Question.8. Why was the Maharaja so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger?

Answer. When the Maharaja was barely ten days old, the chief astrologer had predicted that a tiger would be the cause of his death. When the Maharaja was twenty, he killed one tiger. When he asked his astrologer, the astrologer said that he would kill ninety-nine tigers, but he should be fearful of the hundredth tiger. That was the reason why the Maharaja was so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger.


Question.9. What warning did the astrologer give the Tiger King when he killed the first tiger? Did the prediction of the astrologer come to be true?

Answer. When the Maharaja boasted about killing the first tiger, the astrologer said that he may kill ’ ninety-nine tigers, but must be “very careful with the hundredth tiger.” Yes, the astrologer was absolutely true in this prediction, because finally the Maharaja was killed by the hundredth tiger.


Question.10.How did the Dewan manage to arrange the hundredth tiger for the Maharaja?


Answer. The Dewan had brought a tiger from the People’s Park in Madras and kept it hidden in his house. When the Maharaja threatened him with dire consequences, he understood that the only way to save himself was to ‘plant’ a tiger for the kill. So, he and his aged wife dragged the tiger to the forest where the king was hunting. The king took aim and the beast soon collapsed.


Question.11.Why was the Maharaja sunk in gloom even after having killed seventy tigers?


Answer. During ten years, the Maharaja had managed to kill seventy tigers. As a result, the tiger population became extinct in his kingdom. This made the Maharaja anxious because he thought he would not be able to achieve his target of killing a hundred tigers and so his life would be in dangSr.


Question.12.What led the Maharaja to start out on a tiger hunt?

Answer. The Maharaja knew the old saying that killing even a cow in self-defence was no sin. So, in order to save his own life and prove the astrological prediction wrong, he started shooting all his enemies, i.e. the tigers he found in the forests of his state and nearby regions.


Question.13.When did the Tiger King stand in danger of losing his kingdom?

Answer. Once, a high-ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram. He was very fond of hunting tigers and being photographed with them. However, the Maharaja refused to give him permission to hunt tigers because he feared that other British officers too would turn up with the same request. It was because of his refusal that the Maharaja stood in danger of losing his kingdom.


Question.14.What happened to the tiger provided by the Dewan Saheb?

 Answer. The tiger provided by the Dewan Saheb was very old and stood in complete submission. The Maharaja look aim and fired, but-actually the bullet missed the tiger and the tiger only fainted from the sharp sound of the bullet. As nobody wanted the Maharaja to know about it, one oflhe hunters himself shot the tiger later on.


Question.15.Describe the efforts made by the Tiger King to achieve his target of killing a hundred


Answer. The Tiger King made numerous efforts to fulfil his target of killing a hundred tigers. He stayed in the forest for many days. He fired many of his officers for not getting him tigers. He had to spend a ransom of three lakh rupees to impress the British official and discourage him from killing the


tigers. He even went to the extent of marrying to kill the population of tigers in the neighbouring state to meet his target. In a way, he did all he could to achieve his goal , of killing a hundred tigers.


Question.16.Did the Tiger King shoot the hundredth tiger? Give reasons for your answer.


Answer. The Tiger King actually did not shoot the hundredth tiger. The tiger being a weak one, fainted from the shock of a bullet whizzing past him and the ignorant king celebrated his achievement. Later, when the hunters took a closer look at the tiger, it woke up as if from a deep slumber.


Question.17.How did the Tiger King celebrate his victory over the killing of the hundredth tiger?


Answer. When the Maharaja thought that he had killed the hundredth tiger, his joy knew no bounds. The elated king returned to his capital and ordered his staff to bring the dead tiger in a grand procession. The tiger was buried and a tomb was erected over it.


Question.18.What was the Dewan’s tiger like? How did he take it into the forest?


Answer. The Dewan’s tiger was old and had been brought from the People’s Park in Madras. It was kept hidden in the Dewan’s house. At midnight, the Dewan with his wife dragged the tiger to his car and thrust it onto the seat. With great difficulty, the tiger was pushed out of the car and planted in the forest to be shot by the Maharaja.


Question.19.Why did the Dewan decide to give up his own tiger to be killed by the Maharaja?


Answer. The Maharaja refused to leave the forest unless he killed the hundredth tiger that had been sighted by the villagers. The Maharaja was funous and sacked many officers. He ordered the Dewan to double the land tax of the village and when the Dewan tried to stop him, the Maharaja asked him to resign. So, to save his job, the Dewan decided to arrange for a tiger to be killed by the Maharaja.

Tiger king Summary in Hindi

Summary in Hindi

कहानी तमिल लेखक रामास्वामी कृष्णमूर्ति द्वारा लिखी गई है, जिन्हें उनके पालतू नाम ‘कल्कि’ से जाना जाता है। कहानी इस बात पर व्यंग्य करती है कि कैसे लोग अपने अहंकार को संतुष्ट करने के लिए निर्दोष जानवरों को मारना पसंद करते हैं। कहानी का विषय यह है कि मृत्यु अपरिहार्य है और कैसे शक्तिशाली लोग वन्यजीवों के प्रति निर्दयी हो जाते हैं। कहानी का नायक प्रतिबंदपुरम के महाराजा जिलानी जंग जंग बहादुर हैं। कहानी तब शुरू होती है जब राजा केवल दस दिन का होता है और एक प्रमुख ज्योतिषी द्वारा भविष्यवाणी की जाती है कि राजा की मृत्यु हो जाएगी। समाचार सुनने के बाद यह दस दिन का राजा मुख्य ज्योतिषी से पूछता है कि क्या मृत्यु सभी को आएगी लेकिन उसे बताएं कि मैं कैसे मरूंगा। यह सुनकर वहां मौजूद सभी लोग आश्चर्यचकित हो गए कि यह दस दिन का राजा बोल तो रहा है लेकिन वह बुद्धिमानी भरे सवाल भी पूछ रहा है। मुख्य ज्योतिषी जवाब देता है कि यह राजा बैल के समय में पैदा हुआ था और बैल और बाघ दुश्मन हैं इसलिए राजा को एक बाघ द्वारा अपना भाग्य मिलेगा। यह सुनकर दस दिन का युवराज डरा नहीं, बल्कि गहरी गुर्राहट के साथ बोला, “बाघों से सावधान!” और तब से वह बाघ राजा के नाम से जाना जाने लगा।

जैसे-जैसे वह बड़ा हो रहा था, उसे अंग्रेजी तौर-तरीकों से पाला गया और जब वह 20 साल का हुआ, तो उसने अपना पहला बाघ मारा और उसे दिखाने के लिए ज्योतिषी के पास गया। इस पर ज्योतिषी ने कहा कि वह निन्यानबे बाघों को मार सकता है, लेकिन उसे सौवें राजा के बारे में पता होना चाहिए। उस दिन से यह घोषणा जारी कर दी गई कि राज्य में केवल महाराजा ही बाघ को मारेगा और कोई भी बाघ पर पत्थर फेंकने की हिम्मत नहीं करेगा।

इन सभी समयों के दौरान बाघ राजा अकेले ही बाघों को मारता था। कई बार ऐसा हुआ कि बाघ राजा को अपना राज्य खोने का खतरा हो गया। एक बार ऐसा हुआ जब एक अंग्रेज अधिकारी ने बाघ के शिकार की इच्छा जताई, लेकिन राजा ने उसे मना कर दिया और अपना राज्य खोने का खतरा हो गया। इसकी भरपाई के लिए महाराजा ने उस अंग्रेज अधिकारी की पत्नी को लगभग पचास अंगूठियां भेजीं।

दस साल के भीतर महाराजा ने अपने राज्य में लगभग सत्तर बाघों को मार डाला, लेकिन अब उनके राज्य में बाघों की आबादी विलुप्त हो गई और उनके मिशन को रोक दिया गया। महाराजा ने अपने दीवान से कहा कि वह ऐसे राज्य की तलाश करें जहाँ बाघों की आबादी अच्छी हो और देखें कि क्या वहाँ कोई लड़की है जो उनसे शादी करने के लिए उपयुक्त हो। दरवान ने उनके आदेश का पालन किया और महाराजा खुश थे कि जब भी वह अपने ससुर के राज्य में जाते थे, तो उनकी हत्याओं का सिलसिला जारी रहता था।

आखिरकार, गिनती 99वें बाघ पर पहुँची, अब महाराजा चिंतित और दुखी थे क्योंकि उनके ससुर के राज्य में भी संख्या में कमी आई थी। लेकिन अचानक उनके अपने राज्य से खबर आई कि एक गाँव से फिर से भेड़ें गायब हो रही हैं। महाराजा तुरंत शिकार पर निकल पड़े। बाघ छिपकर महाराजा से खेल रहा था लेकिन वह भी आखिरी बाघ को मारने के लिए दृढ़ था लेकिन उसका गुस्सा बढ़ गया और एक दिन उसने अपने दीवान को बुलाया और लोगों पर कर बढ़ाने के लिए कहा वरना वह अपनी नौकरी खो देगा। इसलिए दीवान ने मद्रास के लोगों के पार्क में एक बाघ को देखा और उस बाघ को जंगल में रखने की योजना बनाई ताकि बाघ राजा बाघ को मार सके। वही हुआ और बाघ राजा ने उसे गोली मार दी। वह बहुत खुश हुआ और अपने लोगों से इस बाघ को राजधानी में लाने के लिए कहा लेकिन जैसे ही राजा के शिकारी बाघ के पास गए, उन्होंने देखा कि बाघ अभी भी जीवित था और केवल बेहोश था। उन्होंने राजा को यह बात न बताने का फैसला किया और खुद बाघ को मार डाला। बाघ राजा अब इस धारणा में था कि उसने अपना भाग्य बदल दिया है और अपने सौवें बाघ को मार दिया है। अब बाघ राजा ने अपने परिवार के साथ समय बिताने और अपने राज्य पर उचित ध्यान देने का फैसला किया। बाघ राजा के तीसरे बेटे का जन्मदिन आ रहा था और उसने उसे एक उपहार देने का फैसला किया। वह एक दुकान पर जाता है और सही उपहार की तलाश करता है। उसे एक लकड़ी का बाघ मिला और उसने राजा को यह देने का फैसला किया। जब राजा और उसका बेटा लकड़ी के बाघ के साथ खेल रहे थे, तो खिलौने से लकड़ी का एक छोटा टुकड़ा निकल रहा था जो महाराजा की उंगली में चुभ गया। उन्होंने इस पर कोई खास ध्यान नहीं दिया। लेकिन यह एक संक्रमण में बदल गया और कई शल्य चिकित्सकों को उनका ऑपरेशन करने के लिए बुलाया गया लेकिन अंत में महाराजा की मृत्यु उनके सौवें बाघ के कारण हुई जिसने उनका बदला ले लिया।

Tiger king Summary in assamese

Summary in Assamese

পোহনীয়া জন্তুৰ নামেৰে পৰিচিত তামিল সাহিত্যিক ৰামাস্বামী কৃষ্ণমূৰ্তিয়ে এই কাহিনীটো লিখিছে। ‘কলকি’। মানুহে নিজৰ ইগো সন্তুষ্ট কৰিবলৈ কেনেকৈ নিৰীহ জীৱ-জন্তু হত্যা কৰি ভাল পায় সেই বিষয়ে কাহিনীটো ব্যংগ। গল্পটোৰ বিষয়বস্তু হৈছে যে মৃত্যু অনিবাৰ্য আৰু শক্তিশালী মানুহ বন্যপ্ৰাণীৰ প্ৰতি কেনেদৰে নিৰ্দয় হৈ পৰে।

কাহিনীটোৰ নায়ক প্ৰতিবন্দপুৰমৰ মহাৰাজা জিলানী জং জং বাহাদুৰ। কাহিনীটো আৰম্ভ হয় যেতিয়া ৰজাৰ বয়স মাত্ৰ দহ দিন আৰু এজন প্ৰধান জ্যোতিষীয়ে ৰজাৰ মৃত্যু হ’ব বুলি ভৱিষ্যদ্বাণী কৰিছিল। এই খবৰটো শুনি এই দহদিনীয়া ৰজাই মুখ্য জ্যোতিষীক সুধিলে যে সকলোৰে মৃত্যু হ’ব নেকি কিন্তু তেওঁক কওক যে মই কেনেকৈ মৰিম। ইয়াৰ ফলত তাত উপস্থিত সকলোকে আচৰিত কৰি তুলিলে যে এই দহদিনীয়া ৰজাই কথা কৈছে যদিও তেওঁ বুদ্ধিমান প্ৰশ্নও কৰিছে।

প্ৰধান জ্যোতিষীয়ে উত্তৰ দিয়ে যে এই ৰজাৰ জন্ম ম’হ-ম’হৰ সময়ত হৈছিল আৰু বাঘ শত্ৰু গতিকে ৰজাই বাঘৰ দ্বাৰা নিজৰ ভাগ্যৰ সন্মুখীন হ’ব। এই কথা শুনি দহদিনীয়া ক্ৰাউন প্ৰিন্সে ভয় নকৰি গভীৰ গুৰুগুৰু এটা মাৰি ক’লে “বাঘে সাৱধান হওক!” আৰু তাৰ পিছত তেওঁক বাঘ ৰজা বুলি জনা গৈছিল।

ডাঙৰ হৈ অহাৰ লগে লগে তেওঁ ইংৰাজী আচাৰ-ব্যৱহাৰত ডাঙৰ-দীঘল হৈছিল আৰু ২০ বছৰ বয়সত তেওঁ প্ৰথম বাঘটোক হত্যা কৰি জ্যোতিষীৰ ওচৰলৈ গৈছিল তেওঁক দেখুৱাবলৈ। এই জ্যোতিষীয়ে ক’লে যে তেওঁ উননব্বৈটা বাঘ মাৰিব পাৰে কিন্তু সেই শতম ৰজাৰ প্ৰতি তেওঁ সচেতন হ’ব লাগিব। সেইদিনাৰ পৰাই ঘোষণা কৰা হৈছিল যে ৰাজ্যত কেৱল মহাৰাজেহে বাঘক হত্যা কৰিব আৰু কোনেও কোনো বাঘৰ ওপৰত শিলগুটিও নিক্ষেপ কৰিবলৈ সাহস নকৰে।

এই সকলোবোৰ সময়ত বাঘ ৰজাই বাঘক সকলো নিজেই হত্যা কৰিছিল। বহু দৃষ্টান্ত আহে যেতিয়া বাঘ ৰজাই ৰাজ্য হেৰুৱাৰ বিপদত পৰিছিল। এবাৰ এনে ঘটনা আছিল যেতিয়া এজন বৃটিছ বিষয়াই বাঘ চিকাৰ কৰিবলৈ যোৱাৰ ইচ্ছা প্ৰকাশ কৰিছিল যদিও ৰজাই তেওঁক অস্বীকাৰ কৰি ৰাজ্য হেৰুৱাৰ বিপদত থিয় দিছিল। ইয়াৰ ক্ষতিপূৰণ দিবলৈ মহাৰাজে সেই ইংৰাজ বিষয়াজনৰ পত্নীলৈ প্ৰায় পঞ্চাশটা আঙঠি পঠিয়াইছিল।

দহ বছৰৰ ভিতৰতে মহাৰাজে নিজৰ ৰাজ্যত প্ৰায় সত্তৰটা বাঘ হত্যা কৰিলে যদিও এতিয়া তেওঁৰ ৰাজ্যত বাঘৰ জনসংখ্যা বিলুপ্ত হৈ নিজৰ মিছনক স্থবিৰ কৰি তুলিলে। মহাৰাজে তেওঁৰ দেৱানক বাঘৰ জনসংখ্যা ভাল হোৱা ৰাজ্য বিচাৰিবলৈ ক’লে আৰু তেওঁক বিয়া কৰাবলৈ উপযুক্ত ছোৱালী আছে নেকি চাবলৈ ক’লে। দৰভানে তেওঁৰ নিৰ্দেশ মানি চলিলে আৰু মহাৰাজ সুখী হৈছিল যে প্ৰতিবাৰেই তেওঁৰ শহুৰেক ৰাজ্যৰ ওচৰলৈ যোৱাৰ সময়ত তেওঁৰ হত্যাৰ হুমুনিয়াহ অব্যাহত আছে।

অৱশেষত ৯৯ নং বাঘটোৰ হিচাপ আহিল এতিয়া মহাৰাজজন উদ্বিগ্ন আৰু দুখী হৈ পৰিল কাৰণ শহুৰেকৰ ৰাজ্যতো সংখ্যা কমি গ’ল৷ কিন্তু হঠাৎ তেওঁৰ নিজৰ ৰাজ্যৰ পৰাই খবৰ আহিল যে ভেড়াবোৰ আকৌ এখন গাঁৱৰ পৰা নোহোৱা হৈ গৈছে। মহাৰাজে লগে লগে চিকাৰলৈ ওলাই গ’ল। বাঘটোৱে যেন লুকাই মহাৰাজ খেলিছে কিন্তু সিও শেষ বাঘটোক হত্যা কৰিবলৈ বদ্ধপৰিকৰ আছিল যদিও তাৰ খং বাঢ়ি আহিল আৰু এদিন সি নিজৰ দেৱানক ফোন কৰি মানুহৰ ওপৰত কৰ বৃদ্ধি কৰিবলৈ ক’লে নহ’লে চাকৰি হেৰুৱাব।

গতিকে দেৱানে মাদ্ৰাজৰ এখন পিপলছ পাৰ্কত এটা বাঘ দেখি সেই বাঘটোক হাবিত ৰখাৰ পৰিকল্পনা ৰচনা কৰিলে যাতে বাঘ ৰজাই বাঘটোক হত্যা কৰিব পাৰে। একেই ঘটনা ঘটি বাঘ ৰজাই গুলীয়াই হত্যা কৰে। তেওঁ অতি সুখী হৈ নিজৰ লোকসকলক এই বাঘটোক ৰাজধানীলৈ আনিবলৈ ক’লে কিন্তু ৰজাৰ চিকাৰীসকলে বাঘটোৰ ওচৰলৈ যোৱাৰ লগে লগে তেওঁলোকে দেখিলে যে বাঘটো এতিয়াও জীয়াই আছে আৰু কেৱল অচেতন হৈ আছে। এই কথা ৰজাৰ আগত নকওঁ বুলি সিদ্ধান্ত লৈ বাঘটোক নিজেই হত্যা কৰিলে। বাঘ ৰজা এতিয়া এনে ধাৰণাত পৰিল যে তেওঁ নিজৰ ভাগ্য সলনি কৰি নিজৰ শতম বাঘক হত্যা কৰিলে।

এতিয়া বাঘ ৰজাই নিজৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সৈতে সময় কটাবলৈ আৰু নিজৰ ৰাজ্যৰ প্ৰতি উপযুক্ত মনোযোগ দিবলৈ সিদ্ধান্ত লয়। বাঘ ৰজাৰ তৃতীয় পুত্ৰৰ জন্মদিন ওচৰ চাপি অহাত তেওঁ তাক উপহাৰ দিয়াৰ সিদ্ধান্ত ল’লে। দোকান এখনলৈ গৈ সি নিখুঁত উপহাৰটো বিচাৰে। কাঠৰ বাঘ এটা পাই তেওঁ এইটো ৰজাক দিয়াৰ সিদ্ধান্ত ল’লে। ৰজা আৰু তেওঁৰ পুত্ৰই যেতিয়া কাঠৰ বাঘটোৰ লগত খেলি আছিল তেতিয়া খেলনাটোৰ পৰা সৰু কাঠ এটা ওলাই আহিছিল যিয়ে মহাৰাজৰ আঙুলিত বিন্ধিছিল। এই বিষয়ে তেওঁ কোনো উল্লেখযোগ্য লক্ষ্য লোৱা নাই। কিন্তু এইটো এটা সংক্ৰমণলৈ পৰিণত হ’ল বহু অস্ত্ৰোপচাৰ বিশেষজ্ঞক তেওঁৰ অস্ত্ৰোপচাৰ কৰিবলৈ মাতি অনা হ’ল কিন্তু শেষত, তেওঁৰ প্ৰতিশোধ লোৱা তেওঁৰ শততম বাঘৰ বাবেই মহাৰাজৰ মৃত্যু হ’ল।

Tiger King MCQ

  • Question 1. How many surgeons were summoned to attend the king?
    (a) 3
    (b) 7
    (c) 9
    (d) 13
    Answer: (a) 3

  • Question 2. Identify the literary device in ‘like quills all over it’.
    (a) Metaphor
    (b) Simile
    (c) Alliteration
    (d) Personification
    Answer: (b) Simile

  • Question 3. The wooden tiger was carved by
    (a) A master craftsman
    (b) An unskilled carpenter
    (c) The shopkeeper himself
    (d) A British carpenter
    Answer: (b) An unskilled carpenter

  • Question 4. The original cost of the present was
    (a) 2 annas and a quarter
    (b) 2 annas and a half
    (c) One and a half annas
    (d) 3 annas
    Answer: (a) 2 annas and a quarter

  • Question 5. How old was the King’s son?
    (a) One year old
    (b) Three years old
    (c) Five years old
    (d) Seven years old
    Answer: (b) Three years old

  • Question 6. The 100th tiger had
    (a) been shot dead
    (b) fainted
    (c) disappeared
    (d) been set free
    Answer: (b) fainted

  • Question 7. The old tiger had been brought from
    (a) Calcutta Park
    (b) Business Park
    (c) Leisure Park
    (d) People’s Park
    Answer: (d) People’s Park

  • Question 8. The frustrated Tiger King asked the Dewan——–
    (a) to resign
    (b) to go to far off places in search of a tiger
    (c) to invite the British Officer
    (d) to get a tiger from the Madras zoo
    Answer: (a) to resign

  • Question 9. Maharaja on not finding the last tiger
    (a) went to the Madras zoo
    (b) terminated the services of many officers
    (c) went to live in the jungle
    (d) gave up the idea completely
    Answer: (b) terminated the services of many officers

  • Question 10. Each time the Maharaja visited his father-in-law, he killed tigers
    (a) 1-2
    (b) 5-6
    (c) 9-10
    (d) 12-13
    Answer: (b) 5-6

  • Question 11. In 10 years of hunting expeditions, the Maharaja killed tigers
    (a) 30
    (b) 50
    (c) 70
    (d) 90
    Answer: (c) 70

  • Question 12. Maharaja and Dewan the British Officer to save the kingdom
    (a) entertained
    (b) bribed
    (c) pacified
    (d) confronted
    Answer: (b) bribed

  • Question 13. became the King’s main occupation
    (a) English
    (b) Justice
    (c) Governance
    (d) Tiger hunting
    Answer: (d) Tiger hunting

  • Question 14. A high ranking British officer wished to go on
    (a) a tiger hunting expedition
    (b) to the jungle
    (c) and investigate the decrease in tiger population
    (d) and remove the Tiger King
    Answer: (a) a tiger hunting expedition

  • Question 15. The astrologer stated that he would if the king killed the 100th tiger
    (a) leave the state
    (b) kill himself
    (c) cut his hair
    (d) denounce the world
    Answer: (c) cut his hair

  • Question 16. The state astrologer predicted that no harm would come to the Tiger King till the killing of tigers
    (a) 89
    (b) 99
    (c) 79
    (d) 100
    Answer: (b) 99

  • Question 17. What character trait of the prince is revealed when he utters the words, ‘Let Tigers Beware’?
    (a) Humility
    (b) Arrogance
    (c) Pride
    (d) Will-power
    Answer: (b) Arrogance

  • Question 18. How old was the Prince when he ridiculed the astrologer?
    (a) 10 days
    (b) 10 weeks
    (c) 10 months
    (d) 10 years
    Answer: (a) 10 days

  • Question 19. The Maharaja of is the hero of the story.
    (a) Ramnagar
    (b) Pratibandapuram
    (c) Paltipuram
    (d) Preetamgarh
    Answer: (b) Pratibandapuram

  • Question 20. Kalki, the author of ‘The Tiger King’ has used as a background, days of kings dominating their subjects.
    (a) just
    (b) brave
    (c) eccentric
    (d) gullible
    Answer: (c) eccentric

  • Question 21. What shows the false ego and pride of the king in the story?
    (a) his killing of tigers and no concern for nature
    (b) his desire to marry
    (c) his orders from time to time
    (d) None
    Answer: (a) his killing of tigers and no concern for nature

  • Question 22. What literary device has been used in the story?
    (a) metaphorical expressions
    (b) Irony
    (c) sarcasm
    (d) All
    Answer: (b) Irony

  • Question 23. What birthday gift did the Maharaja present to his 3 years old son?
    (a) a toy
    (b) gold coins
    (c) forests
    (d) a toy tiger
    Answer: (d) a toy tiger

  • Question 24. Why did the king send rings to British official’s wife?
    (a) to save his state and to please The British
    (b) to invite them for hunting
    (c) to invite them for a feast
    (d) to find more tigers
    Answer: (a) to save his state and to please The British

  • Question 25. Why was the Maharaja so anxious to kill the 100th tiger?
    (a) to ensure his safety and to prove prediction wrong
    (b) to prove his hunting skills
    (c) to prove his power
    (d) none
    Answer: (a) to ensure his safety and to prove prediction wrong

  • Question 26. What did the Maharaja do to ensure his safety?
    (a) He owned tigers
    (b) married a princess
    (c) prohibited British officer to enter his territory
    (d) He killed tigers
    Answer: (d) He killed tigers

  • Question 27. What is the irony in the story?
    (a) kings desire to prove predictions wrong
    (b) king’s desire to marry
    (c) king’s desire to kill tigers
    (d) The king killed 99 tigers and died because of a toy tiger
    Answer: (d) The king killed 99 tigers and died because of a toy tiger

  • Question 28. Why did Maharaja put a ban on Tiger hunting in his state?
    (a) to prove the priest’s prediction wrong
    (b) to prove his power
    (c) to show his love for animals
    (d) his kindness towards the animals
    Answer: (a) to prove the priest’s prediction wrong

  • Question 29. Who actually shot the 100th tiger?
    (a) one of the hunters who accompanied the king
    (b) a soldier
    (c) king’s guest
    (d) British high officer
    Answer: (a) one of the hunters who accompanied the king

  • Question 30. What became the cause of King’s death?
    (a) a tiger
    (b) a tiger from his wife’s forest
    (c) a tiger in his state
    (d) the wooden tiger from the toyshop
    Answer: (d) the wooden tiger from the toyshop

  • Question 31. What is the theme of the story?
    (a) Desire of power
    (b) Desire to have power for one’s selfish interests and not for the welfare of the people
    (c) desire to help others
    (d) none
    Answer: (b) Desire to have power for one’s selfish interests and not for the welfare of the people

  • Question 32. When did the Prince marry?
    (a) at the age of 20
    (b) when he killed the first tiger
    (c) After killing all the tigers in the State
    (d) None
    Answer: (c) After killing all the tigers in the State

  • Question 33. At what age the boy crowned as king?
    (a) 30
    (b) 15
    (c) 22
    (d) 20
    Answer: (d) 20

  • Question 34. How did the child grow?
    (a) drinking goat’s milk like other royal children
    (b) drinking buffalo’s milk like other royal children
    (c) drinking cow’s milk like other royal children
    (d) none
    Answer: (b) drinking buffalo’s milk like other royal children

  • Question 35. What did the astrologer predict?
    (a) the boy will be a king
    (b) the boy will visit the world
    (c) the king will be killed by 100th tiger
    (d) none
    Answer: (c) the king will be killed by 100th tiger

  • Question 36. Who was Duraisani?
    (a) an old lady
    (b) a young lady
    (c) a greedy woman, wife of a high rank British officer
    (d) none
    Answer: (c) a greedy woman, wife of a high rank British officer

  • Question 37. Under whose rule were the kings living?
    (a) sovereign rule
    (b) queen’s rule
    (c) king’s rule
    (d) Under the thumb rule of the British
    Answer: (d) Under the thumb rule of the British

  • Question 38. On which issue is the story The Tiger King a satire on?
    (a) on people
    (b) on animals
    (c) on birds
    (d) on the false pride, ego and stubbornness of the powerful people
    Answer: (d) on the false pride, ego and stubbornness of the powerful people

  • Question 39. From where did the author derive his name?
    (a) from the prefix of his name
    (b) from the suffix of his name
    (c) from the suffix of his wife’s name
    (d) from the suffix of his and his wife’s name
    Answer: (d) from the suffix of his and his wife’s name

  • Question 40. Who is the author of The Tiger King?
    (a) Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishnamurthy
    (b) Charles Dickens
    (c) Kamladas
    (d) None
    Answer: (a) Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishnamurthy

  • Question 41. Why did The King not permit British officer to click a picture with the dead tiger?
    (a) to prove his might
    (b) he was scared of the British
    (c) because it was against the rules of his state
    (d) None
    Answer: (c) because it was against the rules of his state

  • Question 42. How has the writer proved the futility of king’s desire?
    (a) by showing him a victim of a toy tiger
    (b) by showing him as a powerful king
    (c) by making the king kill 99 tigers
    (d) All
    Answer: (a) by showing him a victim of a toy tiger

  • Question 43. What is the moral of the story?
    (a) Power
    (b) Power makes us powerful
    (c) Power is meaningless before destiny
    (d) All
    Answer: (c) Power is meaningless before destiny

  • Question 44. What proved the Dewan’s resourcefulness?
    (a) his wits
    (b) his intelligence
    (c) his ability to manage a tiger in Madras
    (d) none
    Answer: (c) his ability to manage a tiger in Madras

  • Question 45. Why did the Maharaja double the tax?
    (a) In his rage against the disappearance of the sheep and to find the 100th tiger
    (b) to raise the funds
    (c) to increase the income of the state
    (d) none
    Answer: (a) In his rage against the disappearance of the sheep and to find the 100th tiger

Founder of Englishfry.com, a captivating and knowledge-driven blog & Founder of Android app/website Studyfunnel.com, an online Mock Test Series Portal. With a wealth of experience spanning over 16+ years, he has excelled as an Ex-Asst.Professor, Teacher, Amazon published author, Website Developer, Graphic Designer,Blogger,Poet, and Creative academic content writer publisher of 4 academic books available Online on Amazon & Flipkart. His tryst in Literature helped him realize his love for writing and telling stories. A tech-savvy language nerd by day and, a passionate writer by night, he now translates his experiences into tales of wisdom served with a side of humor.His widely recognized profound insights ,captivating writing style of weaving words make him contribute to prestigious publications and a sought-after authority in the field that transport readers to extraordinary worlds.

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